Internetové knihkupectví s veterinární tématikou
Oblast infekčních nemocí ve veterinární medicíně je přínosná i náročná a tato kniha nabízí veterinářům malých zvířat záchranné lano tím, že vyvažuje relevantní zázemí, pokyny a optimalizuje efektivitu. Poskytuje lékařům cestu tímto komplexním oborem tím, že zdůrazňuje klinicky nejrelevantnější aspekty široké škály nemocí a umožňuje jim zvážit umístění na diferenciální seznamy psů a koček. Organizované podle systémové struktury jsou pokryty všechny hlavní klinicky postižené systémy spolu s univerzální multisystémovou kapitolou pro infekční nemoci, které unikají snadné klasifikaci.
Kniha je klinicky orientovaná, vychází ze zkušeností podložených publikovanými výzkumnými daty. Informace specifické pro patogeny umožňují racionální volbu diagnostiky, terapie a prognózy pro úplný seznam infekčních onemocnění malých zvířat, který zahrnuje bakteriální, virové, parazitární/protozoální a plísňové patogeny. Tato stručná referenční příručka bude neocenitelným nástrojem pro klinické lékaře, kteří rozvíjejí své znalosti a schopnost komunikovat o infekčních onemocněních psů a koček.
Klíčové vlastnosti:
Poskytuje klinicky orientovanou rychlou referenční příručku
Zahrnuje všechna hlavní infekční onemocnění malých zvířat
Obsahuje přes 300 nádherných barevných ilustrací
Autor: J Scott Weese, Michelle Evason
Nakladatel | Taylor & Francis |
ISBN | 9781032570105 |
Vydání | 2022 |
Vazba | brožovaná |
Počet stran | 312 |
The field of infectious diseases in veterinary medicine is both rewarding and challenging, and this book offers small animal veterinarians a lifeline by balancing relevant background, guidance and optimizing efficiency. It provides a pathway for clinicians through this complex field by highlighting the most clinically relevant aspects of a wide range of diseases, and granting them consideration for placement on dog and cat differential lists. Organized according to a system-based structure, all the major clinically affected systems are covered along with a catch-all multisystem chapter for infectious diseases that escape easy classification.
The book is clinically oriented, based on experience underpinned by published research data. Pathogen-specific information enables rational choice of diagnostics, therapy, and prognostication for a complete list of small animal infectious diseases, that includes bacterial, viral, parasitic/protozoal and fungal pathogens. This concise reference guide will be an invaluable tool for clinicians as they develop their understanding of, and ability to communicate about, infectious diseases of the dog and cat.
Key features:
Provides a clinically oriented quick reference guide
Includes all major small animal infectious diseases
Contains over 300 superb color illustrations
Scott Weese is a veterinary internist and microbiologist, chief of infection control at University of Guelph Ontario Veterinary College Health Sciences Centre, and Canada Research Chair in zoonotic diseases. As editor in chief of Clinician’s Brief, Dr. Weese provides quintessential expertise on infectious and zoonotic diseases (particularly of companion animals), infection control, and antimicrobial therapy. Scott is also co-editor of Equine Clinical Medicine, Surgery and Reproduction published by CRC press.
Michelle Evason is a veterinary internist at the University of Prince Edward Island Atlantic Veterinary College. She has worked in companion animal specialty practice, in academia, in the animal health industry and as an independent consultant. She has myriad clinical and research interests and enjoys teaching above all things- aside from her children.
Respiratory Diseases. Aelurostrongylus abstrusus/cat lungworm, verminous pneumonia. Bacterial pneumonia. Blastomyces dermatitidis/blastomycosis. Bordetella bronchiseptica. Canine adenovirus type 2. Canine infectious respiratory disease complex;. kennel cough, infectious tracheobronchitis. Canine parainfluenza virus. Canine respiratory coronavirus. Chlamydiosis/Chlamydia (formerly Chlamydophila) felis. Crenosoma vulpis (fox lungworm). Eucoleus aerophilus (Capillaria aerophila) (lungworm). Feline calicivirus. Feline herpesvirus 1. (feline viral rhinotracheitis). Feline upper respiratory tract disease. Filarid lungworms: spp. and Ollulanus tricuspis. Parvoviruses: canine parvovirus and feline panleukopenia virus. Salmonella. Tapeworms: Taenia spp. and Dipylidium caninum. Toxocara and Toxascaris spp. (ascarids or roundworms). Trichuris vulpis (canine whipworms). Tritrichomonas foetus Bacterial meningitis or meningoencephalitis. Canine distemper virus (distemper). Clostridium botulinum/botulism. Clostridium tetani/tetanus. Cuterebra myiasis. Diskospondylitis. Neospora caninum. Demodex canis. Dermatophytosis (ringworm). Lagenidiosis. Lepromatous mycobacterial infections. Malassezia pachydermatis. Necrotizing fasciitis. Non-tuberculous mycobacteria. Otitis externa. Otodectes cynotis (ear mites). Papillomavirus. Pyoderma. Pythium insidiosum (pythiosis). Sarcoptes scabiei and Notoedres cati. Sporotrichosis. Zygomycosis. References. Multisystem Diseases. Actinomyces and Nocardia spp.. Anaerobic bacterial infections. Angiostrongylus vasorum (French heartworm). Babesia spp. (babesiosis). Bartonella spp. (bartonellosis). (heartworm). Ehrlichiosis and anaplasmosis. Environmental and opportunistic fungal pathogens. Dimorphic systemic mycoses. Filamentous ascomycetes, non-pigmented (aspergillosis). Dematiaceous (pigmented) fungi (phaeohyphomycoses). Feline immunodeficiency virus. Feline infectious peritonitis. Feline leukemia virus. Hemotropic mycoplasmas. Hepatozoon americanum (American canine hepatozoonosis). Histoplasmosis. Neorickettsia helminthoeca (salmon poisoning). Plague/Yersinia pestis. Prototheca spp. (protothecosis). Rocky Mountain spotted fever/Rickettsia rickettsii. Surgical site infections. Toxoplasma gondii (toxoplasmosis). Trypanosomiasis. Tularemia (Franciscella tularensis
Listen to a fantastic review on VetEducation's Vet Synapse podcast here
Infectious Diseases of the Dog and Cat: A Color Handbook is designed to provide busy clinicians with relevant information to guide diagnosis and treatment of infectious diseases in a clinical setting. As an avid fan of Dr. Weese’s blog, I anxiously awaited this publication. In addition to reliable, targeted, and efficient text, striking color photographs and summary tables provide quick information on featured agents. Chapters are well referenced, and the indexing is thorough... Overall, this book is a high-quality reference on infectious disease with information that is both accessible and concise for general clinical practice. It is an excellent supplemental reference for a clinic library and is well suited for veterinary students as they prepare for the North American Veterinary Licensing Examination.
-- Elizabeth Berliner, DVM, DABVP, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY in JAVMA JUN 15, 2020, VOL 256 NO. 12
A Color Handbook of Infectious Diseases of the Dog and Cat is an extremely useful, well-written reference, that belies its small size. It is both accessible and useful to a wide range of clinicians, from general practitioners, through to residents, interns, and those studying for board examinations. Whilst it is not an exhaustive text, it is one of the most user-friendly references on this topic that this reviewer has encountered, and the authors and publishers should be commended on their efforts in creating it.
-- Dr. Philip Judge, BVSc MVS PG Cert Vet Stud MACVSc (VECC; Medicine of Dogs), on Vet Synapse podcast
Chaper 1 Respiratory Diseases. | 1 |
Aelurostrongylus abstrusus/cat lungworm, verminous pneumonia. | 1 |
Bacterial pneumonia. | 2 |
Blastomyces dermatitidis/blastomycosis. | 6 |
Bordetella bronchiseptica. | 10 |
Canine adenovirus type 2. | 12 |
Canine infectious respiratory disease complex;. kennel cough, infectious tracheobronchitis. | 12 |
Canine parainfluenza virus. | 15 |
Canine respiratory coronavirus. | 16 |
Chlamydiosis/Chlamydia (formerly Chlamydophila) felis. | 16 |
Crenosoma vulpis (fox lungworm). | 18 |
Eucoleus aerophilus (Capillaria aerophila) (lungworm). | 20 |
Feline calicivirus. | 21 |
Feline herpesvirus 1. (feline viral rhinotracheitis). | 24 |
Feline upper respiratory tract disease. | 27 |
Filarid lungworms: spp. and Ollulanus tricuspis. | 31 |
Influenza virus | 32 |
Mycoplasma spp. | 34 |
Paragonimus kelicotti (lung fluke) | 36 |
Pneumonyssoides caninum | 38 |
Pyothorax | 39 |
Streptococcus zooepidemicus | 42 |
Refernces | 43 |
Chaper 2 Gastrointestinal Diseases | 49 |
Parvoviruses: canine parvovirus and feline panleukopenia virus. | 77 |
Salmonella. | 84 |
Tapeworms: Taenia spp. and Dipylidium caninum. | 83 |
Toxocara and Toxascaris spp. (ascarids or roundworms). | 86 |
Trichuris vulpis (canine whipworms). | 88 |
Tritrichomonas foetus | 90 |
References | 92 |
Chaper 3 Neurological Diseaes | 97 |
Bacterial meningitis or meningoencephalitis. | 97 |
Canine distemper virus (distemper). | 98 |
Clostridium botulinum/botulism. | 102 |
Clostridium tetani/tetanus. | 104 |
Cuterebra myiasis. | 107 |
Diskospondylitis. | 109 |
Neospora caninum. | 112 |
Chaper 4 Genitourinary Diseases | 123 |
Chaper 5 Skin and Soft Tisssue | 149 |
Cheyletiella sp.. (cheyletiellosis) | 149 |
Demodex canis. | 151 |
Dermatophytosis (ringworm). | 153 |
Lagenidiosis. | 157 |
Lepromatous mycobacterial infections. | 158 |
Malassezia pachydermatis. | 160 |
Necrotizing fasciitis. | 163 |
Non-tuberculous mycobacteria. | 165 |
Otitis externa. | 168 |
Otodectes cynotis (ear mites). | 172 |
Papillomavirus. | 174 |
Pyoderma. | 176 |
Pythium insidiosum (pythiosis). | 180 |
Sarcoptes scabiei and Notoedres cati. | 182 |
Sporotrichosis. | 184 |
Zygomycosis. | 187 |
References. | 188 |
Chaper 6 Multisystem Diseses | 193 |
Actinomyces and Nocardia spp.. | 193 |
Anaerobic bacterial infections. | 196 |
Angiostrongylus vasorum (French heartworm). | 198 |
Babesia spp. (babesiosis). | 201 |
Bartonella spp. (bartonellosis). (heartworm). | 204 |
Ehrlichiosis and anaplasmosis. | 224 |
Environmental and opportunistic fungal pathogens. | 228 |
Feline immunodeficiency virus. | 243 |
Feline infectious peritonitis. | 245 |
Feline leukemia virus. | 249 |
Hemotropic mycoplasmas. | 253 |
Hepatozoon americanum (American canine hepatozoonosis). | 256 |
Histoplasmosis. | 259 |
Neorickettsia helminthoeca (salmon poisoning). | 271 |
Plague/Yersinia pestis. | 273 |
Prototheca spp. (protothecosis). | 274 |
Rocky Mountain spotted fever/Rickettsia rickettsii. | 276 |
Surgical site infections. | 280 |
Toxoplasma gondii (toxoplasmosis). | 282 |
Trypanosomiasis. | 286 |
Tularemia (Franciscella tularensis | 290 |
References. | 292 |
Index | 301 |