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BSAVA Manual of Rabbit Surgery, Dentistry and Imaging

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Autoři v této publikaci navázaly na předcházející vydání BSAVA manuálů věnovaných králičí problematice. V minulém století v roce 1980 byla v prvním vydání BSAVA Exotic Pets Manual věnována této problematice jedna kapitola. S ohledem na narůstající populaci těchto zvířecích mazlíčků, kteří vytlačují z našich ordinací námi oblíbené psy a kočky, zareagovalo vydavatelství v roce 2010 vydání BSAVA Manual Rabbit Medicine and Surgery. Uplynulo pouhé čtyři roky a úroveň poznatků a zkušeností králičí medicíny si vyžádalo vydání dvou samostatných svazků. Za tuto dobu se rapidně změnily podmínky a možnosti praktických veterinárních lékařů, kteří si mohli již dovolit vstoupit na tenký led poznání a zkušeností v oboru chirurgie malých hlodavců. Proto si vyžádalo vydání samostatný díl zaměřený na tuto problematiku, který je bohatě ilustrovaný a graficky zpracovaný na špičkové úrovni. To umožňuje prezentaci chirurgických zákroků majiteli, kteří snáze pochopí výklad veterinárního lékaře, protože mnoho chirurgických zákroků je specifických a naprosto jedinečných vzhledem k anatomickým zvláštnostem tohoto živočišného druhu. Je pro naši zemi potěšující, že jedním z autorů je i náš kolega MVDr. Vladimír Jekl, specialista a guru králičí medicíny v zemi české a slovenské.

Publikace je bohatě ilustrována celobarevnými ilustracemi a fotografiemi, které umožňují lépe pochopit danou problematiku králičí medicíny, ve které se začínají uplatňovat nové diagnostické zobrazovací metody – USG, endoskopie, CT a MRI. Nosnou kapitolou chirurgie králíků je stomatologie, které je v publikaci věnováno 109 stran což je čtvrtina publikace. Operační postupy jsou vysvětlovány chronologicky krok za krokem, bohatě ilustrovány a zpracovány do přehledných tabulek.

Autor: Frances Harcourt–Brown, John Chitty

Cena s DPH:  asi 3086 Kč
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Základní informace
NakladatelBritish Small Animal Veterinary Association
Počet stran440

Frances Harcourt-Brown BVSc DipECZM(Small Mammal) FRCVS
Frances graduated from Liverpool University in 1973 and set up a small animal practice in 1977 with her husband Nigel. Frances is the only person to receive the BVA’s William Hunting award twice: first for ‘A review of clinical conditions in pet rabbits associated with their teeth’ (Veterinary Record, 1995); and secondly for ‘Gastric dilation and intestinal obstruction in 76 rabbits’ (2007). She has since published many other papers and received many other awards, including the BSAVA’s Melton and Dunkin awards. Frances’ renowned Textbook of Rabbit Medicine (2001) gained her a worldwide reputation. She became an FRCVS with her thesis on dental disease in pet rabbits and is a de facto Diplomate of the European College of Zoological Medicine and the only RCVS Recognized Specialist in Rabbit Medicine and Surgery. She still works in general practice, with pet rabbits forming 95% of her caseload.
John Chitty BVetMed CertZooMed MRCVS
John qualified from the Royal Veterinary College in 1990 and gained the RCVS Certificate in Zoological Medicine in 2000. He is currently the Director of a small animal/exotics practice in Andover, Hampshire, with a 100% avian/exotics/small mammal caseload (both referral and first-opinion). John is co-editor of two texts on avian medicine and author of various book chapters and papers on a range of species. He is Secretary of the European Association of Avian Veterinarians and Journal co-editor and board member of the Association of Exotic Mammal Veterinarians.

Rabbits make up a considerable proportion of the caseload in small animal practice, and knowledge of rabbit medicine and surgery has grown rapidly in the past decade such that one BSAVA Manual is no longer enough to do justice to this important pet. The all-new BSAVA Manual of Rabbit Surgery, Dentistry and Imaging concentrates on the major surgical and dental conditions that are so common in rabbits, while its sister volume (BSAVA Manual of Rabbit Medicine) concentrates on common medical conditions.
To maximize surgical success, anaesthesia and analgesia are first discussed, including practical advice on different regimes for different situations/risk levels, chemical pain relief and also hospitalization and postoperative care. A section on imaging follows, covering not only radiographic techniques and their interpretation, but also ultrasonography, endoscopy, CT and MRI. The third part of the Manual is devoted to surgical techniques. General principles of rabbit surgery are discussed, as well as specific surgical techniques and procedures, from basic techniques such as neutering to more specialized techniques used in each organ system. The final section is devoted to dental disease and abscessation, including the techniques required for a full dental examination and evaluation. The range of treatment techniques available for cheek tooth overgrowth and dental abscesses is highlighted, and the reader is encouraged to draw their own conclusions as to the correct method to use in each case.
Illustrated step-by-step Operative Techniques are provided for surgical and dental procedures, to enable the reader to benefit from the expertise of the international authors.

Analgesia and postoperative care26
Principles of radiography39
Radiographic interpretation of the skull59
Radiographic interpretation of the thorax69
Radiographic interpretation of the vertebral column76
Radiographic interpretation of the abdomen84
CT and MRI scanning and interpretation107
Basic prionciples of soft tissue surgery123
Exploratory laparotomy157
Gastric dilatation and intestinal obstruction172
Urinary tract surgery190
Ear and sinus surgery212
Eye and eyelid surgery233
Anorectal papilloma254
Mediastinal masses and other thoracic surgery257
Surgical treatment of adrenocortical disease269
Removal of perineal and other skin folds274
Fracture management283
Joint disease and surgery305
Normal rabbit dentition and pathogenesis of dental disease319
The dental examination337
Treatment of dental problems: principles and options349
Tooth extraction370
Dental-related epiphora and dacrocystitis382
Facial abscesses395
Mangement of chronic dental problems423
A basic surgical kit for rabbits432
A basic dentistry kit for rabbits432
Dorsal imobility response in rabbit433