Internetové knihkupectví s veterinární tématikou

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Critical Concepts to Providing Compassionate Cancer Care

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Tato kniha se zaměřuje na soucitnou péči o domácí mazlíčky a jejich rodiny ze strany veterinárních lékařů, která zahrnuje všechny lékařské, odborné a psychické aspekty onemocnění.

Autor: Gregory K. Ogilvie

Cena s DPH:  asi 2669 Kč
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Základní informace
Nakladatel5m Publishing
Počet stran472

This book focuses on the compassionate care of pets and their families by professionals of veterinary health covering all the medical, professional and psychical aspects surrounding the disease.

Section I: Fundamentals of cancer care1
Chapter 1: Introduction to: a practical guide to compassionate cancer care1
Chapter 2: Setting goals for compassionate care7
Chapter 3: Pet loss and bereavement11
Chapter 4: Compassion fatigue16
Chapter 5: Cancer prevention19
Section 2: Oncologic emergencies23
Chapter 6: Overview23
Chapter 7: Emergencies associated with hypercalcemia, hypocalcemia, hypoglycemia and hyponatremia (SIADH)25
Chapter 8: Emergencies associated with hematologic manifestations of malignancy35
Chapter 9: Emergencies associated with hypergammaglobulinemia46
Chapter 10: Emergencies associated with extravasation of chemotherapeutic agents49
Chapter 11: Emergencies associated with chemotherapy-induced anaphylaxis and hypersensivity52
Chapter 12: Emergencies associated with chemotherapy-included acute renal failure55
Chapter 13: Emergencies associated with acute tumor lysis syndrome60
Chapter 14: Emergencies associated with disseminated intravascular coagulation62
Chapter 15: Emergencies of cancer related disorders of the central nervous system65
Chapter 16: Emergencies associated with chemotherapy or radiation-induced congestive heart failure70
Section 3: Caring and curing75
Chapter 17: Care beyond a cure: the power of being a healer75
Chapter 18: Safe handling of chemotherapeutic agents79
Chapter 19: Healing with chemotherapy94
Chapter 20: Specific drugs used in veterinary chemotherapy112
Chapter 21: Radiation therapy125
Chapter 22: Surgical oncology145
Chapter 23: First commandment: don't let them hurt! Pain management169
Chapter 24: Second commandment: don't let them vomit (or have diarrhea)! Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea management189
Chapter 25: Third commandment: don't let them starve! Nutritional management197
Section 4: Clinical briefing for busy practitioners213
Chapter 26: Canine lymphoma213
Chapter 27: Canine bone marrow neoplasia224
Chapter 28: Canine tumors of the nervous system231
Chapter 29: Canine tumors of the eye and ear238
Chapter 30: Canine tumors of the respiratory tract243
Chapter 31: Canine cardiac tumors249
Chapter 32: Canine tumors of the gastrointestinal tract252
Chapter 33: Canine melanomas268
Chapter 34: Canine tumors of liver, pancreas, and spleen273
Chapter 35: Canine tumors of blood and lymph vessels277
Chapter 36: Canine tumors of the endocrine system283
Chapter 37: Canine tumors of the reproductive system291
Chapter 38: Canine mammary neoplasias297
Chapter 39: Canine tumors of the urinary tract301
Chapter 40: Canine tumors of bone307
Chapter 41: Canine soft tissue sarcomas319
Chapter 42: Canine tumors of the body cabities324
Chapter 43: Canine tumors of the skin and surrounding structures331
Chapter 44: Canine mast cell tumors337
Chapter 45: Feline lymphoma342
Chapter 46: Feline bone marrow neoplasias353
Chapter 47: Feline tumors of bone361
Chapter 48: Feline tumors of the nervous system369
Chapter 49: Feline tumors of the auditory and visual system374
Chapter 50: Feline tumors of the gastrointestinal tract380
Chapter 51: Feline tumors of liver, pancreas, and spleen391
Chapter 52: Feline tumors of the urinary tract398
Chapter 53: Feline endocrine tumors402
Chapter 54: Feline tumors of the reproductive tract414
Chapter 55: Feline mammary neoplasias417
Chapter 56: Feline tumors of the respiratory tract422
Chapter 57: Feline cardiovascular tumors431
Chapter 58: Feline thymoma, mesothelioma, and histiocytosis433
Chapter 59: Feline tumors of the skin and surrounding structures438
Chapter 60: Feline soft tissue sarcomas450
Body surface area conversion chart455
Abridged formulary for the canine and feline cancer patient455