Internetové knihkupectví s veterinární tématikou
Revidované třetí vydání časopisu Blackwell’s Five-Minute Veterinary Consult: Small savec poskytuje klíčové informace o nemocech a stavech běžně se vyskytujících u malých exotických savců ve stručném a přístupném formátu. Každé identicky formátované téma představuje základní podrobnosti o diagnostice a terapii léčbu těchto běžných domácích mazlíčků. Třetí vydání bylo důkladně aktualizováno obohacené o kapitoly o ježcích, hlodavcích, fretkách, činčilách a morčatech.
Kniha je uspořádána abecedně pro snadný přístup zaneprázdněným praktikům a studentům. Doprovodný web nabízí klientské podklady, které lze stáhnout a poskytnout klientům.
Čtenáři najdou:
Rychlý přístup ke klíčovým informacím pro léčbu malých exotických mazlíčků.
Stručné popisy široké škály nemocí a stavů pozorovaných u těchto druhů.
Podrobné, aktuální informace o diagnostických a léčebných možnostech.
Rozsáhlé přílohy, včetně běžných dávek a normálních hodnot pro různé exotické společníky.
Informační letáky pro klienty na doprovodné webové stránce, které pokrývají témata jako chronický, občasný průjem králíků a malokluze zubů u morčat.
Publikace je určena praktickým veterinárním lékařům specializující se na malá exotická a laboratorní zvířata.
Autor: Oglesbee
Nakladatel | Wiley-Blackwell |
ISBN | 9781119456520 |
Vydání | III. vydání 2023 |
Vazba | pevná |
Počet stran | 776 |
An up-to-date and practical resource for the diagnosis and treatment of exotic companion mammal
diseases and conditions
The revised third edition of Blackwell’s Five-Minute Veterinary Consult: Small Mammal provides key information
on diseases and conditions commonly seen in small exotic mammals in a concise, accessible format. Each
identically formatted topic presents essential details for diagnosing and treating these common pets. The Third
Edition has been thoroughly updated throughout, and adds hedgehogs and sugar gliders to the existing rabbit,
rodent, ferret, chinchilla, and guinea pig coverage.
The book is organized alphabetically for easy access by busy practitioners and students. A companion website
offers client handouts that can be downloaded and distributed to clients.
Readers will find:
Fast access to key information for the treatment of small exotic pets
Concise descriptions of a wide range of diseases and conditions seen in these species
Detailed, up-to-date information on diagnostic and treatment options
Extensive appendices, including common dosages and normal values for a variety of exotic companion
Client education handouts on the companion website, covering topics like chronic, intermittent diarrhea in
rabbits and dental malocclusion in guinea pigs
Designed for small animal general veterinary practitioners, exotic animal veterinarians, and laboratory animal
veterinarians, Blackwell’s Five-Minute Veterinary Consult: Small Mammal’s consistency and benefits anyone involved in providing veterinary care to exotic companion mammals.
List of Contributors | xv |
Preface | xvi |
About the Companion Website | xvii |
Alopecia | 2 |
Anorexia and Pseudoanorexia | 5 |
Antibiotic-Associated Enterotoxemia | 8 |
Congestive Heart Failure | 11 |
Constipation (Lack of Fecal Production) | 13 |
Dental Malocclusion | 16 |
Dermatophytosis | 18 |
Diarrhea | 21 |
Dyspnea and Tachypnea | 24 |
Dystocia and Disorders of Pregnancy | 28 |
Dysuria, Hematuria, and Pollakiuria | 30 |
Gastrointestinal Stasis and Dilation | 34 |
Giardiasis | 38 |
Otitis Media and Interna | 39 |
Nasal Discharge and Sneezing | 42 |
Penile Disorders: Phimosis, Paraphimosis and Balanoposthitis | 45 |
Polyuria and Polydipsia | 47 |
Urolithiasis | 50 |
Weight Loss and Cachexia | 53 |
Ferret Adrenal Disease (Hyperadrenocorticism) | 58 |
Aleutian Disease Virus (Parvovirus) | 61 |
Alopecia | 63 |
Anorexia | 65 |
Ascites | 67 |
Ataxis | 69 |
Bradyanhythmias | 71 |
Canine Distemper Virus | 73 |
Chordomas | 75 |
Clostridial Enterotoxicosis | 76 |
Coccidiosis | 78 |
Congestive Heart Failure | 79 |
Coughing | 82 |
Cryptosporidiosis | 84 |
Dermatophytosis | 85 |
Dianhea | 87 |
Disseminated Idiopathic Myofasciitis (DIM) | 90 |
Dyschezia and Hematochezia | 92 |
Dysphagia | 94 |
Dysuria and Pollakiuria | 96 |
Dyspnea and Tachypnea | 98 |
Ear Mites | 100 |
Eosinophillic Gastroenteritis | 101 |
Epizootic Catarrhal Enteritis | 103 |
Ferret Systemic Coronavirus (FRSCV) | 106 |
Fleas and Flea Infestation | 108 |
Gastritis | 110 |
Gastroduodenal Ulcers | 113 |
Gastrointestinal and Esophageal Foreign Bodies | 116 |
Giardiasis | 119 |
Gingivitis and Periodontal Disease | 120 |
Heartworm Disease | 121 |
Helicobacter Mustelae | 123 |
Hyperestrogenism | 125 |
Hypoglycemia | 128 |
Ibuprofen and Acetaminophen Toxicity | 130 |
Inflammatory Bowel Disease | 132 |
Influenza Virus | 134 |
Insulinoma | 136 |
Liver Disease | 139 |
Lower Urinary Tract Infection | 141 |
Lymphadenopathy (Lymphadenomegaly) | 143 |
Lymphoma | 145 |
Lymphoplasmacytic Enteritis and Gastroenteritis | 148 |
Mast Cell Tumors | 150 |
Megaesophagus | 151 |
Melena | 153 |
Nasal Discharge and Sneezing | 155 |
Neoplasia, Digestive System | 157 |
Neoplasia, Integumentary | 159 |
Neoplasia, Musculoskeletal, and Nervous System | 160 |
Obesity | 161 |
Otitis Externa and Media | 163 |
Paraurethral Cysts (Urogenital Cystic Disease) | 165 Paresis and Paralysis |
Petechia/Ecchymosis/Bruising | 171 |
Pleural Effusion | 173 |
Pneumonia | 175 |
Pododermatitis and Nail Bed Disorders | 177 |
Polyuria and Polydipsia | 179 |
Proliferative Bowel Disease | 181 |
Prostatomegaly | 183 |
Pruritus | 186 |
Ptyalism | 188 |
Rabies | 190 |
Rectal and Anal Prolapse | 192 |
Regurgitation | 193 |
Renal Cysts | 195 |
Renal Failure | 196 |
Renomegaly | 199 |
Salmonellosis | 201 |
Sarcoptic Mange | 203 |
Splenomegaly | 205 |
Swollen Vulva | 207 |
Tachyarrhythmias | 209 |
Urethral Obstruction | 211 |
Urolithiasis | 214 |
Vaccine Reaction | 217 |
Vaginal Discharge | 219 |
Vomiting | 221 |
Weight Loss and Cachexia | 224 |
Abscesses | 228 |
Alopecia | 232 |
Anorexia and Pseudoanorexia | 235 |
Antibiotic-Associated Enterotoxemia | 238 |
Ataxia | 241 |
Cardiac and Pericaridial Disease | 245 |
Cardiomyopathy, Dilated (DCM), Hypertrophic (HCM), and Restrictive (RCM) | 248 |
Cervical Lymphadenitis | 251 |
Cheilitis | 254 |
Chlamydiosis | 256 |
Conjunctivitis | 258 |
Constipation (Lack of Fecal Production) | 261 |
Cutaneous and Subcutaneous Masses | 265 |
Dental Malocclusion | 269 |
Dermatophytosis | 272 |
Diarrhea | 274 |
Dyspnea and Tachypnea | 277 |
Dystocia | 280 |
Dysuria, Hematuria, and Pollakiuria | 282 |
Epiphora | 286 |
Fleas and Flea Infestation | 289 |
Exophthalmos and Orbital Diseases | 292 |
Gastric Dilation/Gastric Dilitation Volvulus | 293 |
Gastrointestinal Hypomotility and Gastrointestinal Stasis | 296 |
Heat stroke | 302 |
Hypercalciuria and Urolithiasis | 305 |
Hyperthyroidism | 309 |
Hypovitaminosis C (Scurvy) | 312 |
Lice and Mites | 314 |
Lower Urinary Tract Infection | 317 |
Mastitis | 321 |
Nasal Discharge and Sneezing | 323 |
Otitis Media and Interna | 327 |
Ovarian Cysts | 330 |
Paresis and Paralysis | 333 |
Pea Eye | 336 |
Perineal Sac Impaction | 338 |
Polyuria and Polydipsia | 340 |
Pneumonia | 43 |
Pododermatitis (Bumblefoot) | 346 |
Pregnancy Toxemia | 349 |
Pruritus | 352 |
Pyometra and Nonneoplastic Uterine Disorders | 355 |
Rhinitis and Sinusitis | 358 |
Seizures | 361 |
Stertor and Stridor | 364 |
Tyzzer's Disease | 367 |
Urinary Tract Obstruction | 369 |
Vaginal Discharge | 373 |
Weight Loss and Cachexia | 376 |
Alopecia and Quill Loss | 380 |
Anorexia and Pseudoanorexia | 382 |
Ataxia | 384 |
Cardiomyopathy | 386 |
Conjunctivitis | 388 |
Cutaneous and Subcutaneous Masses | 390 |
Dental Disease | 392 |
Dermatophytosis | 394 |
Dyspnea and Tachypnea | 396 |
Dysuria and Hematuria | 399 |
Ectoparasites | 401 |
Exophthalmos and Orbital Diseases | 403 |
Female Reproductive Tract Disorders | 405 |
Head Tilt (Vestibular Disease) | 407 |
Nasal Discharge and Sneezing | 409 |
Neoplasia | 411 |
Obesity | 413 |
Vomiting and Diarrhea | 415 |
Wobbly Hedgehog Syndrome | 418 |
Abscesses | 422 |
Alopecia | 426 |
Anorexia and Pseudoanorexia | 428 |
Anterior Uveitis | 431 |
Arthritis-Osteoarthritis | 434 |
Arthritis-Septic | 436 |
Ataxia | 438 |
Cataracts | 440 |
Cheyletiellosis and L. Gibbus (Fur Mites) | 442 |
Cheek Teeth (Premolar and Molar) Malocclusion | 444 |
Clostridial Enteritis/Enterotoxicosis | 448 |
Coccidiosis | 451 |
Congestive Heart Failure | 753 |
Conjunctivitis | 456 |
Constipation (Lack of Fecal Production) | 459 |
Dermatophytosis | 463 |
Diarrhea, Acute | 465 |
Diarrhea-Chronic, Intermittent | 468 |
Dyspnea and Tachypnea | 470 |
Dysuria and Pollakiuria | 473 |
Ear Mites | 476 |
Encephalitozoonosis | 478 |
Encephalitis and Meningoencephalitis | 481 |
Epiphora | 484 |
Facial Nerve Paresis/Paralysis | 487 |
Fleas and Flea Infestation | 490 |
Gastric Dilation (Bloat) | 492 |
Gastrointestinal Hypomotility, and Gastrointestinal Stasis | 496 |
Head Tilt (Vestibular Disease) | 500 |
Heatstroke and Heat Stress | 504 |
Hematuria | 506 |
Herpes Simplex | 508 |
Hypercalciuria (Bladder Sludge) and Urolithiasis | 510 |
Incisor Malocclusion and Overgrowth | 513 |
Incontinence, Urinary | 516 |
Lameness | 518 |
Lead Toxicity | 520 |
Liver Lobe Torsion | 522 |
Mastitis, Cystic, and Septic | 524 |
Mammary Tumors | 526 |
Myxomatosis | 528 |
Nasal Discharge and Sneezing | 529 |
Neck and Back Pain | 532 |
Obesity | 534 |
Otitis Externa and Media | 536 |
Otitis Media and Interna | 539 |
Paresis and Paralysis | 542 |
Pasteurellosis | 545 |
Pinworms (Oxyurids) | 548 |
Pneumonia (Lower Respiratory Tract Infection) | 549 |
Poisoning (Intoxication) | 551 |
Polyuria and Polydipsia | 553 |
Pruritus | 555 |
Ptyalism (Slobbers) | 557 |
Pyoderma | 560 |
Pyometra and Nonneoplastic Endometrial Disorders | 563 |
Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease Virus (RHDV) | 565 |
Red Eye | 567 |
Renal Failure | 570 |
Rhinitis and Sinusitis | 573 |
Seizures | 576 |
Shope Papilloma Virus | 579 |
Spondylosis Deformans and Spinal Arthritis | 580 |
Testicular Tumors | 582 |
Thymoma and Thymic Lymphoma | 583 |
Treponematosis (Rabbit Syphilis) | 585 |
Ulcerative Pododermatitis (Sore Hocks) | 586 |
Uterine Adenocarcinoma | 589 |
Vaginal Discharge | 591 |
Vertebral Fracture or Luxation | 593 |
Weight Loss and Cachexia | 595 |
Acute Respiratory Distress | 598 |
Alopecia | 601 |
Amyloidosis | 604 |
Anorexia and Pseudoanorexia | 606 |
Ascites and Abdominal Distension | 609 |
Ataxia | 611 |
Cheek Pouch Disorders (Hamsters) | 613 |
Congestive Heart Failure | 615 |
Constipation (Lack of Fecal Production) | 618 |
Cutaneous and Subcutaneous Masses | 621 |
Dermatophytosis | 623 |
Diarrhea | 625 |
Dysuria and Pollakiuria | 629 |
Ectoparasites | 631 |
Exophthalmos and Orbital Diseases | 633 |
Head Tilt (Vestibular Disease) | 637 |
Hematuria | 639 |
Hyperadrenocorticism | 641 |
Incisor Malocclusion and Overgrowth | 643 |
Intestinal Parasitism | 645 |
Lower Urinary Tract Infection | 647 |
Mammary Tumors | 649 |
Mycoplasmosis and Chronic Respiratory Disease | 652 |
Nasal Discharge and Sneezing | 655 |
Otitis Media and Interna | 657 |
Ovarian Cysts | 659 |
Pneumonia | 661 |
Polyuria and Polydipsia | 664 |
Pruritus | 666 |
Rectal Prolapse | 668 |
Red Tears (Chromodacryorrhea) | 671 |
Renal Failure | 673 |
Scent Gland Disorders | 676 |
Sialodacryoadenitis Virus | 678 |
Tyzzer's Disease | 680 |
Ulcerative Pododermatitis (Bumblefoot) | 682 |
Uterine Disorders | 684 |
Vaginal Discharge | 686 |
Weight Loss and Cachexia | 689 |
Alopecia | 692 |
Anorexia and Pseudoanorexia | 694 |
Conjunctivitis | 696 |
Constipation (Lack of Fecal Production) | 699 |
Dental Disease | 702 |
Diarrhea | 704 |
Dysuria and Hematuria | 707 |
Exophthalmos and Orbital Diseases | 709 |
Female Reproductive Disorders | 712 |
Nasal Discharge and Sneezing | 715 |
Nutritional Osteodystrophy | 717 |
Obesity | 720 |
Paracloacal Gland Disorders | 722 |
Paresis and Paralysis | 724 |
Penile Prolapse | 727 |
Seizures and Tremors | 729 |
Self-Mutilation | 731 |
Appendix I: Common Dosages for Chinchillas | 734 Appendix II: Common Dosages for Ferrets |
Appendix III: Common Dosages for Guinea Pigs | 744 |
Appendix IV: Common Dosages for Hedgehogs | 747 |
Appendix V: Common Dosages for Rabbits | 752 |
Appendix VI: Common Dosages for Selected Rodent Species | 757 |
Appendix VII: Common Dosages for Sugar Gliders | 766 |
Appendix VIII: Sugar Gliders | 767 |
Index | 769 |