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BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline Endoscopy and Endosurgery 2. edition

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Druhé vydání BSAVA příručky psí a kočičí endoskopie a endochirurgie poskytuje komplexní a praktické informace pro specialisty, jenž potřebují získat zkušenosti a poznatky této minimálně invazivní techniky při terapii psů a koček. Rutinní postupy jsou podrobně popsány a jsou zahrnuty i pokročilejší techniky vhodné pro pokročilé specialisty. Všechny kapitoly druhého vydání byly důkladně přepracovány a aktualizovány. Nově byly doplněny kapitoly o ezofagoskopii, intervenční endoskopii a možných budoucích technikách. Podrobnější informace o minimálně invazivních technikách u koček jsou zahrnuty napříč celým textem. Kapitola o laparoskopii byla významně rozšířena a zahrnuje techniky od biopsie jater, ovariektomie po cholecystektomii a adrenalektomii. Novinkou v tomto vydání je řada videí, která doprovázejí kapitoly. Tato videa jsou k dispozici ve „virtuální BSAVA knihovně“.
V humánní chirurgii jsou minimálně invazivních techniky používány kdykoli je to možné. Výhody těchto technik jsou značné: vylepšená vizualizace chirurgického pole; lepší přístup k chirurgickému místu; menší jizvy, následná snížená pooperační bolest a rychlejší hojení. Proto i majitelé očekávají použití minimálně invazivních chirurgických zákroků u svých domácích mazlíčků. Příručka poskytuje podrobné informace o přístrojích požadovaných pro různé techniky a praktické tipy a rady týkající se jejich péče. Jsou vysvětleny principy a základní techniky diagnostické endoskopie a endochirurgie, ilustrované množstvím barevných fotografií a speciálně vytvořených diagramů.

Autor: Philip Lhermette, David Sobel and Elise Robertson

Cena s DPH:  asi 3086 Kč
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Základní informace
NakladatelBritish Small Animal Veterinary Association
VydáníII. vydání 2021
Počet stran336

The BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline Endoscopy and Endosurgery provides a comprehensive and practical guide for practitioners who wish to practice minimally invasive techniques. Routine procedures are described in detail and more advanced techniques suitable for advanced practitioners are also included.
• All the chapters have been thoroughly revised and updated
• Chapters on oesophagoscopy, interventional endoscopy and future developments are new to this edition
• More detailed information on minimally invasive techniques in cats included throughout
• The chapter on laparoscopy has been significantly expanded and covers techniques ranging from liver biopsy and ovariectomy to cholecystectomy and adrenalectomy

Exclusive video content

New to this edition are a series of videos that accompany the chapters. These videos are available from the BSAVA Library.

Surgery in the human field is carried out using minimally invasive techniques wherever possible. The advantages of these techniques are considerable: improved visualization of the surgical field; improved access to the surgical site; reduced scarring, morbidity and postoperative pain; and more rapid healing. People nowadays expect minimally invasive surgery for themselves, and are very receptive to these procedures for their pets. This manual provides a practical guide for general practitioners worldwide who wish to use minimally invasive techniques. It gives detailed information on the instrumentation required for different techniques, and practical tips and advice on its care. The principles and basic techniques of diagnostic endoscopy and endosurgery are explained, illustrated by a wealth of colour photographs and specially commissioned diagrams.
New to this edition are a series of videos that accompany the chapters. These videos are available from the BSAVA Library.
About the Author
Philip Lhermette BSc(Hons) CBiol FRSB BVetMed FRCVS
Philip completed a BSc in Animal Physiology at the University of Nottingham in 1977 and graduated from the Royal Veterinary College in 1982. After five years in mixed practice he founded Elands Veterinary Clinic in Sevenoaks, Kent. Philip has studied endoscopy and endosurgery since 1995 and laser surgery since 2001. He trained with David Sobel in the USA and has received advanced training in human minimally invasive surgery at the Spire Tunbridge Wells Hospital. He pioneered many minimally invasive techniques, including laparoscopic ovariohysterectomy and laser surgery in the UK and currently runs an endoscopy referral service. He lectures extensively throughout the UK, Europe and Asia.
David Sobel DVM MRCVS
David began his veterinary training at the University of Glasgow before returning to the USA to receive his DVM from Tufts Veterinary School in 1992. He was on the staff at Dover Veterinary Hospital during which time he received advanced training in human endoscopic surgery at the New England Medical Center in Boston. In 2000, he launched Metropolitan Veterinary Consultants, providing mobile endosurgical services across New England and consulting worldwide. David lives in New Hampshire with his wife, four children and two dogs.
Elise Robertson BS BVetMed MACVSc(Feline) DipABVP(Feline) FHEA FRSB FRCVS
Elise graduated from Colorado State University in 1998 and the Royal Veterinary College in 2003. She received her formal training in medical endoscopy and ‘keyhole’ surgery from well-known human and veterinary institutions based in the UK, France, Germany, Italy and the USA. Elise operates a peripatetic medicine and endoscopy/endosurgery referral service for practices based in South East England, Singapore, Hong Kong and Malaysia. Elise is Head
European Mentor for the ISFM/University of Sydney Distance Education in Feline Medicine, lecturer at the Translational Medicine Institute at Colorado State University, and regular guest-lecturer at Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok. She was the 2018 recipient of the BSAVA PetSavers Award for her meritorious contributions as a veterinary surgeon in small animal veterinary practice, and has been awarded Fellowships of the Higher Education Academy and Royal Society of Biology.

List of contributorsv
An introduction to endoscopy and endosurgery1
Flexible endoscopy: basic technique31
Flexible endoscopy: oesophagoscopy47
Flexible endoscopy: upper gastrointestinal tract56
Flexible endoscopy: lower gastrointestinal tract86
Flexible endoscopy: respiratory tract97
Principles of rigid endoscopy and endosurgery112
Rigid endoscopy: rhinoscopy128
Rigid endoscopy: otoendoscopy152
Rigid endoscopy: urethrocystoscopy and vaginoscopy168
Rigid endoscopy: laparoscopy183
Rigid endoscopy: thoracoscopy218
Rigid endoscopy: arthroscopy236
Interventional endoscopy and radiology267
An introduction to laser endosurgery280
Evolving trends and future developments297