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Biology and Diseases of the Ferret, Third Edition

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Autorský kolektiv přepracoval světové známou Biology and Diseases of the Ferret. V novém vydání se autoři zaměřili na důležité postupy při vyšetřování a terapii fretek. Nové poznatky naleznou čtenáři v kapitolách věnovaných kardiovaskulárním a respiratorním postižením, genetice. Kapitoly o anestezii a chirurgii byly podrobně aktualizovány. Kniha je bohatě ilustrována perovkami a barevnými fotografiemi. Anatomická kapitola je ilustrována perovkami, které umožňují lepší topografickou orientaci u těchto pacientů. Přehledná je kapitola o výživě fretek s uvedením nutričních požadavků těchto savců. Hematologická vyšetření jsou uvedena v tabulkách s ohledem na stáří a ovariální cyklus samic. Několik stran je věnováno i EKG u fretek a následně je problematika kardiovaskulárních onemocnění popsána v samostatné kapitole doplněné rentgenogramy a ultrasonogramy. Popsány jsou podrobně fixační a vyšetřovací techniky. Oko anesteziologa bude velice potěšeno přehlednými dávkami používaných anestetik. Kapitola chirurgická je přehledná a bohatě ilustrovaná. Velká pozornost je věnována virovým onemocněním. Na své si zajisté přijdou i specialisté oboru parazitologie. Rozsáhlou kapitolou je problematika využíti fretek při výzkumu respiratorních onemocnění. Třešničkou na dortu poznání je kapitola o výzkumu sluchu u fretek. Autorskému kolektivu se podařilo sestavit velice zajímavou publikaci věnovanou nejen praktickým veterinárním lékařům, ale i výzkumným pracovníkům, jejichž pozornost je věnována fretkám.

Autor: James G. Fox, DVM, MS, DACLAM, is Professor and Director at MIT’s Division of Comparative Medicine, as well as Chair of ACLAM’s publications committee. He is also an Adjunct Professor at Tufts University’s Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine and at the University of Pennsylvania’s School of Veterinary Medicine.

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Základní informace
VydáníIII. vydání 2014
Počet stran835

Biology and Diseases of the Ferret, Third Edition has been thoroughly revised and updated to provide a current, comprehensive reference on the ferret. Encyclopedic in scope, it is the only book to focus on the characteristics that make the ferret an important research animal, with detailed information on conditions, procedures, and treatments. Offering basic information on biology, husbandry, clinical medicine, and surgery, as well as unique information on the use of ferrets in biomedical research, Biology and Diseases of the Ferret is an essential resource for investigators using ferrets in the laboratory and for companion animal and comparative medicine veterinarians.
The Third Edition adds ten completely new chapters, covering regulatory considerations, black-footed ferret recovery, diseases of the cardiovascular system, viral respiratory disease research, morbillivirus research, genetic engineering, hearing and auditory function, vision and neuroplasticity research, nausea and vomiting research, and lung carcinogenesis research. Additionally, the anesthesia, surgery, and biomethodology chapter has been subdivided into three and thoroughly expanded. The book also highlights the ferret genome project, along with the emerging technology of genetically engineered ferrets, which is of particular importance to the future of the ferret as an animal model in research and will allow the investigation of diseases and their genetic basis in a small, easily maintained, non-rodent species.
Biology and Diseases of the Ferret, Third Edition has been thoroughly revised and updated to provide a current, comprehensive reference on the ferret. Encyclopedic in scope, it is the only book to focus on the characteristics that make the ferret an important research animal, with detailed information on conditions, procedures, and treatments. Offering basic information on biology, husbandry, clinical medicine, and surgery, as well as unique information on the use of ferrets in biomedical research, Biology and Diseases of the Ferret is an essential resource for investigators using ferrets in the laboratory and for companion animal and comparative medicine veterinarians.
The Third Edition adds ten completely new chapters, covering regulatory considerations, black-footed ferret recovery, diseases of the cardiovascular system, viral respiratory disease research, morbillivirus research, genetic engineering, hearing and auditory function, vision and neuroplasticity research, nausea and vomiting research, and lung carcinogenesis research. Additionally, the anesthesia, surgery, and biomethodology chapter has been subdivided into three sections and thoroughly expanded. The book also highlights the ferret genome project, along with the emerging technology of genetically engineered ferrets, which is of particular importance to the future of the ferret as an animal model in research and will allow the investigation of diseases and their genetic basis in a small, easily maintained, non-rodent species.

Key Features:
· Offers a revised edition of the only book available covering the use of ferrets in biomedical research
· Includes new chapters on regulatory considerations, black-footed ferret recovery, physical examination and diagnosis, diseases of the cardiovascular system, bacterial and mycoplasmal diseases, viral respiratory disease research, morbillivirus research, genetic engineering, hearing and auditory function, vision and neuroplasticity research, nausea and vomiting research, and lung carcinogenesis research
· Expands the existing information on anesthesia and surgery, viral disease research, and neuroscience research to provide a wealth of new information
· Provides detailed information on conditions, procedures, and treatments relevant to this important species
· Thoroughly revised and updated to provide a current reference that is exhaustive in scope

· PrefaceXV
· Section I Biology and Husbandry3
· Chapter 1 Taxonomy, History, and Use James G. Fox5
· Chapter 2 Anatomy of the Ferret Howard Evans and Nguyen Quoc An23
· Chapter 3 Neuroanatomy of the Ferret Brain with Focus on the Cerebral Cortex Christopher D. Kroenke, Brian D. Mills, Jaime F. Olavarria, and Jeffrey J. Neil69
· Chapter 4 Physiology of the Ferret Mark T. Whary81
· Chapter 5 Nutrition of the Ferret James G. Fox, Carrie S. Schultz, and Brittany M. Vester Boler123
· Chapter 6 Housing and Management James G. Fox and Rosemary Broome145
· Chapter 7 Normal Clinical and Biological Parameters James G. Fox157
· Chapter 8 Growth and Reproduction James G. Fox, Judi A. Bell, and Rosemary Broome187
· Chapter 9 Regulatory Considerations Robert P. Marini211
· Chapter 10 Recovery of the Black-Footed Ferret Rachel Santymire, Heather Branvold-Faber, and Paul Marinari219
· Section II Diseases and Clinical Applications233
· Chapter 11 Physical Examination, Preventive Medicine, and Diagnosis in the Ferret Robert P. Marini235
· Chapter 12 Anesthesia Jeffrey C. Ko and Robert P. Marini259
· Chapter 13 Surgery Stephen J. Mehler285
· Chapter 14 Diseases of the Hematopoetic System Jöerg Mayer, Susan E. Erdman, and James G. Fox311
· Chapter 15 Diseases of the Genitourinary Systém James G. Fox and Judith A. Bell335
· Chapter 16 Diseases of the Gastrointestinal Systém Kirk J. Maurer and James G. Fox363
· Chapter 17 Diseases of the Endocrine Systém Cassandra L. Miller, Robert P. Marini, and James G. Fox377
· Chapter 18 Diseases of the Cardiovascular Systém Robert A. Wagner401
· Chapter 19 Other Systemic Diseases James G. Fox421
· Chapter 20 Viral Diseases of Ferrets Matti Kiupel and David Perpiñan439
· Chapter 21 Bacterial and Mycoplasmal Diseases Alton G. Swennes and James G. Fox519
· Chapter 22 Parasitic Diseases Mary Patterson, James G. Fox, and Mark L. Eberhard553
· Chapter 23 Mycotic Diseases James G. Fox573
· Chapter 24 Neoplastic Diseases James G. Fox, Sureshkumar Muthupalani, Matti Kiupel, and Bruce Williams587
· Section III Research and Applications627
· Chapter 25 The Ferret in Viral Respiratory Disease Research Deborah R. Taylor629
· Chapter 26 The Ferret in Morbillivirus Research Veronika von Messling641
· Chapter 27 Use of the Ferret in Cardiovascular Research James P. Morgan653
· Chapter 28 Genetic Engineering in the Ferret Xingshen Sun, Ziying Yan, Xiaoming Liu, Alicia K. Olivier, and John F. Engelhardt665
· Chapter 29 Hearing and Auditory Function in Ferrets Fernando R. Nodal and Andrew J. King685
· Chapter 30 The Ferret as a Model for Visual System Development and Plasticity Jitendra Sharma and Mriganka Sur711
· Chapter 31 The Ferret in Nausea and Vomiting Research: Lessons in Translation of Basic Science to the Clinic Nathalie Percie du Sert and Paul L.R. Andrews735
· Chapter 32 The Ferret in Lung Carcinogenesis and Nutritional Chemoprevention Research Xiang-Dong Wang and Chun Liu779
· Index795