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Advanced Monitoring and Procedures for Small Animal Emergency and Critical Care, 2nd Edition

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Druhé vydání je kompletní a klinicky orientovanou referenční publikací pro podrobné podrobnosti o široké škále postupů na pohotovosti pro malá zvířata a na jednotce intenzivní péče. Každý protokol poskytuje podrobné pokyny založené na důkazech. Kniha je pečlivě navržena pro snadné použití, obsahuje stručné, ale vyčerpávající vysvětlení, užitečné seznamy vybavení, protokoly v krabicích a rozsáhlé referenční seznamy.
V revidovaném a rozšířeném druhém vydání byly informace aktualizovány a rozšířeny v celém rozsahu a byly přidány informace a kapitoly v mnoha důležitých oblastech, včetně veterinární ultrazvukové péče v místě péče (VPOCUS), veterinární KPR, krevního bankovnictví a transfuzního lékařství, pokročilé techniky mechanické ventilace a zdraví týmu veterinární péče. Doprovodná webová stránka nabízí protokoly ve Wordu pro úpravy a použití v praxi a obrázky z knihy v PowerPointu.
Specifická témata obsažená v Pokročilém monitorování a postupech pro nouzovou a kritickou péči o malá zvířata zahrnují:
Kardiovaskulární systém zahrnující katetrizaci žilního kompartmentu, arteriální punkci a katetrizaci, srdeční VPOCUS, principy elektrokardiografie a interpretace elektrokardiogramu
Dýchací systém zahrnující kyslíkovou terapii, pulzní oxymetrii a CO-oxymetrii, analýzu krevních plynů, pleurální prostor a plicní VPOCUS, tracheální intubaci a dočasnou tracheostomii
Močový a břišní systém, zahrnující uretrální katetrizaci, abdominální VPOCUS, peritoneální dialýzu, technický management hemodialyzovaných pacientů a peritoneální vyšetření
Transfuzní lékařství, zahrnující krevní bankovnictví, krevní skupiny, křížové porovnávání a podávání krve a dalších biologických produktů
Pokročilé monitorování a postupy pro nouzovou a kritickou péči o malá zvířata představují neocenitelné a dostupné informace pro nouzové situace, což z nich činí velmi užitečnou referenci pro veterinární lékaře, veterinární techniky a zdravotní sestry, studenty veterinární medicíny, obyvatele pohotovostní a kritické péče o malá zvířata, pohotovost pro malá zvířata a specialisté na kritickou péči a veterinární technici pro pohotovostní a kritickou péči a specialisté na zdravotní sestry.

Autor: Jamie M. Burkitt Creedon (Editor), Harold Davis (Editor)

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VydáníII. vydání 2023
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Advanced Monitoring and Procedures for Small Animal Emergency and Critical Care
Detailed, standardized, step-by-step protocols for easy access to essential information in small animal emergency rooms and intensive care units
Advanced Monitoring and Procedures for Small Animal Emergency and Critical Care, Second Edition offers a complete and clinically oriented reference for step-by-step detail on a wide range of procedures in the small animal emergency room and intensive care unit. Each protocol provides detailed instructions grounded in the evidence. The book is carefully designed for ease of use, with concise but comprehensive explanations, useful equipment lists, protocols called out in boxes, and extensive reference lists.
In the revised and expanded Second Edition, information has been updated and expanded throughout, and information and chapters have been added in many important areas, including veterinary point-of-care ultrasound (VPOCUS), veterinary CPR, blood banking and transfusion medicine, advanced techniques for mechanical ventilation, and veterinary health care team wellbeing. A companion website offers the protocols in Word for editing and use in practice and the figures from the book in PowerPoint.
Specific topics covered in Advanced Monitoring and Procedures for Small Animal Emergency and Critical Care include:
The cardiovascular system, covering catheterization of the venous compartment, arterial puncture and catheterization, cardiac VPOCUS, principles of electrocardiography, and electrocardiogram interpretation
The respiratory system, covering oxygen therapy, pulse oximetry and CO-oximetry, blood gas analysis, pleural space and lung VPOCUS, tracheal intubation, and temporary tracheostomy
The urinary and abdominal systems, covering urethral catheterization, abdominal VPOCUS, peritoneal dialysis, technical management of hemodialysis patients, and peritoneal evaluation
Transfusion medicine, covering blood banking, blood typing, cross-matching, and administration of blood and other biological products
Advanced Monitoring and Procedures for Small Animal Emergency and Critical Care presents invaluable and accessible information for emergency situations, making it a highly useful reference for veterinary practitioners, veterinary technicians and nurses, veterinary students, small animal emergency and critical care residents, small animal emergency and critical care specialists, and emergency and critical care veterinary technicians and nurse specialists.
The editors
Jamie M. Burkitt Creedon, DVM, DACVECC, is Associate Professor of Clinical Small Animal Emergency and Critical Care at the University of California at Davis School of Veterinary Medicine in Davis, California, USA. She currently serves as the editor-in-chief of the Journal of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care, and is an Executive Committee member for the RECOVER initiative in veterinary CPR.
Harold Davis, BA, RVT, VTS (Emergency and Critical Care) (Anesthesia and Analgesia), is retired from his position as Manager of the Small Animal Emergency and Critical Care Service at the William R. Pritchard Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital of the University of California at Davis School of Veterinary Medicine in Davis, California, USA.

List of Contributorsxi
Preface to the Second Editionxvii
About the Companion Websitexxi
Section One Fundamental Elements of Emergency and Critical Care Practice1
1 Triage3
2 The Small Animal Emergency Room13
3 Intensive Care Unit Design23
4 Developing and Using Checklists in Practice47
5 Medical Charting53
6 Point-of-Care Ultrasound for Emergency and Critical Care75
Section Two Cardiovascular Procedures and Monitoring81
7 Catheterization of the Venous Compartment83
8 Arterial Puncture and Catheterization103
9 Ultrasound-Guided Vascular Access117
10 Principles of Electrocardiography127
11 Electrocardiogram Interpretation135
12 Fluid-Filled Hemodynamic Monitoring Systems153
13 Direct Systemic Arterial Blood Pressure Monitoring169
14 Noninvasive Arterial Blood Pressure Monitoring181
15 Central Venous Pressure Monitoring191
16 Cardiac Output Monitoring207
17 Point-of-Care Cardiac Ultrasound225
18 Pericardiocentesis241
19 Monitoring Tissue Perfusion: Clinicopathologic Aids and Advanced Techniques251
20 Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation261
21 Open-Chest Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation271
22 Defibrillation281
23 Temporary Cardiac Pacing291
Section Three Respiratory Procedures and Monitoring309
24 Oxygen Therapy311
25 Pulse Oximetry and Co-Oximetry327
26 Blood Gas Analysis339
27 Point-of-Care Lung and Pleural Space Ultrasound347
28 Tracheal Intubation365
29 Temporary Tracheostomy377
30 Capnography389
31 Mechanical Ventilation399
32 Ventilator Waveform Analysis409
33 Alternative Methods of Augmented Ventilation427
34 Pleural Space Drainage431
Section Four Urinary and Gastrointestinal Procedures449
35 Urethral Catheterization451
36 Peritoneal Dialysis467
37 Technical Management of Hemodialysis481
38 Peritoneal Evaluation499
39 Point-of-Care Abdominal Ultrasound513
40 Specialized Gastrointestinal Techniques523
41 Postoperative Peritoneal Drainage Techniques539
Section Five Nutrition545
42 Nutritional Requirements in Critical Illness547
43 Enteral Diets for Critically Ill Patients555
44 Assisted Enteral Feeding567
45 Parenteral Nutrition585
Section Six Analgesia and Anesthesia599
46 Drug Administration601
47 Pain Recognition and Management617
48 Systemic Analgesia631
49 Local Anesthesia651
50 Monitoring the Anesthetized Patient665
51 Nursing Care of the Long-Term Anesthetized Patient681
52 Neuromuscular Blockade691
Section Seven Clinicopathologic Techniques699
53 Blood Sample Collection and Handling701
54 In-House Hematologic Evaluation717
55 In-House Evaluation of Hemostasis739
56 Electrolyte Evaluation747
57 Acid–Base Evaluation763
58 Osmolality and Colloid Osmotic Pressure771
59 Body Fluid Collection and Handling779
60 Urinalysis in Acutely and Critically Ill Dogs and Cats787
61 Cytology797
Section Eight Infection Control807
62 Minimizing Healthcare-Associated Infections809
63 Care of Indwelling Device Insertion Sites819
64 Antiseptics, Disinfectants, and Sterilization837
65 Personnel Precautions for Patients with Zoonotic Disease845
Section Nine Transfusion Medicine859
66 Blood Typing and Crossmatching861
67 Blood Transfusion879
68 Administration of Other Biological Products891
69 Blood Banking905
Section Ten Nursing Care of Specific Populations921
70 Care of the Patient with Intracranial Disease923
71 Care of the Burned Animal935
72 Care of the Environmentally Injured Animal941
73 Blood Glucose Monitoring and Glycemic Control951
74 Critical Nursing Care of the Neonate965
75 Safe Handling and Care of Patients Exposed to Radioactive and Anti-Neoplastic Agents997
76 Handling the Suspected Cruelty Case1005
Section Eleven Wellness for the Veterinary Health Care Team1017
77 Self-Compassion: The Cornerstone of Wellbeing1019