Internetové knihkupectví s veterinární tématikou
Autorem této skvělé publikace je odborník s více než třicetiletou klinickou zkušeností v aviární medicíně. Nové vydání bylo důkladně revidováno. Nově byly přidány čtyři nové důležité kapitoly: zootechnika, péče a výživa, diagnostické zobrazování, endoskopie a onkologie, jakož i nové sekce o kardiovaskulární anatomii a neuroanatomii. Publikace je neocenitelná referenční příručka pro praktické veterinární lékaře specializující se na nemoci ptactva a studenty veterinární medicína. Tato publikace je naprosto jedinečná svojí obrazovou přílohou, neboť obsahuje ohromné množství barevných fotografií, nákresů a tabulek, což čtenáři umožňuje lepší orientaci v daně problematice. Publikace je rozdělena do třiceti kapitol. Úvodní kapitoly jsou věnovány základnímu klinickému vyšetření, poradenstvím interpretaci vyšetření. Další kapitoly zahrnují nejnovější poznatky v chovu, výživě, diagnostických technikách (RTG, endoskopie, USG), podpůrné terapii, diferenciální diagnostice a dalších s ohledem na jedinečnost aviární medicíny. Jedinečné jsou kapitoly o problematice poruch chování, inkubaci vajec, pediatrii a chirurgii.
Autor: Bob Doneley, associate professor, Avian and Exotic Pet Medicine, School of Veterinary Science, The University of Queensland, Gatton, Australia
Nakladatel | CRC Press |
ISBN | 9781482260205 |
Vydání | II. vydání 2016 |
Vazba | pevná |
Počet stran | 467 |
Avian Medicine and Surgery in Practice is an invaluable quick reference resource for clinicians and a useful study guide for veterinary students. In this practical and beautifully illustrated book, early chapters cover physical examination, advice on interpreting diagnostic tests, and avian anatomy and physiology. Disorders affecting the different body regions and systems make up the majority of the book from the external-skin, feathers, eyes, legs and feet-to the internal including the gastrointestinal tract and the cardiovascular system. Further aspects of avian medicine discussed in the book include behavioural problems, incubation of eggs, paediatrics and surgery. Written by an expert with more than 30 years of clinical experience in avian medicine, the new edition is thoroughly revised with updated diseases, new and expanded clinical techniques, and over 100 new color illustrations. It also adds four important new chapters: Husbandry, Grooming and Nutrition, Diagnostic Imaging, Endoscopy, and Oncology as well as new sections on cardiovascular anatomy and neuroanatomy.
Clinical Anatomy and Physiology | 1 |
Introduction | 1 |
The Skin, Feathers, Nails and Beak | 1 |
The Skeleton | 4 |
The Digestive Tract | 7 |
The Urinary System | 13 |
The Respiratory Tract | 15 |
The Reproductive Tract | 20 |
Cardiovascular System | 24 |
Nervous System | 29 |
Endocrine Glands | 33 |
Organs of the Special Senses | 38 |
The Immune System | 42 |
Further Reading | 43 |
Husbandry, Grooming and Nutrition | 45 |
Husbandry | 45 |
Further Reading | 61 |
The Physical Examination | 63 |
Understanding the Masking Phenomenon | 63 |
Examination Room Equipment | 64 |
History Taking | 64 |
The Distant Examination | 68 |
The Physical Examination | 71 |
Further Reading | 79 |
Clinical Techniques | 81 |
Diagnostic Techniques | 81 |
Treatment Techniques | 85 |
Further Reading | 94 |
Diagnostic Imaging | 95 |
Radiology | 95 |
Ultrasound | 104 |
Computerised Tomography (CT) | 105 |
Fluoroscopy | 107 |
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) | 107 |
Further Reading | 107 |
Endoscopy | 109 |
Equipment Caring for the Equipment | 112 |
Operating the Endoscope | 113 |
Biopsy Collection | 113 |
Endoscopic Approaches | 113 |
Further Reading | 116 |
Interpreting Diagnostic Tests | 117 |
Choosing Which Tests to Use | 117 |
Haematology | 118 |
Protein Electrophoresis | 122 |
Clinical Biochemistry | 124 |
Lipids | 128 |
Serology | 129 |
PCR Testing | 133 |
Cultures | 133 |
Cytology | 134 |
Further Reading | 144 |
Supportive Therapy | 145 |
Dehydration | 145 |
Hypothermic Shock | 145 |
Catabolism | 146 |
Respiratory Compromise | 146 |
Analgesia | 146 |
Blood Loss | 147 |
Hospital Care | 148 |
Further Reading | 148 |
Differential Diagnoses | 151 |
Change in Droppings | 151 |
Appetite and Thirst | 152 |
Vomiting | 152 |
Weight Loss | 153 |
Posture | 153 |
Feathers and Skin | 154 |
Wings | 156 |
Feet and Legs | 157 |
Beak | 158 |
Eyes | 158 |
Face | 159 |
Body | 160 |
Paediatrics | 161 |
Further Reading | 161 |
Diseases of the Skin and Feathers | 163 |
Congenital Disorders | 163 |
Nutritional Disorders | 164 |
Endocrine Disorders | 165 |
Bacterial Infections | 167 |
Fungal Infections | 168 |
Viral Infections | 169 |
Parasitic Infections | 172 |
Neoplastic and Pseudoneoplastic Conditions | 174 |
Toxic Conditions | 176 |
Conditions Affecting the Uropygial Gland | 176 |
Iatrogenic Trauma | 176 |
Feather Damaging Behaviour and Other Self-Mutilating Conditions | 177 |
Further Reading | 183 |
Disorders of the Beak and Cere | 187 |
Malformation | 187 |
Trauma | 189 |
Hyperextension of the Maxilla | 191 |
Overgrown Maxilla | 192 |
Infection | 193 |
Neoplasia | 194 |
Keratin Flakes on the Beak | 194 |
Disorders of the Cere | 195 |
Further Reading | 196 |
Disorders of the Eye | 197 |
Assessing the Eye | 197 |
Disorders of the Eye | 199 |
Further Reading | 203 |
Disorders of the Ear | 205 |
Otitis Externa | 205 |
Otitis Media and Otitis Interna | 206 |
Further Reading | 206 |
Diseases of the Legs, Feet and Toes | 207 |
Malformations | 207 |
Pathological Fractures | 209 |
Toe Anteroflexion | 210 |
Slipped Tendon (Perosis) | 210 |
Swollen Joints | 210 |
Pododermatitis | 211 |
Constricted Toe Syndrome | 213 |
Bilateral Paresis or Paralysis | 214 |
Unilateral Paresis or Paralysis | 215 |
Hyperkeratosis | 215 |
Self-Mutilation of the Feet and Toes | 216 |
Toe Tapping in Eclectus Parrots | 216 |
Leg Band Constriction | 217 |
Toe Necrosis | 217 |
Frost Bite | 218 |
Overgrown Nails | 219 |
Missing Nails and Toes | 219 |
Further Reading | 219 |
Disorders of the Musculoskeletal System | 221 |
Skeletal Disorders | 221 |
Hereditary, Congenital and Developmental | 221 |
Nutritional/Metabolic | 221 |
Joints | 224 |
Muscles Disorders | 225 |
Congenital | 225 |
Non-Inflammatory | 225 |
Inflammatory: Non-Infectious | 225 |
Inflammatory: Infectious | 226 |
Neoplastic | 227 |
Tendons and Ligament | 227 |
Further Reading | 228 |
Diseases of the Gastrointestinal Tract | 229 |
The Oropharynx and Crop | 229 |
Proventriculus and Ventriculus | 233 |
Disorders of the Intestinal Tract | 239 |
Disorders of the Cloaca | 246 |
Further Reading | 250 |
Disorders of the Liver | 251 |
Overview of Liver Disease | 251 |
Aetiology of Liver Disease | 251 |
Clinical Signs | 255 |
Diagnosis | 256 |
Treatment | 257 |
Chlamydiosis | 262 |
Pacheco's Disease | 264 |
Further Reading | 264 |
Disorders of the Pancreas | 265 |
Exocrine | 265 |
Endocrine | 267 |
Further Reading | 269 |
Diseases of the Respiratory System | 271 |
Upper Respiratory Tract | 271 |
Lower Respiratory Tract | 274 |
Further Reading | 283 |
Disorders of the Cardiovascular System | 285 |
Cardiac Disease | 285 |
Atherosclerosis | 292 |
Hypertension | 295 |
Further Reading | 295 |
Disorders of the Lymphatic and Haematopoietic Systems | 297 |
Overview | 297 |
Diseases of the Bone Marrow | 299 |
Primary Disorders of the Immune System | 300 |
Immune-Mediated Disorders | 300 |
Further Reading | 301 |
Disorders of the Nervous System | 303 |
Introduction | 303 |
History | 303 |
Distant Examination | 303 |
Physical Examination | 304 |
Diagnostic Tests | 304 |
Central Nervous System Disorders | 304 |
Viral Diseases | 304 |
Bacterial Infections | 306 |
Fungal Diseases | 306 |
Chlamydia | 306 |
Protozoal Diseases | 306 |
Nematodes | 306 |
Trauma | 307 |
Cerebrovascular Accidents | 307 |
Toxins | 307 |
Nutritional Deficiencies | 310 |
Neoplasia | 311 |
Epilepsy/Seizures | 311 |
Peripheral Nervous System Disorders | 313 |
Further Reading | 315 |
Disorders of the Reproductive Tract | 317 |
The Male Reproductive Tract | 317 |
The Female Reproductive Tract | 319 |
The Ovary | 319 |
The Oviduct | 321 |
Investigating Reproduction Problems in the Aviary | 327 |
Further Reading | 331 |
Disorders of the Urinary System | 333 |
Renal Disease | 333 |
Urolithiasis | 338 |
Gout | 339 |
Zinc Toxicosis | 340 |
Further Reading | 341 |
Behavioural Problems | 343 |
Introduction | 343 |
Principles Understanding Bird Behaviour | 343 |
How Do Behavioural Problems Develop? | 344 |
Historical Approach to Treating Behavioural Problems | 345 |
New Concepts | 346 |
Basic Steps to Implement in a Behaviour-Modification Programme | 348 |
Further Reading | 351 |
Incubation of Eggs | 353 |
Why Incubate Eggs? | 353 |
When to Collect Eggs | 353 |
Storing Eggs Prior to Incubation | 353 |
Sanitation of the Eggs | 353 |
Equipment | 354 |
Incubation Parameters | 354 |
Monitoring | 355 |
Hygiene | 355 |
Record Keeping | 356 |
Embryonic Development | 356 |
Hatching | 356 |
Problems wit Incubation | 357 |
Egg Necropsy | 357 |
Further Reading | 358 |
Paediatrics | 359 |
Introduction | 359 |
Examination of the Chick | 360 |
Common Problems | 362 |
Further Reading | 369 |
Analgesia and Anaesthesia | 371 |
Analgesia | 371 |
Anaesthesia | 373 |
Further Reading | 382 |
Surgery | 385 |
Introduction | 385 |
Pre-Surgical Assessment and Conditioning | 385 |
Surgical Preparation and Patient Support Procedures | 386 |
Common Soft Tissue Surgical Procedures | 389 |
Orthopaedics | 399 |
Further Reading | 418 |
Oncology | 421 |
Introduction | 421 |
Tumour Classification | 421 |
Further Reading | 424 |
Appendix 1: Formulary | 425 |
Appendix 2: Reference Intervals for Commonly Kept Companion Birds | 447 |
Appendix 3: Biological Values for Some Common Companion Bird Species | 449 |
Index | 451 |