Internetové knihkupectví s veterinární tématikou
Publikace přináší komplexní pohled na terapii nejběžnějších chorob a poruch u plazů a obojživelníků. Kniha je uspořádána pro rychlý a snadný přístup k informacím a slouží jako nepostradatelný zdroj pro veterináře zabývající se péčí o plazi, ještěrky, hady, krokodýly a obojživelníky.
Kniha nabízí čtenářům rady od předních mezinárodních hlasů v oblasti péče o plazy a obojživelníky formou dokonalé klinické příručky. Diagnostické a léčebné informace jsou uspořádány logickým, postupným způsobem.
Čtenáři budou mít také přístup na doprovodnou webovou stránku, která uživatelům poskytuje tisknutelnou historii a formuláře propedeutických vyšetření, obrázky, které ilustrují techniky venepunkce a intravenózní katetrizace u různých skupin obojživelníků a plazů, a obrázky, které ilustrují metody určování pohlaví plazů. Kniha je ideální praktickou příručkou pro veterinární lékaře a studenty, kteří hledají dostupné a autoritativní informace o plazech a obojživelnících, a nabízí také:
Terapii běžných onemocnění a poruch u plazů, včetně onemocnění horních cest dýchacích, prolapsu kloaky, ušních abscesů.
Terapii běžných onemocnění u ještěrek, včetně hypovitaminózy A, nutriční sekundární hyperparatyreózy, kryptosporidiózy, abscesů a plísňových infekcí.
Onemocnění postihujících hady, dolních cest dýchacích, onemocnění inkluzních tělísek, stomatitidy a paramyxoviry
Komplexní pohled na terapii nemocí postihujících krokodýly, včetně západonilského viru, chlamydiózy, traumatu, abscesů a dny.
Publikace je nepostradatelná reference pro veterinární lékaře, studenty, rezidenty a stážisty, kteří chtějí zlepšit své porozumění a péči o ještěrky, hady, krokodýly a obojživelníky.
AUTOR: Javier G. Nevarez, DVM, PhD, DACZM, DECZM (herpetologie), profesor School of Veterinary Medicine v Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA.
Autor: Javier G. Nevarez
Nakladatel | Wiley-Blackwell |
ISBN | 9781119233725 |
Vydání | 2022 |
Vazba | pevná |
Počet stran | 425 |
Blackwell’s Five-Minute Veterinary Consult: Reptile and Amphibian delivers a comprehensive exploration of the treatment of the most common diseases and disorders in reptiles and amphibians. The book is organized for quick and easy access to information, acting as an indispensable resource for veterinarians engaged in the care of chelonians, lizards, snakes, crocodilians, and amphibians.
The book offers readers guidance from leading international voices in the field of reptile and amphibian care, packaged in a perfect clinical manual. Diagnostic and treatment information is laid out in a logical, stepwise fashion.
Readers will also enjoy access to a companion website that provides users with printable history and physical exam forms, images that illustrate venipuncture and intravenous catheterization techniques in various amphibian and reptile groups, and images that illustrate methods of sexing reptiles. The ideal practical manual for veterinary practitioners and students seeking accessible and authoritative information on reptiles and amphibians, the book also offers:
The treatment of common diseases and disorders in chelonians, including upper respiratory tract disease, cloacal prolapse, aural abscesses, and shell rot
The treatment of common diseases in lizards, including hypovitaminosis A, nutritional secondary hyperparathyroidism, cryptosporidiosis, abscesses, and fungal infections
The treatment of diseases affecting snakes, including dysecdysis, lower respiratory tract disease, inclusion body disease, stomatitis, and paramyxovirus
A comprehensive exploration of the treatment of diseases affecting crocodilians, including West Nile virus, chlamydiosis, trauma, abscesses, and gout
Blackwell’s Five-Minute Veterinary Consult: Reptile and Amphibian is an indispensable reference for veterinary practitioners, students, residents, and interns who wish to improve their understanding and care of chelonians, lizards, snakes, crocodilians, and amphibians.
Javier G. Nevarez, DVM, PhD, DACZM, DECZM (Herpetology), is a Professor of Zoological Medicine at the LSU School of Veterinary Medicine in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA.
Contributors | xv |
Preface | xvii |
Acknowledgments | xix |
About the Companion Website | xxi |
Section I: Introduction | 2 |
1.1 Introduction to Reptile Medicine | 2 |
1.2 Reptile Anatomy and Physiology | 4 |
1.3 UVB lighting principles for captive reptiles | 8 |
1.4 Anatomy and physiology of amphibians | 11 |
1.5 UVB lighting principles for captive amphibians | 13 |
Section II: Chelonians | 18 |
2.1 Abscesses | 18 |
2.2 Adenovirus | 20 |
2.3 Anemia | 22 |
2.4 Anorexia | 24 |
2.5 Aural abscesses | 26 |
2.6 Balantidium | 28 |
2.7 Buphthalmos | 29 |
2.8 Cardiac disease | 31 |
2.9 Cloacal prolapse | 33 |
2.10 Conjunctivitis | 35 |
2.11 Cryptosporidiosis | 37 |
2.12 Diarrhea | 39 |
2.13 Dystocia | 41 |
2.14 Egg yolk coelomitis | 43 |
2.15 Eimeria | 45 |
2.16 Entamoeba | 47 |
2.17 Exophthalmia | 49 |
2.18 Follicular stasis | 50 |
2.19 Gout | 52 |
2.20 Hepatic lipidosis | 54 |
2.21 Herpesviruses | 56 |
2.22 Hexamita | 58 |
2.23 Hyperglycemia | 59 |
2.24 Hypervitaminosis A | 60 |
2.25 Hypoglycemia | 62 |
2.26 Hypovitaminosis A | 63 |
2.27 Hypovitaminosis B | 65 |
2.28 Iridoviruses | 66 |
2.29 Isospora | 68 |
2.30 Leukemia | 69 |
2.31 Lower respiratory tract diseases | 70 |
2.32 Lymphoma | 73 |
2.33 Mycobacteriosis | 74 |
2.34 Mycoplasmosis | 76 |
2.35 Myiasis | 78 |
2.36 Nannizziopsis mycoses | 79 |
2.37 Nutritional secondary hyperparathyroidism | 80 |
2.38 Nyctotherus | 82 |
2.39 Other Hyalohyphomycoses | 83 |
2.40 Oxyurids | 84 |
2.41 Papillomavirus | 85 |
2.42 Pentastomes | 86 |
2.43 Phaeohyphomycoses | 88 |
2.44 Phallus prolapse | 89 |
2.45 Pseudogout | 91 |
2.46 Regurgitation | 92 |
2.47 Renal secondary hyperparathyroidism | 94 |
2.48 Salmonellosis | 96 |
2.49 Saprolegniasis | 99 |
2.50 SCUD | 100 |
2.51 Shell fractures | 102 |
2.52 Squamous cell carcinoma | 104 |
2.53 Stomatitis | 106 |
2.54 Thermal burns | 108 |
2.55 Ticks | 110 |
2.56 Upper respiratory tract diseases | 112 |
2.57 Urolithiasis | 114 |
2.58 Vomiting | 117 |
2.59 Weight loss | 119 |
2.60 Yeast infections | 121 |
Section III: Lizards | 124 |
3.1 Abscesses | 124 |
3.2 Adenovirus | 126 |
3.3 Anemia | 128 |
3.4 Anorexia | 130 |
3.5 Balantidium | 132 |
3.6 Buphthalmos | 133 |
3.7 Cardiac disease | 134 |
3.8 Carotid aneurysm | 136 |
3.9 Cloacal Prolapse | 137 |
3.10 Conjunctivitis | 139 |
3.11. Cryptosporidium | 141 |
3.12 Diarrhea | 143 |
3.13 Dysecdysis | 145 |
3.14 Dystocia | 147 |
3.15 Egg yolk Coelomitis | 149 |
3.17 Eimeria | 151 |
3.18 Entamoeba | 153 |
3.19 Exophthalmia | 155 |
3.20 Follicular stasis | 156 |
3.21 Gastric neuroendocrine carcinomas | 158 |
3.22 Giardia | 160 |
3.23 Gout | 162 |
3.24 Hemipene prolapse | 164 |
3.25 Hepatic lipidosis | 166 |
3.26 Hyperglycemia | 168 |
3.27 Hypervitaminosis A | 169 |
3.28 Hypoglycemia | 171 |
3.29 Hypovitaminosis A | 172 |
3.30 Hypovitaminosis B | 174 |
3.31 Iridoviruses | 175 |
3.32 Isospora | 177 |
3.33 Leukemia | 178 |
3.34 Lower respiratory tract diseases | 179 |
3.35 Lymphoma | 181 |
3.36 Metarhizium Infection | 182 |
3.37 Microsporidiosis | 183 |
3.38 Mites | 184 |
3.39 Mycobacteriosis | 186 |
3.40 Nannizziopsis mycoses | 188 |
3.41 Nutritional secondary hyperparathyroidism | 189 |
3.42 Nyctotherus | 191 |
3.43 Other Hyalohyphomycoses | 192 |
3.44 Oxyurids | 193 |
3.45 Papillomavirus | 194 |
3.46 Paranannizziopsis mycoses tuatara | 195 |
3.47 Pentastomids | 196 |
3.48 Phaeohyphomycoses | 198 |
3.49 Pseudogout | 199 |
3.50 Regurgitation | 200 |
3.51 Renal secondary hyperparathyroidism | 202 |
3.52 Salmonellosis | 204 |
3.53 Squamous cell carcinoma | 206 |
3.54 Stomatitis | 208 |
3.55 Thermal burns | 210 |
3.56 Ticks | 212 |
3.57 Upper respiratory tract diseases | 214 |
3.58 Urolithiasis | 216 |
3.59 Vomiting | 218 |
3.60 Weight loss | 220 |
3.61 Yeast infections | 222 |
Section IV: Snakes | 224 |
4.1 Adenovirus | 224 |
4.2 Anemia | 226 |
4.3 Anorexia | 228 |
4.4 Balantidium | 230 |
4.5 Buphthalmos | 231 |
4.6 Cardiac disease | 232 |
4.7 Chlamydiosis | 234 |
4.8 Cloacal prolapse | 235 |
4.9 Cryptosporidium | 237 |
4.10 Diarrhea | 239 |
4.11 Dysecdysis | 240 |
4.12 Dystocia | 242 |
4.13 Egg yolk coelomitis | 244 |
4.14 Eimeria | 246 |
4.15 Entamoeba | 248 |
4.16 Follicular stasis | 250 |
4.17 Gout | 252 |
4.18 Hemipene prolapse | 253 |
4.19 Hepatic lipidosis | 255 |
4.20 Hyperglycemia | 257 |
4.21 Hypoglycemia | 258 |
4.22 Inclusion body disease | 259 |
4.23 Iridovirus | 261 |
4.24 Isospora | 263 |
4.25 Leukemia | 264 |
4.26 Lower respiratory tract diseases | 265 |
4.27 Lymphoma | 268 |
4.28 Mites | 269 |
4.29 Mycobacteriosis | 271 |
4.30 Nyctotherus | 273 |
4.31 Ophidiomycosis | 274 |
4.32 Oxyurids | 275 |
4.33 Papillomavirus | 276 |
4.34 Paramyxovirus | 277 |
4.35 Paranannizziopsis mycoses | 279 |
4.36 Pentastomids | 280 |
4.37 Phaeohyphomycoses | 282 |
4.38 Regurgitation | 283 |
4.39 Salmonellosis | 285 |
4.40 Squamous cell carcinoma | 287 |
4.41 Stomatitis | 289 |
4.42 Thermal burns | 291 |
4.43 Ticks | 293 |
4.44 Upper respiratory tract diseases | 295 |
4.45 Urolithiasis | 297 |
4.46 Vomiting | 298 |
4.47 Weight loss | 300 |
4.48 Yeast infections | 302 |
Section V: Crocodilians | 304 |
5.1 Aflatoxicosis | 304 |
5.2 Anorexia | 305 |
5.3 Chlamydiosis | 307 |
5.4 Cloacal prolapse | 309 |
5.5 Conjunctivits | 311 |
5.6 Cryptosporidium | 313 |
5.7 Dermatitis | 314 |
5.8 Dermatophilosis | 316 |
5.9 Dystocia | 317 |
5.10 Egg yolk coelomitis | 319 |
5.11 Eimeria | 321 |
5.12 Follicular stasis | 322 |
5.13 Hyperglycemia | 325 |
5.14 Hypoglycemia | 326 |
5.15 Hypoxia | 327 |
5.16 Isospora | 328 |
5.17 Mycoplasmosis | 329 |
5.18 Nannizziopsis mycoses | 330 |
5.19 Other Hyalohyphomycoses | 331 |
5.20 Nutritional secondary hyperparathyroidism | 333 |
5.21 Pentastomes | 334 |
5.22 Phaeohyphomycoses | 336 |
5.23 Pox virus | 337 |
5.24 Salmonellosis | 338 |
5.25 Squamous cell carcinoma | 340 |
5.26 West nile virus | 342 |
Section VI: Amphibians | 346 |
6.1 Abscesses | 346 |
6.2 Ammonia toxicosis | 348 |
6.3 Anemia | 350 |
6.4 Anorexia | 352 |
6.5 Buphthalmos | 354 |
6.6 Cardiac disease | 355 |
6.7 Chlamydiosis | 357 |
6.8 Chytridiomycosis | 359 |
6.9 Cryptosporidium | 361 |
6.10 Dermatosepticemia | 362 |
6.11 Diarrhea | 364 |
6.12 Eimeria | 365 |
6.13 Entamoeba | 366 |
6.14 Exophthlamia | 367 |
6.15 Giardia | 369 |
6.16 Gout | 371 |
6.17 Hexamita | 373 |
6.18 Hypervitaminosis A | 374 |
6.19 Hypovitaminosis A | 375 |
6.20 Hypovitaminosis B | 377 |
6.21 Ichthyophonus | 378 |
6.22 Isospora | 380 |
6.23 Lower respiratory tract diseases | 381 |
6.24 Mycobacteriosis | 383 |
6.25 Nutritional secondary hyperparathyroidism | 385 |
6.26 Oxyurids | 387 |
6.27 Pentastomes | 388 |
6.28 Prolapse | 390 |
6.29 Pseudogout | 392 |
6.30 Ranavirus | 393 |
6.31 Regurgitation | 395 |
6.32 Renal secondary hyperparathyroidism | 397 |
6.33 Rhabdia | 399 |
6.34 Salmonellosis | 400 |
6.35 Saprolegniasis | 402 |
6.36 Short tongue syndrome | 404 |
6.37 Spindly leg syndrome | 405 |
6.38 Squamous cell carcinoma | 406 |
6.39 Stomatitis | 408 |
6.40 Ticks | 410 |
6.41 Upper respiratory tract diseases | 412 |
6.42 Vomiting | 415 |
6.43 Weight loss | 417 |
6.44 Xanthomatosis | 419 |
Index | 421 |