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Aughey and Frye's Comparative Veterinary Histology with Clinical Correlates2nd edition

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Nové vydání této kvalitně ilustrované učebnice je uspořádáno tradičně podle orgánových systémů. Popisuje normální histologický vzhled tkání u široké škály zvířat, domácích i exotických druhů, s relevantními klinickými korelacemi zdůrazňujícími potřebu definovat a pospat normální stav, aby bylo možné rozpoznat abnormální změny. V aktualizovaném vydání od dvou zkušených veterinárních patologů a lektorů histologie jsou do každé kapitoly začleněny nové druhy, jako jsou další savci, vodní druhy a hospodářská zvířata za využití nových vysoce kvalitních snímků. Nová kapitola pokrývá epiteliální tkáň a jsou diskutovány nové techniky používané v histologii a histopatologii, včetně ISH a analýzy digitálního obrazu. Vysvětlení patogeneze je obajesněno v současných (a mnoha nových) případech histopatologie. Šíře pokrytí od hospodářských zvířat, psů, koček, koní, ptáků, plazů, obojživelníků a ryb, integrace normální a abnormální tkáně poskytují trvalý zdroj informací pro studenty veterinární medicíny, stejně jako veterinární lékaře a patology, kteří potřebují rychlé osvěžení zapomenutých informací.

Autor: Francisco Javier Salguero Bodes, Francisco Jose Pallares Martinez

Cena s DPH:  asi 1749 Kč
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Základní informace
NakladatelCRC Press
VydáníII. vydání 2023
Počet stran280

Organized by body system, the new edition of this highly illustrated textbook covers the normal histological appearance of tissues in a wide range of animals, both domestic and exotic species, with relevant clinical correlates emphasizing the need to appreciate the normal in order to recognize the abnormal. In this update by two experienced veterinary pathologists and histology lecturers, new species, such as other companion mammals, aquatic species and livestock, are introduced into each chapter along with a wealth of new high-quality images. A new chapter covers epitehlial tissue and new techniques used in histology and histopathology are discussed throughout, including ISH and digital image analysis. Pathogenesis explanation is introduced in the current (and many new) cases of histopathology. The breadth of coverage--farm animals, dogs, cats, horses, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and fish--and the integration of normal and abnormal tissue provide a reference of lasting value to veterinary students as well as veterinary practitioners and pathologists needing a quick refresher.
About the Author
Francisco Javier Salguero Bodes graduated as a veterinarian in 1997 from the University of Córdoba, Spain, and then went on to gain his PhD in comparative pathology in 2001, studying the pathogenesis of African swine fever. He moved to the Spanish Government National Institute for Research in Animal Health (CISA-INIA) in Valdeolmos, Madrid, as a veterinary researcher, working on the pathogenesis and diagnostics of transboundary and emerging diseases. He was the Head of the Experimental Pathology Unit at CISA-INIA from 2005 until 2007, when he moved to the UK to work for the Veterinary Laboratories Agency (now APHA) as a veterinary research pathologist. He was appointed Reader in Comparative Pathology at the University of Surrey in October 2013 and moved to Public Health England (now United Kingdom Health Security Agency) as a Senior Veterinary Pathologist and Project Manager in September 2018. He has been studying the host-pathogen interaction and working on vaccine development in porcine diseases, tuberculosis, COVID-19, and many other zoonoses. Dr. Salguero has been carrying out numerous consultancy missions on veterinary pathology and infectious diseases for FAO, EU, GTRP, and other international institutions. He is a frequent speaker in scientific conferences and has been lecturing on veterinary histology, comparative pathology and infectious diseases in numerous universities in different countries.

Francisco José Pallarés Martínez graduated as a veterinarian in 1993 from the University of Murcia, Spain. He received a scholarship from the Ministry of Education and Universities to carry out his PhD in swine pathology to study the effectiveness of a vaccine against swine enzootic pneumonia, which was completed in 1999. In 2000 he won a position as Assistant Professor of Histology and Pathology at the University of Murcia. He completed postdoctoral studies at the Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory of Iowa State University in the United States for 15 months (2001-2002). After which he has developed his teaching and research work at the University of Murcia, as Associated Professor from 2007 and Full Professor from 2019, until 2020 when he moved to the University of Córdoba, where he is currently based doing his research and teaching in Veterinary Histology and Comparative Pathology. He has focused his research activity on the study of the pathogenicity and immune response against several of the main swine pathogens (PRRS virus, PCV2 and Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae). Dr. Pallarés has been carrying out numerous consultancy and training activities on veterinary pathology for different veterinary pharmaceutical companies at national and international level and is a frequent speaker at scientific conferences.
