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Clinical Endocrinology of Companion Animals

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Veterinární endokrinologie se stává uznávanou diagnostickou metodou při stanovení postižení, případně onemocnění domácích zvířat. Její pole působnosti je nejen v oblasti vnitřních onemocnění, ale i reprodukce zvířat. Autorům se podařilo v této publikaci poskytnout základní informace zahrnující významné endokrinologické nosologické jednotky nejen u psů a koček, ale i dalších domácích zvířat např. koní, fretek a malých savců.

Autor: Jacquie Rand

Cena s DPH:  asi 2162 Kč
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Počet stran519

Clinical Endocrinology of Companion Animals offers fast access to clinically relevant information on managing the patient with endocrine disease. Written by leading experts in veterinary endocrinology, each chapter takes the same structure to aid in the rapid retrieval of information, offering information on pathogenesis, signalment, clinical signs, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment, prognosis, and prevention for a broad list of endocrine disorders. Chapters begin with brief summaries for quick reference, then delve into greater detail. With complete coverage of the most common endocrine diseases, the book includes chapters on conditions in dogs, cats, horses, ferrets, reptiles, and other species. Clinical Endocrinology of Companion Animals is a highly practical resource for any veterinarian treating these common diseases.

Chapter 1. Hypoadrenocorticism in dogs Patty Lathan1
Chapter 2. Hypoadrenocorticism in cats Danielle Gunn-Moore and Kerry Simpson22
Chapter 3. Hypoadrenocorticism in other species Michelle-Campbell-Ward28
Chapter 4. Critical Illness-Related Corticosteroid Insufficiency Linda Martin36
Chapter 5. Hyperadrenocorticism in dogs Carlos Melian and Ellen Behrend43
Chapter 6. Primary functioning adrenal tumors producing signs similar to hyperadrenocorticism including atypical syndromes in dogs Kate Hill65
Chapter 7. Hyperadrenocorticism in cats Danielle Gunn-Moore and Kerry Simpson71
Chapter 8. Primary functioning adrenal tumors producing signs similar to hyperadrenocorticism including atypical syndromes in cats Danielle Gunn-Moore and Nicki Reed80
Chapter 9. Hyperadrenocorticism/adrenal disease in ferrets Nico Schoemaker86
Chapter 10. Hyperadrenocorticism and primary functioning adrenal tumors in other species Michelle Campbell-Ward95
Chapter 11. Hyperadrenocorticism (Pituitary Pars Intermedia Dysfunction) in horses Catherine Mcgowan100
Chapter 12. Hyperaldosteronism in dogs & cats & other species Andrea Harvey and Kent Refsal115
Chapter 13. Pheochromocytoma in dogs Claudia Reusch128
Chapter 14. Phaeochromocytoma in cats Danielle Gunn-Moore and Kerry Simpson137
Chapter 15. Canine diabetes Jacquie Rand and Linda Fleeman143
Chapter 16. Feline diabetes Jacquie Rand169
Chapter 17. Diabetes in other species Jacquie Rand and Michelle Campbell-Ward191
Chapter 18. Canine Diabetic Emergencies Rebecka S Hess201
Chapter 19. Feline Diabetic ketoacidosis Jacquie Rand209
Chapter 20. Insulin resistance syndrome in horses John Keen217
Chapter 21. Insulinoma in dogs Rebecka Hess229
Chapter 22. Insulinoma in cats Danielle Gunn-Moore and Kerry Simpson240
Chapter 23. Insulinoma in other species Michelle Campbell-Ward and Sue Chen245
Chapter 24. Glucagonoma, Gastrinoma, other APUDomas Craig Ruaux and Patrick Carney253
Chapter 25. Hypothyroidism in dogs David Panciera263
Chapter 26. Hypothyroidism in cats Danielle Gunn-Moore273
Chapter 27. Hypothyroidism in other species Jan Sojka278
Chapter 28. Hyperthyroidism in dogs David Panciera291
Chapter 29. Hyperthyroidism in cats Mark Peterson295
Chapter 30. Hyperthyroidism/thyroid neoplasia in other species Michelle Campbell-Ward311
Chapter 31. Hypocalcemia in dogs Dennis Chew and Patricia A Schenck315
Chapter 32. Hypocalcemia in cats Dennis Chew and Patricia A Schenck326
Chapter 33. Hypocalcemia in other species John Keen and Michael Stanford335
Chapter 34. Hypercalcemia in dogs Dennis Chew and Patricia A. Schenck356
Chapter 35. Hypercalcemia in cats Patricia A. Schenck and Dennis Chew373
Chapter 36. Hypercalcemia in other species Michelle Campbell-Ward385
Chapter 37. Nutritional secondary hyperparathyroidism in reptiles Kevin Eatwell396
Chapter 38. Hyposomatotrophism in dogs Annemarie Voorbij Kooistra404
Chapter 39. Hyposomatotrophism in cats Danielle Gunn-Moore and Nicki Reed416
Chapter 40. Acromegaly in dogs Annemarie Voorbij Kooistra421
Chapter 41. Acromegaly in cats David Church and Stijn Niessen427
Chapter 42. Diabetes insipidus in dogs Katherine Lunn and Kathy James436
Chapter 43. Diabetes insipidus in cats Nicki Reed450
Chapter 44. Hyponatremia, SIADH and Renal Salt Wasting Kathy James458
Chapter 45. Estrogen and Androgen related Disorders Cheri Johnson467
Chapter 46. Progesterone and Prolactin-related disorders, adrenal dysfunction & sex hormones Cheri Johnson487