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Antimicrobial Therapy in Veterinary Medicine 5. edition

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Publikace je nejkomplexnějším odkazem na antibiotik ve veterinární medicíně. Páté vydání bylo důkladně přepracováno a aktualizováno, aby odráželo rychlý pokrok v oblasti antimikrobiální terapie. Zahrnuje všechny aspekty používání antimikrobiálních léčiv u zvířat prakticky všech typů používaných antimikrobiálních látek. Nová kapitola je věnována zvířatům v zoologických zahradách.
Pro praktické veterinární lékaře je jistě zajímavá kapitola o použití antibiotik v praxi, kdy se musí zohlednit všechny okolnosti při použití antibotik, tj. od ceny, způsobu aplikace, druhu zvířat, rezistence, ochranných lhůt. Proto je kniha bohatě doplněna tabulkami, grafy a fotografiemi. Pro pracovníky laboratoří budou určitě přínosné kapitoly o eliminaci antibiotik v živočišných produktech, kde se tato kapitola hemží vzorci a tabulkami.
Jednotlivé skupiny antibiotik jsou v kapitole popisovány svým složením, mechanizmy působení, rezistencí, farmakokinetikou, jednotlivými interakcemi, toxicitou a vedlejšími účinky, klinickým použitím u jednotlivých druhů zvířat (skot, ovce, kozy, prasata, koně, psi, kočky a drůbež). Autoři popsali v kapitolách i principy léčby dle druhů patogenů, velká kapitola je věnována problematice reziduí u potravinových zvířat a regulaci použití antibiotik u zvířat. Praktičtí lékaři zajisté přivítají kapitolu o použití antibiotik u jednotlivých druhů zvířat nejen podle klinické diagnózy, ale i dle původců s uvedením doporučených a alternativních antibiotik s uvedením dávky, doby léčby a způsoby aplikace nejen u domácích zvířat, ale i zoo zvířat a ryb.

Autor: Steeve Giguère, DVM, PhD, DACVIM, is Professor of Large Animal Internal Medicine and the Marguerite Hodgson Chair in Equine Studies at the College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Georgia, in Athens, Georgia. John F. Prescott, MA, VetMB, PhD, is Professor in the Department of Pathobiology at the University of Guelph in Guelph, Ontario. Patricia M. Dowling, DVM, MS, DACVIM, DACVCP, is Professor of Veterinary Clinical Pharmacology at the University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan

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The Fifth Edition of Antimicrobial Therapy in Veterinary Medicine, the most comprehensive reference available on veterinary antimicrobial drug use, has been thoroughly revised and updated to reflect the rapid advancements in the field of antimicrobial therapy. Encompassing all aspects of antimicrobial drug use in animals, the book provides detailed coverage of virtually all types of antimicrobials relevant to animal health. Now with a new chapter on antimicrobial therapy in zoo animals, Antimicrobial Therapy in Veterinary Medicine offers a wealth of invaluable information for appropriately prescribing antimicrobial therapies and shaping public policy.
Divided into four sections covering general principles of antimicrobial therapy, classes of antimicrobial agents, special considerations, and antimicrobial drug use in multiple animal species, the text is enhanced by tables, diagrams, and photos. Antimicrobial Therapy in Veterinary Medicine is an essential resource for anyone concerned with the appropriate use of antimicrobial drugs, including veterinary practitioners, students, public health veterinarians, and industry and research scientists.
“The result is a solid textbook highly recommended for any veterinary reference library.” (Midwest Book Review, 1 March 2014)
From the Back Cover
The Fifth Edition of Antimicrobial Therapy in Veterinary Medicine, the most comprehensive reference available on veterinary antimicrobial drug use, has been thoroughly revised and updated to reflect the rapid advancements in the field of antimicrobial therapy. Encompassing all aspects of antimicrobial drug use in animals, the book provides detailed coverage of virtually all types of antimicrobials relevant to animal health. Now with a new chapter on antimicrobial therapy in zoo animals, Antimicrobial Therapy in Veterinary Medicine offers a wealth of invaluable information for appropriately prescribing antimicrobial therapies and shaping public policy.
Divided into four sections covering general principles of antimicrobial therapy, classes of antimicrobial agents, special considerations, and antimicrobial drug use in multiple animal species, the text is enhanced by tables, diagrams, and photos. Antimicrobial Therapy in Veterinary Medicine is an essential resource for anyone concerned with the appropriate use of antimicrobial drugs, including veterinary practitioners, students, public health veterinarians, and industry and research scientists.
Key features
Presents a comprehensive reference on veterinary applications for antimicrobial drugs, written by leaders in the field
Provides a fully up-to-date, current resource on antimicrobial therapy, with updates through the book
Features a new chapter on antimicrobial therapy in zoological species
Covers common infectious diseases and appropriate dosages for frequently used antimicrobial agents in many species
Offers tables, diagrams, and photos to supplement the text

Important Noticexv
Section I General Principles of Antimicrobial Therapy1
Steeve Giguère 1 Antimicrobial Drug Action and Interaction: An Introduction3
Joseph E. Rubin 2 Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing Methods and Interpretation of Results11
Patrick Boerlin and David G. White 3 Antimicrobial Resistance and its Epidemiology21
J. Desmond Baggot and Steeve Giguère 4 Principles of Antimicrobial Drug Bioavailability and Disposition41
Marilyn N. Martinez, Pierre-Louis Toutain, and John Turnidge 5 The Pharmacodynamics of Antimicrobial Agents79
Steeve Giguère 6 Principles of Antimicrobial Drug Selection and Use105
J. Scott Weese, Stephen W. Page, and John F. Prescott 7 Antimicrobial Stewardship in Animals117
Section II Classes of Antimicrobial Agents133
John F. Prescott 8 Beta-lactam Antibiotics: Penam Penicillins135
John F. Prescott 9 Beta-lactam Antibiotics: Cephalosporins153
John F. Prescott 10 Other Beta-lactam Antibiotics: Beta-lactamase Inhibitors, Carbapenems, and Monobactams175
Patricia M. Dowling 11 Peptide Antibiotics: Polymyxins, Glycopeptides, Bacitracin, and Fosfomycin189
Steeve Giguère 12 Lincosamides, Pleuromutilins, and Streptogramins199
Steeve Giguère 13 Macrolides, Azalides, and Ketolides211
Patricia M. Dowling 14 Aminoglycosides and Aminocyclitols233
Jérôme R.E. del Castillo 15 Tetracyclines257
Patricia M. Dowling 16 Chloramphenicol, Thiamphenicol, and Florfenicol269
John F. Prescott 17 Sulfonamides, Diaminopyrimidines, and Their Combinations279
Steeve Giguère and Patricia M. Dowling 18 Fluoroquinolones295
Patricia M. Dowling 19 Miscellaneous Antimicrobials: Ionophores, Nitrofurans, Nitroimidazoles, Rifamycins, and Others315
Steeve Giguère 20 Antifungal Chemotherapy333
Section III Special Considerations357
Steeve Giguère, Anthony C.G. Abrams-Ogg, and Stephen A. Kruth 21 Prophylactic Use of Antimicrobial Agents, and Antimicrobial Chemotherapy for the Neutropenic Patient359
Thomas R. Shryock and Stephen W. Page 22 Performance Uses of Antimicrobial Agents and Non-antimicrobial Alternatives379
Patricia M. Dowling 23 Antimicrobial Therapy of Selected Organ Systems395
Steeve Giguère 24 Antimicrobial Therapy of Selected Bacterial Infections421
Patricia M. Dowling 25 Antimicrobial Drug Residues in Foods of Animal Origin431
Karolina Törneke and Christopher Boland 26 Regulation of Antimicrobial Use in Animals443
Section iv A ntimicrobial Drug Use in Selected Animal Species455
Steeve Giguère and Tiago Afonso 27 Antimicrobial Drug Use in Horses457
Jane E. Sykes 28 Antimicrobial Drug Use in Dogs and Cats473
Michael D. Apley and Johann F. Coetzee 29 Antimicrobial Drug Use in Cattle495
Sarah Wagner and Ron Erskine 30 Antimicrobial Drug Use in Mastitis519
Chris R. Clark 31 Antimicrobial Drug Use in Sheep and Goats529
Christopher K. Cebra and Margaret L. Cebra 32 Antimicrobial Drug Use in New World Camelids541
David G.S. Burch 33 Antimicrobial Drug Use in Swine553
Charles L. Hofacre, Jenny A. Fricke, and Tom Inglis 34 Antimicrobial Drug Use in Poultry569
Keven Flammer 35 Antimicrobial Drug Use in Companion Birds589
Colette L. Wheler 36 Antimicrobial Drug Use in Rabbits, Rodents, and Ferrets601
Ramiro Isaza and Elliott R. Jacobson 37 Antimicrobial Drug Use in Reptiles623
Ellen Wiedner and Robert P. Hunter 38 Antimicrobial Drug Use in Zoological Animals637
Renate Reimschuessel, Ron A. Miller, and Charles M. Gieseker 39 Antimicrobial Drug Use in Aquaculture645