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Canine and Feline Liver Cytology připravuje se

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Publikace je praktickou a ilustrovaná příručkou s podrobným popisem cytologických rysů jaterních onemocnění a četnými vysoce kvalitními ilustracemi, které pomohou čtenáři lépe pochopit problematiku onemocnění jater. Primárním cílem textu je popsat korelaci cytologických nálezů s patologickými procesy s cílem poskytnout klinickým lékařům užitečné informace v léčbě jaterních onemocnění.
Publikace obsahuje informace o:
Obecných východiscích pro interpretaci jaterní cytologie, s uvedením limitů cytologie.
Významu cytologie jater pro definitivní diagnózu a vztah ke klinickým výsledkům.
Specifických reverzibilních poškozeních hepatocytů zahrnující hepatocelulární edém, steroidy indukovanou hepatopatii, hepatocelulární steatózu a degeneraci jater.
Nevratném poškození hepatocytů, zahrnující nekrózu, apoptózu, zánět jater, neutrofilní, eozinofilní, makrofagický a lymfoplasmacytický zánět.
Intra a extracytoplazmatických patologických akumulacích zahrnující lipofuscin, měď, železo, eozinofilní granule, proteinové kapénky, žluč a amyloid.
Chronických onemocněních jater se zaměřením na cytologické znaky fibrózy.
Nemocích žlučových cest a žlučníku.
Neoplastických onemocněních pokrývající epiteliální, mezenchymální a kulatobuněčné nádory.
Publikace umožňuje čtenářům interpretovat všechny cytopatologické změny jater se vztahem ke klinickým primárním a sekundárním příčinám, případně s histopatologickou diagnózou, Publikaci je vysoce ceněna jako významný zdroj informací pro veterinární lékaře a studenty.

Autor: Carlo Masserdotti

Cena s DPH:  asi 3483 Kč
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Specialist reference with practical guidance on liver pathology in a clinical and anatomical context

Canine and Feline Liver Cytology is a practical and highly illustrated manual with detailed descriptions of cytological features of hepatic diseases and numerous high-quality illustrations to aid in reader comprehension. The primary aim of the text is to describe the correlation of cytological findings with pathological processes in order to provide useful information to clinicians in management of hepatic diseases.

Canine and Feline Liver Cytology includes information on:

General bases for interpretation of hepatic cytology, covering limits of cytology, value of cytology for a definitive diagnosis, and relationship with clinical data
A specific reversible injury to hepatocytes, covering hepatocellular swelling, steroid induced hepatopathy, hepatocellular steatosis, and feathery degeneration
Irreversible injury to hepatocytes, covering necrosis and apoptosis, and inflammation, covering neutrophilic, eosinophilic, macrophagic, and lymphoplasmacytic inflammation
Intra and extracytoplasmic pathologic accumulation, covering lipofuscin, copper, iron, eosinophilic granules, protein droplet, bile, and amyloid
Chronic hepatic diseases, with focus on cytological features of fibrosis
Diseases of biliary tract and gallbladder
Neoplastic diseases, covering epithelial, mesenchymal and round cell tumors
Canine and Feline Liver Cytology enables readers to interpret all the cytopathological changes in liver pathology and the relationship with clinical primary and secondary causes, eventually with histopathological diagnosis, making it a highly valuable resource for veterinary practitioners and students.
Carlo Masserdotti, DVM, Dipl ECVCP, Spec Bioch Clin IAT, Consultant, Anatomic and Clinical Pathology, IDEXX Laboratories, Brescia, Italy.

About the Authorix
1 Before the Analysis: Rules for Interpretation of Hepatic Cytology1
1.1 The Rules for Cytological Diagnosis of Hepatic Diseases2
1.1.1 Rule 12
1.1.3 Rule 32
1.1.4 Rule 43
1.1.5 Rule 53
1.1.6 Rule 63
1.1.7 Rule 74
1.1.8 Rule 84
1.2 Diagnostic Approach to Liver Disease4
1.2.1 Clinical and Anamnestic Signs5
1.2.2 Hematochemical Investigation5 Pathological Bases of Liver Damage5 Diagnosis of Liver Damage8 Useful Enzymes for Recognition of Damage to Hepatocytes and Cholangiocytes9 Liver Failure Diagnosis11 Parameters of Liver Failure12
1.2.3 Ultrasonographic Investigation14
1.2.4 Cytological and Histopathological Investigation15 Sample Collection15 Cytological Approach to Hepatic Diseases16
1.3 Key Points16
2 Normal Histology and Cytology of the Liver19
2.1 Normal Histology of the Liver19
2.2 Normal Cytology of the Liver27
2.2.1 Hepatocytes28
2.2.2 Kupffer Cells30
2.2.3 Stellate Cells (Ito Cells)31
2.2.4 Cholangiocytes (Biliary Cells)32
2.2.5 Hepatic Lymphocytes33
2.2.6 Hepatic Mast Cells34
2.2.7 Hematopoietic Cells34
2.2.8 Mesothelial Cells36
2.3 Key Points38
3 Nonspecific and Reversible Hepatocellular Damage41
3.1 Accumulation of Water42
3.2 Accumulation of Glycogen43
3.3 Accumulation of Lipids46
3.4 Accumulation of Bilirubin and Bile Salts57
3.5 Hyperplasia of Stellate Cells57
3.6 Regenerative Changes59
3.7 Key Points64
4 Intracytoplasmic and Extracytoplasmic Pathological Accumulation67
4.1 Pathological Intracytoplasmic Accumulation67
4.1.1 Lipofuscin67
4.1.2 Copper73
4.1.3 Iron and Hemosiderin76
4.1.4 Protein Droplets82
4.1.5 Cytoplasmic Granular Eosinophilic Material82
4.1.6 Hepatic Lysosomal Storage Disorders85
4.2 Pathological Extracytoplasmic Accumulation86
4.2.1 Bile86
4.2.2 Amyloid90
4.3 Key Points96
5 Irreversible Hepatocellular Damage101
5.1 Necrosis101
5.2 Apoptosis107
5.3 Key Points110
6 Inflammation113
6.1 Presence of Neutrophilic Granulocytes115
6.2 Presence of Eosinophilic Granulocytes123
6.3 Presence of Lymphocytes and Plasma Cells125
6.4 Presence of Macrophages130
6.5 Presence of Mast Cells137
6.6 Key Points139
7 Nuclear Inclusions143
7.1 “Brick” Inclusions143
7.2 Glycogen Pseudo-inclusions144
7.3 Lead Inclusions146
7.4 Viral Inclusions146
7.5 Key Points147
8 Cytological Features of Liver Fibrosis149
8.1 Cytological Features of Liver Fibrosis150
8.2 Key Points159
9 Cytological Features of Biliary Diseases163
9.1 General Features of Biliary Diseases165
9.2 Cytological Features of Specific Biliary Diseases167
9.2.1 Acute and Chronic Cholestasis167
9.2.2 Acute Cholangitis170
9.2.3 Chronic Cholangitis170
9.2.4 Lymphocytic Cholangitis170
9.3 Key Points175
10 Bile and Gallbladder Diseases177
10.1 Bactibilia and Septic Cholecystitis179
10.2 Epithelial Hyperplasia181
10.3 Gallbladder Mucocele181
10.4 Limy Bile Syndrome183
10.5 Biliary Sludge183
10.6 Neoplastic Diseases of Gallbladder183
10.7 Other Gallbladder Diseases184
10.8 Key Points184
11 Etiological Agents187
11.1 Viruses188
11.2 Bacteria189
11.3 Protozoa193
11.4 Fungi194
11.5 Parasites194
11.6 Key Points197
12 Neoplastic Lesions of the Hepatic Parenchyma199
12.1 Epithelial Neoplasia200
12.1.1 Nodular Hyperplasia200
12.1.2 Hepatocellular Adenoma204
12.1.3 Hepatocellular Carcinoma206
12.1.4 Cholangioma215
12.1.5 Cholangiocellular Carcinoma217
12.1.6 Other Nodular Lesions of Biliary Origin222
12.1.7 Hepatic Carcinoid223
12.1.8 Hepatoblastoma227
12.2 Mesenchymal Neoplasia227
12.2.1 Malignant Mesenchymal Neoplasms227
12.3 Hematopoietic Neoplasia229
12.3.1 Myelolipoma231
12.3.2 Large Cell Hepatic Lymphoma232
12.3.3 Small Cell Lymphoma234
12.3.4 Large Granular Lymphocyte (LGL) Lymphoma236
12.3.5 Epitheliotropic Lymphoma239
12.3.6 Other Types of Hepatic Lymphoma240
12.3.7 Malignant Histiocytic Neoplasms242
12.3.8 Mast Cell Tumor245
12.3.9 Hepatic Splenosis247
12.4 Metastatic Neoplasia247
12.5 Criteria for Selection of Sampling Methods for Liver Nodular Lesions248
12.6 Key Points250