Internetové knihkupectví s veterinární tématikou

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Birds of Prey: Health and Disease Third Edition

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První vydání této knihy bylo prvním textem věnovaným veterinární péči u dravců. Doposud představuje klasický zdroj informací pro veterinární chirurgy, aviární biology, zájemce o dravce a jejich konzervativní terapii. Kniha je aktualizovaná a rozšířená, obsahuje příspěvky nejvýznamnějších světových profesionálů v oboru, kapitoly o zlomeninách, pediatrii a otravách a nové kapitoly o monitoringu zdraví, chovu ptáků v zajetí a hostitelsko-parazitárních vztazích.

Autor: John E. Cooper DTVM, FRCPath, FIBiol, FRCVS

Cena s DPH:  asi 4909 Kč
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Základní informace
Počet stran345

Raptor biology has evolved enormously since the publication of the original edition of this book under the title Veterinary Aspects of Captive Birds of Prey. With the help of leading international experts, John E. Cooper has updated and expanded this classic reference to include all the latest data on the health and diseases of raptors. While still serving the needs of veterinary surgeons who treat birds of prey, Birds of Prey: Health & Disease also appeals to a wide readership of falconers, avian researchers, breeders, rehabilitators and zoo staff.
Important changes to this new edition are the inclusion of data on free-living birds, additional material on fractures, pathology, legislation and poisons, and new sections on neonatology, health monitoring, captive-breeding and host-parasite relations.
This book reviews all aspects of birds of prey, giving invaluable up-to-date information on diseases and pathology, but also looking at the history of the subject, the origins of terms, the evolution of current thinking and ending with a reliable list of primary references for further reading.
the classic text on the subject
the last edition was published in 1985
now includes contributions by leading international experts
includes an 8 page colour plate section

Introduction - the history of raptor medicine1
Methods of investigation and treatment28
Non-infectious diseases71
Infectious diseases, excluding macroparasites84
Parasitic diseases105
Foot conditions121
Neurological (nervous) disorders132
Nutritional diseases, including poisoning, in captive birds143
Poisoning of wild (free-living) birds163
Anaesthesia and surgery171
Miscellaneous and emerging diseases185
Diseases in wild (free-living) bird populations217
Discussion and conclusions235
Appendix I - List of species raptor241
Appendix II - Clinical examination form243
Appendix III - Post-mortem examination form and egg/embryo examination forms245
Appendix IV - Cytology, blood smear and other report forms249
Appendix V - Key to major clinical diagnoses251
Appendix VI - Key to major (gross) post-mortem diagnoses including findings in eggs255
Appendix VII - The principles of health monitoring, with particular reference to the Movement of Raptors259
Appendix VIII - Minimally invasive health monitoring267
Appendix IX - Medicines and other agents used in treatment, including Emergency Anesthesia Kit and Avian Resuscitation Protocol271
Appendix X - Field work, field kits and portable equipment, Field post-mortem technique278
Appendix XI - Legislation and codes of practice relevant to working with raptors284
References and Further Reading295