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Bovine Reproduction, 2nd Edition

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Nově revidované druhé vydání hovězí reprodukce přináší komplexní přehled všech hlavních problémů reprodukce skotu. Kniha, kterou napsali přední odborníci na toto téma, je nepostradatelným odkazem pro každého veterináře zabývajícího se plodností skotu.

Reprodukce skotu je rozdělena do sekcí na býka, krávu, novorozence a techniky asistované reprodukce. Nové kapitoly pojednávají o nových technologiích genové manipulace, zvládání problémových dárců, kulhání a dalších. Zastaralé a nadbytečné informace z prvního vydání byly odstraněny a nahrazeny pokrytím nových chorob, technologií, postupů, technik a přístupů k problémům s plodností.

Nový doprovodný web poskytuje obrázky a tabulky z knihy ve formátu PowerPoint. Kromě více než 675 plnobarevných obrázků budou čtenáři těžit také z:

Důkladná diskuse o anatomii a fyziologii býka, včetně endokrinních a exokrinních funkcí hovězích varlat a termoregulace varlat
Průzkum chovu býků a péče o zdraví býků, včetně hodnocení zdravosti chovu a ultrazvukového vyšetření reprodukčního traktu
Zkouška anatomie, fyziologie a chovu a péče o zdraví krav, včetně programování plodu, mikrobiomu reprodukčního traktu a sekce o porodnictví a reprodukční chirurgii
Přezkum řízení kritické péče o novorozence a efektivního hodnocení a zajištění mleziva
Úvod do asistovaných a pokročilých reprodukčních technologií
Praktická a komplexní reference, Bovine Reproduction je nezbytným nákupem pro praktiky skotu,

Autor: Richard M. Hopper (Editor)

Cena s DPH:  asi 7508 Kč
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Základní informace
VydáníII. vydání 2021
Počet stran1206

The newly revised Second Edition of Bovine Reproduction delivers a comprehensive overview of all major issues in bovine reproduction. Written by leading experts in the subject, the book is an indispensable reference for any veterinarian dealing with bovine fertility.

Bovine Reproduction is divided into sections on the bull, the cow, the neonate, and assisted reproduction techniques. New chapters cover new gene manipulation technologies, managing problem donors, lameness, and more. Outdated and redundant information from the First Edition has been removed and replaced by coverage of new diseases, technologies, procedures, techniques, and approaches to fertility problems.

A new companion website provides images and tables from the book in PowerPoint format. In addition to more than 675 full-color images, readers will also benefit from:

A thorough discussion of the anatomy and physiology of the bull, including the endocrine and exocrine function of bovine testes and the thermoregulation of the testes
An exploration of breeding and health management of bulls, including the evaluation of breeding soundness and ultrasound examination of the reproductive tract
An examination of the anatomy, physiology, and the breeding and health management of cows, including fetal programming, the reproductive tract microbiome, and a section on obstetrics and reproductive surgery
A review of the management of both critical care of the neonate and effective colostrum assessment and provision
An introduction to assisted and advanced reproductive technologies
A practical and comprehensive reference, Bovine Reproduction is a must-have purchase for bovine practitioners, theriogenologists, animal scientists, veterinary students, and residents with an interest in cattle.
Richard M. Hopper, DVM, Diplomate ACT, is Professor of Farm Animal Theriogenology at the Auburn University College of Veterinary Medicine in Auburn, Alabama, USA and Professor Emeritus of the Mississippi State University College of Veterinary Medicine in Starkville, Mississippi, USA.

Preface to the Second Editionxxiii
Preface to the First Editionxxiv
About the Companion Websitexxv
Section I: The Bull1
Anatomy & Physiology1
1. Anatomy of the reproductive system of the bull – Nabors5
2. Endocrine and exocrine function of the testes – Ryan & Hoffmann32
3. Spermatogenesis - Waqas32
4. Thermoregulation of the testes – Kastelic & Rizzoto40
5. Endocrine control of testicular development and initiation of spermatogenesis in bulls –Brito47
6. Bull development: Sexual development and puberty in bulls - Brito58
Breeding and Health management79
7. Evaluation of Breeding Soundness: Comparative review of different standards – Norman81
8. Evaluation of Breeding Soundness: The Physical Exam - Thompson & Alexander98
9. Evaluation of Breeding Soundness: The Spermiogram - Palmer102
10. Ultrasound Examination of the Reproductive Tract – Momont, Keeler & Nicholson120
11. Management of Breeding Bull Batteries - King130
12. Management of Bulls at AI Studs - Warner137
13. Testicular Degeneration - Kastelic144
14. Vesicular Adenitis - Thompson151
15. Inability to breed due to injury or Abnormality of the External Genitalia of Bulls – Maxwell155
16. Management of Lameness in Breeding Bulls - Warner173
Reproductive Surgery191
17. General& Regional Anesthesia - Sidelinger193
18. Surgery of the Scrotum & Its Contents - King200
19. Restorative Surgery of the Prepuce & Penis - Hopper & Wolfe210
20. Management of Urolithiasis - Grissett230
21. Preparation of Teaser Bulls - Grissett242
Section II: The Cow249
Anatomy & Physiology251
22. Anatomy of the Reproductive System of the Cow - Nabors253
23. Initiation of Puberty in Heifers - Estill258
24. Neuroendocrine Control of Estrous & Ovulation - Williams269
25. Ovarian follicular and luteal dynamics in cattle - Adams & Singh292
26. Maternal recognition & Physiology of Pregnancy – Lemley, Camacho & Vonnahme324
27. Fetal programming – Lemley, Littlejohn & Burnett339
Breeding and Health Management347
28. Biosecurity for Beef & Dairy Herds - Huston349
29. Beef Heifer Development – Hindman & Engelken359
30. Dairy Heifer Development – R. Stockler366
31. Interaction of Nutrition & Reproduction: Beef – Olson, Bailey, Duncan & Swecker372
32. Interaction of Nutrition and Reproduction in the Dairy Cow – Cargile & Tracy389
33. Cystic Ovarian Follicles – J. Smith399
34. Postpartum anestrus and its management in dairy cattle - Ambrose408
35. Estrus Detection - Palomares431
36. Artificial Insemination - R. Kasimanickam447
37. Pharmacological Control of the Estrous Cycle - R. Kasimanickam458
38. Examination for Pregnancy: Rectal Palpation - Christiansen471
39. Examination for Pregnancy: Biochemical Tests - Cain479
40. Ultrasound Evaluation of the Reproductive Tract – Colloton486
41. Beef Herd Health for Optimal Reproduction – Engelken & Dohlman509
42. Dairy Herd Health for Optimal Reproduction - Klopfenstein517
43. Herd Diagnostic Testing Strategies - Larson526
44. Breeding Season Evaluation of Beef Herds - Engelken532
45. Dairy Herd Record Analysis - Lynch538
46. Marketing the Bovine Reproductive Practice - Myers554
Obstetrics and Reproductive Surgery561
47. Management of Vaginal, Cervico-Vaginal & Uterine Prolapse - King & Peter563
48. Induction of Parturition & Abortion - Koziol579
49. Management to Prevent Dystocia – Boakari & El-Sheikh Ali590
50. Dystocia and Accidents of Gestation - Maxwell597
51. Obstetrics: Mutation, Forced Extraction, Fetotomy - Walters608
52. Obstetrics: Caesarian Section - Mochal-King619
53. Retained Fetal Membranes - Peter629
54. Postpartum Uterine Infection - Darawhal639
55. Surgery to Restore Fertility – Hopper655
Pregnancy Wastage665
56. Fetal Disease and Abortion: Diagnosis and Causes - Baumgartner667
57. Infectious Agents: Campylobacter – Rush & Edmondson717
58. Infectious Agents: Trichomonas – Waters & Gard725
59. Infectious Agents: Leptospirosis - Jumper733
60. Infectious Agents: Brucellosis - Ragan742
61. Infectious Agents: Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis - Newcomer753
62. Infectious Agents: Bovine Viral Diarrhea - Chamorro & Passler758
63. Infectious Agents: Schmallenberg virus – Kauffold, Hoops & Vahlenkamp784
64. Infectious Agents: Bovine Epizootic Abortion – Stott, Blanchard & Anderson793
65. Infectious Agents: Neospora - Scully799
66. Infectious Agents: Mycotic - Austin809
67. Compromised Pregnancy Success Caused by Heat Stress - Hansen814
68. The Reproductive Tract Microbiome: Implications for fetal & neonatal health – Messman & Lemley830
69. Bovine Abortifacient and Teratogenic Toxins - Baughman839
70. Heritable Congenital Defects – Whitlock, Beever & Steffen863
71. The Abnormal Offspring Syndrome – Rivera, Donnelly, Patel, Li & Soto-Moreno876
Section III: The Neonate897
72. Strategies to Decrease Neonatal Calf Loss in the Beef Herds - Smith899
73. Management to Decrease Neonatal Calf Loss in the Dairy Herd – R. Stockler909
74. Critical care management of the neonate – Chamorro & Passler916
75. Colostrum management - J. Stockler & Chamorro924
Section IV: Assisted and Advanced Reproductive Technologies945
Technological Advances that Enhance the Quantity and Quality of Spermatogenic Production947
76. Utilization of genomic testing for the selection of desirable traits in cattle – Upshaw, Butler, Henderson, Shaffer & Rolf949
77. Emerging hormonal therapies that potentially enhance fertility parameters in developing bulls - Waqas978
78. Cryopreservation of Semen - Sathe986
79. Utilization of Sex Selected Semen - R. Kasimanickam1000
80. Control of Semen Borne Pathogens - Givens1011
81. Bovine semen quality control in artificial insemination centers – Vincent, Underwood, Dolbec, Bouchard, Kroetsch & Blondin,1019
82. Superovulation in Cattle – Jahnke, Youngs, Mapletoft, & Bo1032
83. Embryo Collection and Transfer – Nola & Looney1041
84. Selection & Management of the Embryo Recipient Herd – Lamb, Mercadante, Oosthuizen & Fontes1061
85. Evaluation of In Vivo Derived Bovine Embryos – Jahnke, West & Youngs1073
86. Control of Embryo Borne Pathogens - Gard1091
87. Cryopreservation of Bovine Embryos - Jones1103
88. Managing the “problem donor” – Pohler, Fernández, Poole, Reese & Franco1110
89. In Vitro Fertilization – Hasler & Barfield1124
90. Cloning by Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer – Edwards, Schrick & Klabnik1142
91. Application of CRISPR-Cas9 Technology in Bovine Reproduction - V. Kasimanickam1157