Internetové knihkupectví s veterinární tématikou
Publikace vysvětluje základní pojmy týkající se chování domácích psů a koček. Popisuje poruchy, se kterými se nejčastěji setkáváme v každodenní klinické praxi. Publikace popisuje hlavní příznaky poruch chování, jejich diagnostiku, prognózu a léčbu, vše ilustrované obrázky převzatými ze skutečných případů. Je to přehledná a detailní referenční příručka, která je zvláště užitečná pro veterinární lékaře, protože jim pomůže poradit novým majitelům domácích zvířat a umožní jim provádět vhodné primární intervence k vyřešení poruch chování jejich pacientů v raném stádiu vývoje poruch chování.
Autor: Ricardo Luis Bruno Cazeaux
Nakladatel | Servet |
ISBN | 9788418498787 |
Vydání | 2021 |
Vazba | pevná |
Počet stran | 232 |
This work presents the basic concepts regarding the behaviour of domestic dogs and cats, and explains the disorders most commonly encountered in everyday clinical practice. The book describes the main signs of behavioural disorders, their diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment, all illustrated with images taken from actual cases. It is a quick, accurate reference guide that should prove particularly useful for veterinary practitioners, as it will help them advise new pet owners and enable them to carry out appropriate primary interventions to resolve their patients' behavioural disorders early on in their development.
Read me first | 3 |
Behavioral development | 5 |
The importance of socialization | 9 |
Basic puppy handling and training | 11 |
Before taking a puppy home for the first time | 11 |
Puppies aged 45 days to 5 months | 12 |
Disorders associated with aggressive behavior | 17 |
Introduction | 18 |
Pathophysiology | 19 |
Classification of aggressive behavior in pet dogs | 21 |
Dominance aggression | 24 |
Intraspecific and intrasexual aggression | 30 |
Aggression between males | 30 |
Aggression between females | 32 |
Fear aggression | 33 |
Pain aggression | 34 |
Predatory aggression | 35 |
Territorial aggression | 36 |
Aggression due to pathophysiological conditions | 38 |
Annex. Guidelines for Owners | 40 |
How to be a dog's leader | 41 |
Sitting position | 43 |
Walking to heel | 43 |
Training the order to stop and action | 44 |
Positive reinforcement of obdience | 45 |
Disorders associated with anxiety and stress | 47 |
Introduction | 48 |
Treatment | 49 |
Separation anxiety | 51 |
Anxiety syndrome | 45 |
Phobias | 57 |
Agoraphobia and social phobia | 63 |
Phobia of loud noises or storms | 64 |
Compulsive disorders | 65 |
Compulsive disorders associated with eating behavior | 70 |
Compulsive disorders associated with locomotion | 70 |
Compulsive disorders associated with vocalisation | 71 |
Various neuroses | 71 |
Other behavioral disorders associated with anxiety | 72 |
Coprophagy | 72 |
Obesity | 73 |
Disorders associated with anxiety and stress | 47 |
Introduction | 48 |
Elimination in inappropriate locations | 78 |
Marking | 82 |
Submissive urination | 85 |
Excitement urination | 87 |
Disorders associated with cognitive decline | 89 |
Introduction | 90 |
The role of owners | 92 |
Cognitive dysfunction syndrome or senile dementia | 94 |
"Old puppy" syndrome | 99 |
Latest treatment advances and innovations | 103 |
Introduction | 104 |
Dog pheromons | 104 |
Pheromone classification | 106 |
Other treatment options | 107 |
Natural medicines | 108 |
Nutraceuticals | 112 |
Read me first | 115 |
Environmental enrichment | 121 |
Disorders associated with aggressive behavior | 125 |
Introduction | 126 |
Pathophysiology | 128 |
Classification of aggression in cats | 131 |
Intrasexual aggression | 134 |
Territorial aggression | 135 |
Predatory aggression directed towards people | 136 |
Redirected aggression or aggression learned through fear or pain | 138 |
Feline social aggression | 140 |
Aggression due to pathophysiological conditions | 142 |
Disorders associated with environmental stress, cat stereotypes | 145 |
Introduction | 146 |
Pathophysiology | 148 |
Clinical signs | 149 |
Diagnosis | 150 |
Treatment | 151 |
Excessive grooming (feline psychogenic alopecia) | 156 |
Feline hyperaesthesia | 159 |
Wool sucking | 161 |
Tall chasing with or without self-mutilation | 163 |
Disorders associated with elimination behavior | 165 |
Introduction | 166 |
Urine marking | 167 |
Inappropriate elimination | 176 |
Less common disorders seen in everyday practice | 185 |
Introduction | 186 |
Syndromes associated with cognitive decline | 186 |
Vagrancy | 191 |
Pica | 193 |
Obesity | 196 |
Anorexia | 199 |
Latest treatment advances and innovations | 201 |
Introduction | 202 |
Cat pheromones | 202 |
The olfactory system of cats | 203 |
Pheromones classification | 206 |
Pheromones in the treatment of behavior disorders in cats | 207 |
Other treatment options | 208 |
Natural medicines | 208 |
Nutraceuticals | 212 |
Bibliography | 214 |
Photography credits | 216 |