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A Guide to Plant Poisoning of Animals in North America (Book+CD)

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Tato publikace umožňuje prevenci a zvládání rostlinných otrav u domácích zvířat. Přesná identifikace rostlin je docílena pomocí 253 kvalitních barevných fotografií uvedených v textu. Publikace je rozdělena do sekcí podle klinických příznaků intoxikací. Na začátku sekce je pospán stručně mechanismus působení jedů, klinické příznaky, postmortální nálezy, diagnostika, terapie a prevence rostlinných intoxikací. U každé rostliny je v přehledné mapce uvedeno její geografické umístění v Severní Americe. Rostlina je vždy popsána na jedné stránce přesným botanickým jménem, místem výskytu, popisem, principy účinku toxinu. Publikace je doplněna CD-romem obsahující text publikace.

Autor: Anthony Knight; Richard Walter

Cena s DPH:  asi 2343 Kč
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NakladatelTeton NewMedia
Vazbabrožovaná s CD-romem
Počet stran367

A definitive guide to the clinical assessment, management and prevention of plant poisoning in domestic animals. Accurate Identification of plant materials through the use of 253 high quality color illustrations placed as needed throughout the text. Organized into sections according to the animal symptoms with specific descriptions of the toxins involved and their modes of action. Geographic location maps are provided which highlight the distribution of specific plant material within North America. The title is extensively referenced and includes a functional glossary of botanical terms for the convenience of the user. This durable physical presentation makes it an optimal field reference guide.

Chapter 1 Plants Causing Sudden Death1
Plants Containing Cyanogenic Glycosides1
Mechanism of Acute Cyanide Poisoning3
Clinical Signs of Acute Cyanide Poisoning4
Prevention of Cyanide Poisoning5
Plants: Acacia, Western Service Berry, Mountain Mahogany, Wild Blue Flax, Western Choke-Cherry, Elderberry, Johnson Grass, Poison Suckleya, Arrow Grass, Habitat; Description; Principal Toxin6-14
Plant-Associated Nitrate Poisoning15
Nitrate Toxicology16
Clinical Signs17
Chronic Nitrate Poisoning17
Prevention of Nitrate Poisoning19
Common Weeds that Accumulate Nitrate20
Plants: Ragweed, Wild Oat Grass, Lamb's-Quarter, Canada Thistle, Field Bindweed, Barnyard Grass, Sunflower, Kochia, Mallow, Russian Thistle Habitat; Description; Principal Toxin20-29
Plants Containing Toxic Alkaloids30
Larkspur Poisoning30
Plant: Larkspur30
Habitat; Description; Toxicity; Clinical Signs; Treatment; Prevention of Larkspur Poisoning; Control31-36
Plants: Aconite, Poison Hemlock, Water Hemlock, Copperweed Habitat; Description; Principal Toxin; Clinical Signs37-44
Chapter 2 Plants Affecting the Cardiovascular System57
Cardiac Glycosides57
Toxicity of Cardiac Glycosides58
Clinical Signs of Poisoning58
Yellow Oleander, Milkweeds, Yew, Avocado, Death Camas Habitat; Description; Principal Toxin; Clinical Signs; Treatment60-74
Chapter 3 Plants Affecting the Digestive System80
Excessive Salivation80
Clinical Signs82
Plants: Blister Buttercup, Bur Buttercup, Baneberry, Tung Nut, Chinaberry, Pokeweed, Habitat; Description; Principal Toxins; Clinical Signs; Treatment83-93
Gastrointestinal Impaction and Obstruction Caused by Plants94
Plants: Mesquite, American Persimmon Habitat; Description; Principal Toxins94-96
Principal Toxin; Clinical Signs; Treatment; Prevention97
Plants: Orange Sneezeweed, Bitter Sneezeweed, Sneezeweed (H. autumnale), Sneezeweed (H. microcephalum), Colorado Rubberweed, Bitterweed, Desert Baileya, Field Bindweed Habitat; Description; Principal Toxins; Clinical Signs; Treatment98-104
Principal Toxin; Clinical Signs; Treatment106
Plants: Jimson Weed, Sacred Datura, Angel's Trumpet, Deadly Nightshade, Black Henbane, Black Nightshade, Bitter Nightshade, Silver Leaf Nightshade, Horse Nettle, Buffalo Bur, Tropical Soda Apple, Ground Cherries Habitat; Description; Principal Toxins; Clinical Signs; Treatment107-118
Plant: Leafy Spurge Habitat; Description; Principal Toxins; Clinical Signs; Treatment119-120
Principal Toxins; Clinical Signs; Diagnosis; Treatment121-122
Plants: Castor Bean, Precatory Bean, Black Locust, Mayapple, Privet Habitat; Description; Principal Toxins; Clinical Signs; Treatment123-127
Rhododendron Grayanotoxins128
Principal Toxin; Clinical Signs; Diagnosis; Treatment128
Plants: Rhododendron, Mountain Laurel, Japanese Pieris, Fetter-Bush, Maleberry, Common Box Habitat; Description; Principal Toxins; Clinical Signs; Treatment129-134
Chapter 4 Plants Affecting the Skin and Liver142
Primary Photosensitization
Secondary Photosensitization
Pyrrolizidine Poisoning144
Biliary Occlusive Photosensitization146
Alsike Clover Poisoning146
Mycotoxin Photosensitivity147
Blue-Green Algae Poisoning148
Clinical Signs of Photosensitization148
Control of Photosensitizing Plants150
Plants: Bishop's Weed, Buckwheat, St. John's Wort, Lechuguilla, Fiddleneck, Rattlebox, Senecio, Hound's Tongue, Lantana, Sacahuista, Horsebrush, Puncture Vine, Panic Grasses, Kochia, Hairy Vetch, Leucaena, Scorpion Weed, Poison Ivy,Oak, and Sumac Habitat; Description; Principal Toxin; Clinical Signs
Chapter 5 Plants Affecting the Blood186
Onion Poisoning186
Plant: Allium spp. Habitat; Description; Principal Toxin; Clinical Signs; Treatment186
Brassica Poisoning188
Glucosinolate Poisoning188
Clinical Signs; Treatment; Preventive Measures189
Red Maple Poisoning190
Plant: Acert rubrum190
Habitat; Description; Principal Toxin; Clinical Signs; Treatment190-191
Yellow Sweet Clover192
Plant: Melilotus Officinalis, Bracken Fern, Brake Fern, Eagle Fern Habitat; Description; Principal Toxin; Clinical Signs; Treatment192-194
Bracken Fern Poisoning195
Principal Toxins195
Clinical Signs of Bracken Poisoning in Cattle and Sheep196
Bracken Fern Poisoning in Sheep197
Bracken Fern Poisoning in Horses197
Bracken Fern Poisoning in People197
Chapter 6 Plants Affecting the Nervous System204
Section I: Locoweeds204
Locoweed Poisoning204
Principal Toxin204
Clinical Syndromes Attributable to Locoweed Poisoning205
Diagnosis of Locosim207
Treatment of Locoism208
Prevention and Management of Locoweed Poisoning208
Astragalus Species Containing Nitro Compounds209
Prinicpal Toxins209
Clinical Signs210
Prevention and Control211
Plants: Blue or Spotted Locoweed, Woolly or Purple Locoweed, White Locoweed, Purple Locoweed, Timber Milk Vetch, Crown Vetch Habitat; Description; Principal Toxin; Clinical Signs; Treatment212-217
Section II: Other Plants Affecting the Nervous System218
Sagebrush Poisoning218
Plants: Sand Sage, Fringed Sage, Big Sagebrush, Coyotillo, Bracken Fern, Common Horsetail Habitat; Description; Principal Toxin; Clinical Signs; Treatment219-224
Yellow Star Thistle and Russian Knapweed Poisoning225
Plants: Yellow Star Thistle, Russian Knapweed225
Habitat; Description; Principal Toxin; Clinical Signs; Treatment225-227
White Snakeroot Poisoning228
Plants: White Snakeroot, Jimmy Weed Habitat; Description; Principal Toxin; Clinical Signs; Treatment229-231
Miscellaneous Neurotoxic Plants232
Plants: Mescal Bean, Buckeye, Kentucky Coffee Tree, Carolina Jessamine, Sweet Shrub, Carolina Allspice, Golden Chain Tree, Bleeding Heart, Lobelia, Western Horse Nettle, Potato Weed Habitat; Description; Principal Toxin; Clinical Signs; Treatment232-241
Sudan and Johnson Grass Poisoning242
Clinical Signs242
Plants: Peas (Lathyrism), Caltrop, Carpetweed, Hemp, Marijuana, Tobacco Habitat; Description; Principal Toxin; Clinical Signs; Treatment243-248
Miscellaneous Plants Associated with Neurologic Signs248
Chapter 7 Plants Causing Kidney Failure263
Oxalate Poisoning263
Toxic Effects of Oxalates263
Clinical Signs265
Plants: Five Hook Bassia, Halogeton, Greasewood, Sorrel, Pigweed, Purslane, Dock, Rhubarb, Oak Habitat; Description; Principal Toxin; Clinical Signs; Necropsy; Treatment266-279
Acorn Calf Syndrome275
Chapter 8 Plants Associated with Congenital Defects and Reproductive Failure278
Teratogenic Plants278
Milk Vetches Locoweed278
Plant: Lupine Habitat; Description; Principal Toxin280
Crooked Calf Disease281
Nervous Syndrome Poison Hemlock, Spotted Hemlock282
Plants Causing Abortion283
Plants: Western False Hellebore, Tree Tobacco, Broom Snakeweed, Western Yellow or Ponderosa Pine Habitat; Description; Principal Toxin; Clinical Signs283-289
Nitrate Poisoning290
Chapter 9 Plants Affecting the Musculoskeletal System295
Plant-Induced Calcinosis295
Plant: Day-Blooming Jessamine Habitat; Description; Principal Toxin; Clinical Signs295-296
Plants Causing Muscle Degeneration297
Plants: Senna, Sickle Pod, Golden Banner, Black Walnut, Hoary Alyssum, Flatweed Habitat; Description; Principal Toxin; Clinical Signs; Treatment297-304
Phytogenic Selenium Poisoning305
Chronic Selenosis (Alkali Disease)306
Clinical Signs307
Selenium Deficiency308
Blind Staggers308
Plants: Two-Grooved Milk Vetch, Rayless Goldenweed, Woody Aster, Prince's Plume, White Fall Aster, Broom Snakeweed, Gumweed, Saltbrush, Indian Paintbrush, Beard Tongue Habitat; Description; Principal Toxin309-317
Chapter 10 Plants Affecting the Mammary Gland323
Plant Toxins in Milk323
Abnormal Milk Flavor324
Alphabetic Plant List333