Internetové knihkupectví s veterinární tématikou

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Tato publikace představuje dermatologická onemocnění kategorizovaná podle jejich etiologie s využitím rozsáhlé sbírky obrázků nejběžnějších kožních patologií u psů a koček. Zahrnuje jak klasické příznaky každého onemocnění, tak i příznaky, které se liší od typických forem. V druhém vydání byl obsah rozšířen a aktualizován, aby poskytl veterinářům kompletní příručku pro použití v dermatologické praxi.

Autor: Gustavo Machicote Goth

Cena s DPH:  asi 2288 Kč
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Základní informace
NakladatelEdra Publishing
Počet stran344

This book presents dermatological diseases categorised according to their aetiologies, using an extensive collection of pictures of the most common dermal pathologies in dogs and cats. It includes both the classical patterns of each disease and images that differ from the typical presentations. In this 2nd edition, the contents have been expanded and updated to provide a complete manual for veterinarians to use in dermatological practice.
Gustavo Machicote Goth
Bachelor’s degree at the University of Buenos aires. Veterinary practitioner at Vilanova Veterinary Clinic (Vilanova de Arousa, Pontevedra) with special dedication to dermatology since 1990.

Responsible of the DERMAPET dermatology reference service, collaborator in the dermatologic service of the Veterinary Clinic of Pontevedra, as well as online counsellor for the dermatology service of VetSupport.

He is a member of the AVEPA dermatology group. He was its Secretary member since 2004 until 2009. Full member of European Society of Veterinary Dermatology (ESVD).

Dermatology training at the European Advanced Studies School (ESAVS).

He has imparted numerous dermatology training courses and has published different reviews on dermatology in national magazines. Author of the book Dermatología canina y felina (Manuales clínicos por especialidades) and co-author of different books. Award to the best clinical case in small animals in the III and IV Encontros Veterinarios Galegos y Premio Miguel Luera at AVEPA 2005.
