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BSAVA Pocketbook pro veterinární sestry nabízí rychlý přístup ke klíčovým informacím a ohromnému množství postupů. V tomto druhém vydání stavěla editorka Emma Gerrard na vynikajících základech Louise O’Dwyer tak, aby popsaly rozšiřující se povinnosti veterinární profese. Byly zachovány léty ověřené praktické funkce, jako jsou nouzové dávky a pravítko na vnitřních obalech. Mezi pozoruhodné doplňky patří:
chirurgické a anestetické kontrolní listy,
stupnice bolestivosti u psů, koček a králíků,
dentální záznamy,
informace PROTECT ME o antimikrobiální rezistenci.
Nové vydání bylo rozšířeno a aktualizováno tak, aby pokrylo více aspektů moderního veterinárního ošetřovatelství. Informace jsou uspořádány v abecedním pořadí a s křížovými odkazy. Poskytuje pohodlný přístup k odkazům titulů z řady BSAVA. Více než 70 plnobarevných ilustrací oživuje kapitoly o radiografickém polohování a bandážování.
Autor: Emma Gerrard, DipHE (CVN), DipAVN (Small Animal), BSc (Hons), CVN, RVN, byla kvalifikovaná jako veterinární sestra v roce 2005 na Myerscough College, Preston. Diplom vysokoškolského vzdělání klinické veterinární sestry získala v červnu 2009, v lednu 2010 pak diplom RCVS v oboru pokročilá veterinární sestra. V roce 2011 absolvovala doplňkový titul BSc (Hons) Klinická veterinární sestra. Emma pracuje v nezávislé všeobecné smíšené praxi v Powys a locums pro Vets Now. Její zájmy jsou velmi rozmanité a zahrnují kontrolu infekcí a chirurgické ošetřovatelství. Emma začala dobrovolně pracovat v roce 2013 pro BVNA jako regionální zástupce a pro region BSAVA Cymru/Wales. V BSAVA vykonává funkci pokladníka. Emma je klinická koučka, autorka článků několika publikací o veterinárním ošetřovatelství a lektorka ONCORE ePD.
Autor: Emma Gerrard, DipHE(CVN), DipAVN(Small Animal), BSc(Hons), CVN, RVN, qualified as a Veterinary Nurse in 2005 from Myerscough College, Preston. She gained the Diploma of Higher Education Clinical Veterinary Nursing in June 2009, followed by the RCVS Diploma in Advanced Veterinary Nursing in January 2010. In 2011, she graduated from the BSc (Hons) Clinical Veterinary Nursing top-up degree. Emma works at an independent general mixed practice in Powys and locums for Vets Now. Her interests are very varied and include infection control and surgical nursing. Emma began volunteering in 2013 for the BVNA as Regional Representative and for the BSAVA Cymru/Wales Region. Her BSAVA roles have included committee treasurer for the membership development committee. Emma is a companion and farm animal RAMA, a clinical coach, article writer for several veterinary nursing publications, and a tutor for ONCORE ePD.
Nakladatel | British Small Animal Veterinary Association |
ISBN | 9781910443880 |
Vydání | 2021 |
Vazba | brožovaná |
Počet stran | 100 |
The BSAVA Pocketbook for Veterinary Nurses offers quick access to key information on a wealth of procedures. In this second edition, editor Emma Gerrard has built on the excellent work of Louise O’Dwyer to reflect the expanding responsibilities of the profession whilst retaining handy features, such as emergency doses and a ruler on the inside covers. Notable additions include: Surgical and anaesthetic checklists, pain scales for dogs, cats and rabbits, dental recording charts, and PROTECT ME information on antimicrobial resistance.
Key points
Expanded and updated to cover more aspects of modern veterinary nursing.
Arranged in alphabetical order and cross-referenced for ease of use.
Provides convenient access to condensed knowledge from a range of BSAVA titles.
Over 70 full-colour illustrations bring life to radiographic positioning, bandaging and more.
Retains the practical design of the first edition, with emergency doses and a ruler on the inside covers.
Autor: Emma Gerrard, DipHE(CVN), DipAVN(Small Animal), BSc(Hons), CVN, RVN, qualified as a Veterinary Nurse in 2005 from Myerscough College, Preston. She gained the Diploma of Higher Education Clinical Veterinary Nursing in June 2009, followed by the RCVS Diploma in Advanced Veterinary Nursing in January 2010. In 2011, she graduated from the BSc (Hons) Clinical Veterinary Nursing top-up degree. Emma works at an independent general mixed practice in Powys and locums for Vets Now. Her interests are very varied and include infection control and surgical nursing. Emma began volunteering in 2013 for the BVNA as Regional Representative and for the BSAVA Cymru/Wales Region. Her BSAVA roles have included committee treasurer for the membership development committee. Emma is a companion and farm animal RAMA, a clinical coach, article writer for several veterinary nursing publications, and a tutor for ONCORE ePD.
A few notes on using this book|
Anaesthetic agents|
Anaesthetic checklists|
Anaesthetic emergencies|
Anaesthetic equipment|
ASA physical status and classifications scale|
Biochemistry reference ranges|
Blood cell types|
Blood collection tubes|
Blood pressure measurement|
Blood pressure values for dogs and cats|
Blood sampling|
Blood smear preparation|
Blood staining procedures|
Blood transfusion|
Body condition scoring scheme -- cats|
Body condition scoring scheme -- dogs|
Body condition scoring scheme -- rabbits|
Calculating blood loss|
Cleaning the operating theatre|
Clinical audits|
Dental recording chart -- cat|
Dental recording chart -- dog|
Ear cytology|
Faecal examination|
Feeding tube selection|
Feeding tubes -- nursing considerations|
Fine needle aspiration of a mass|
Fluid therapy|
Folding gowns and drapes|
Gowning and gloving|
Haematology reference ranges|
Hair and skin sampling procedures|
Hand hygiene|
Infection control|
Intravenous catheter management|
Laboratory samples -- packaging for external analysis|
Mucous membrane colour|
Muscle condition scoring scheme -- cats|
Muscle condition scoring scheme -- dogs|
Packed Cell Volume -- how to perform a PCV|
Pain assessment|
Pain scoring -- cat|
Pain scoring -- dog|
Pain scoring -- rabbit|
Patient assessment -- daily tasks|
Patient assessment -- routine parameters|
Radiographic film faults|
Radiographic positioning|
Radiographic positioning -- advanced|
Recumbent patient care|
Resting energy requirement (RER) calculation|
Sterilization -- packing instruments|
Sterilization indicators|
Surgical checklist|
Temperature conversion|
Theatre -- maintenance of asepsis|
Total solids -- using a refractometer|
Urinary catheters|
Urine specific gravity (USG) normal values|
Vernier scale|
Vital signs -- normal ranges in common species||
Wound drain management|
Wound dressings|
Wound recognition and treatment|
Emergency doses|