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A Guide to Canine and Feline Orthopaedic Surgery, Fourth edition

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Ačkoliv na trhu existuje několik knih zabývajících se ortopedií, doporučuji právě tuto knihu pro její praktický přístup, čtivost a dokonalost…dokonce zkušený chirurg zde najde užitečné praktické rady.
The Veterinary Record
Tato úspěšná kniha, poprvé publikována v r. 1980, vychází nyní ve čtvrtém vydání poskytuje pohotová sdělení pro veterinární studenty a veterinární lékaře v praxi, kteří chtějí stále rozšiřovat své znalosti v chirurgické ortopedii malých zvířat. Čtvrté vydání má stejný praktický přístup, ale bylo kompletně aktualizováno a přepsáno. Ilustrace byly rovněž doplněny a mnoho kreseb bylo zkombinováno s fotografiemi a rentgenovými snímky za účelem upřesnění diagnózy a chirurgických technik.
Obsáhlý přehled ortopedických problémů míchy u psů a koček
Nejnovější chirurgické techniky
100 nových fotografií

Autor: Hamish R. Denny MA. Vet.MB. PhD. DSAO, FRCVS, Veterinary Orthopeadics Referral Service, Bristol, UK, Steven Butterworth, RCVS, Specialist in Small Animal Surgery (Orthopedics), Swansea

Cena s DPH:  asi 4562 Kč
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Počet stran640

This successful book, first published in 1980 and now in its fourth edition, provides an authoritative guide for busy practitioners trying to keep pace with current trends in small animal orthopaedic surgery. In this new edition Hamish Denny and Steven Butterworth have retained the same practical approach but have completely rewritten and updated the book to provide a comprehensive review of orthopaedic and spinal conditions in the dog and cat. The illustrations have also undergone a major overhaul and the many line drawings are now combined with photographs and radiographs to clarify diagnostic and surgical techniques.
Although the size of the book has increased, its regional approach to problems still enables the reader to use it as a rapid reference guide. It will prove an invaluable source of information for veterinary practitioners diagnosing and treating orthopaedic and spinal problems, while postgraduate students taking further qualifications in orthopaedics will find a sound basis for their studies and further reading provided here.
"Although there are a fair number of orthopaedic textbooks in the marketplace, I would recommend this one for its practical approach, readability and thoroughness. Being a hardback, its cost is slightly higher than its predecessor's, but it has undergone considerable expansion and, at #55, still represents very good value for money. Even the most experienced surgeon will be able to glean useful practical advice from this book."
The Veterinary Record
From the Back Cover
This successful book, first published in 1980 and now in its fourth edition, provides an authoritative guide for busy practitioners trying to keep pace with current trends in small animal orthopaedic surgery. In this new edition Hamish Denny and Steven Butterworth have retained the same practical approach but have completely rewritten and updated the book to provide a comprehensive review of orthopaedic and spinal conditions in the dog and cat. The illustrations have also undergone a major overhaul and the many line drawings are now combined with photographs and radiographs to clarify diagnostic and surgical techniques.

Although the size of the book has increased, its regional approach to problems still enables the reader to use it as a rapid reference guide. It will prove an invaluable source of information for veterinary practitioners diagnosing and treating orthopaedic and spinal problems, while postgraduate students taking further qualifications in orthopaedics will find a sound basis for their studies and further reading provided here.

Joint Diseases39
Fracture Management81
The Skull and Spine161
The Forelimb299
Miscellaneous orthopedic conditions601