Internetové knihkupectví s veterinární tématikou
Čtenářům je v této praktické příručce osvětlena problematika stomatologie malých hlodavců. Z vlastní praxe vím, že dvě třetiny těchto pacientů, mají zdravotní problémy související s onemocněním dutiny ústní. Tato problematika v současné době nárůstu obliby těchto zvířat má ohromný potenciál ve zlepšení poskytovaných služeb veterinárních pracovišť.
Autor se v této učebnici zaměřil na inovativní metody diagnostiky za použití běžných rentgenologických přístrojů. Anatomické utváření dutiny ústní hlodavců proto vyžaduje specifický přístup při polohování pacienta při rentgenologickém vyšetření. Prezentované rentgenologické snímky jsou doplněny referenčními liniemi a podrobnými popisy případů, což usnadní pochopení dané problematiky. Knihy je bohatě ilustrována velice kvalitním barevnými fotografiemi. Diskutovány jsou patologické nálezy s metodami terapie a následné léčby.
Autor: Estella Böhmer
Nakladatel | Wiley-Blackwell |
ISBN | 9781118802540 |
Vydání | 2015 |
Vazba | |
Počet stran | 288 |
Publikace je chronologicky uspořádána do patnácti kapitol. V úvodních kapitole je popsán vývoj léčby dutiny ústní u hlodavců. V následující kapitole jsou čtenáři seznámeni se základy odontologie, na kterou navazuje kapitola o anatomickém utváření zubů hlodavců. Ve čtvrté kapitole jsou uvedeny základní vyšetřovací metody. Zobrazovacím metodám – rentgenologii a počítačové tomografii jsou věnovány dvě následující kapitoly. Anestezie a analgezie je popsána v kapitole sedmé. Zubní nástroje, vybavení a jejich použití jsou popsány v kapitole osmé. Nemocem řezáků je věnována celá devátá kapitola. Se změny na stoličkách je čtenář seznámen v desáté kapitole. Problematika abscesů je prodiskutována v jedenácté kapitole. Na tuto kapitolu navazuje další problém dutiny ústní – kazy a periodontální postižení. O dalších změnách v dutině ústní se čtenář více dozví při studiu třinácté kapitoly. Dosti podceňovanému kroku v úspěšném zvládnutí orálních onemocnění – prognóze, je věnována předposlední kapitola. Poslední kapitola přílohy je nabitá tabulkami a přehledy o použivánách antibiotikách podle jednotlivých druhů.
Dentistry in Rabbits and Rodents is a practical guide aimed at helping clinicians successfully diagnose and treat dental problems in rabbits and rodents within their own surgeries. With over two-thirds of small mammals presenting with tooth related problems, there is great potential to enhance the treatment offered to the owners of these species. Focusing on innovative diagnostics using normal radiographic machines as well as specific positioning techniques, radiographs are presented with reference lines and detailed annotations. Richly illustrated with high quality photographs, pathological findings are described before selection of appropriate therapy and treatment is discussed.
Key features include:
· Covers the dental anatomy and physiology of all small mammal species commonly kept as pets.
· Intraoral radiography and innovative positioning for imaging the guinea pig and chinchilla dentitions are described, enabling the practitioner to visualize each tooth in detail.
· Once a diagnosis has been reached, selection of different treatments and the advantages and disadvantages of each surgical technique are discussed.
· Offers helpful directives for approaching and treating dental disease without the need for referral to a specialist or the use of expensive equipment.
Overall I am very impressed with the book. It has incredible detail and fantastic photographs, with many excellent suggestions on ways to improve radiographic technique and treatment techniques. The suggestions seem so simple and straightforward, yet have not been commonly used or thought of until now. This book provides much needed detailed, step-by-step information on how to diagnose and treat the most common problems identified in small mammals. This book will change the way I practice rabbit and rodent dentistry, in a good way!
Dr. Kris Bannon, DVM, FAVD, DAVDC
President, American Veterinary Dental Society
This book is an outstanding work of scholarship. This work represents a significant contribution to the veterinary literature. Veterinarians on VIN ask questions about rabbit and rodent dental issues literally on a daily basis. This book will fill a gigantic void in answering such questions.
Dr. Ned Gentz, MS DVM, DACZM
Veterinary Information Network
Every now and then a book is published in veterinary medicine which will set new standards - Dentistry in Rabbits and Rodents by Dr. Estella Böhmer is definitely one! Rabbit and rodent dentistry is absolutely taken to the next level with this outstanding publication. I am glad that Dr Böhmer shares her wealth of knowledge with us with this book.
Dr. Jörg Mayer, DVM, MS, DABVP (ECM), DECZM (Small mammal), DACZM
Associate Professor of Zoological Medicine,
College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Georgia
The main feature of this textbook is the clear and compact text illustrated with many photographs, allowing the reader to find information quickly. For enthusiasts the text is complemented with a very detailed collection of references for further reading. This textbook is a very valuable component of every veterinary library.
Dr. Gottfried Morgenegg-Wegmüller, Switzerland
Past President, European Veterinary Dental Society
The book is unique in its message of paying more attention to diagnosing and, if possible, treating primary causes of dental disorders in rabbits and rodents. It is also unique in presenting such a wealth of knowledge of dental anatomy, physiology, practical hints and tips, and cutting edge treatment methods for those species.
Simone Kirby, MRCVS
Diplomate of the European Veterinary Dental College, Past-President of the British Veterinary Dental Association
From the Back Cover
Dentistry in Rabbits and Rodents is a practical guide aimed at helping clinicians successfully diagnose and treat dental problems in rabbits and rodents within their own surgeries. With over two-thirds of small mammals presenting with tooth related problems, there is great potential to enhance the treatment offered to the owners of these species. Focusing on innovative diagnostics using normal radiographic machines as well as specific positioning techniques, radiographs are presented with reference lines and detailed annotations. Richly illustrated with high quality photographs, pathological findings are described before selection of appropriate therapy and treatment is discussed.
Key features include:
· Covers the dental anatomy and physiology of all small mammal species commonly kept as pets.
· Intraoral radiography and innovative positioning for imaging the guinea pig and chinchilla dentitions are described, enabling the practitioner to visualize each tooth in detail.
· Once a diagnosis has been reached, selection of different treatments and the advantages and disadvantages of each surgical technique are discussed.
· Offers helpful directives for approaching and treating dental disease without the need for referral to a specialist or the use of expensive equipment.
Foreword | VI |
Preface | VIII |
1 Dental treatment of small mammals development and aims | 1 |
2 Basics of odontology | 5 |
3 Clasification and anatomical characteristics of the lagomorphs and rodents | 21 |
4 Clinical examination | 35 |
5 Radiographic examination | 49 |
6 Computed tomography | 88 |
7 Anaesthesia and analgesia | 90 |
8 Instruments for diagnostics and therapy | 107 |
9 Diseases of incisors | 118 |
10 Changes of cheek teeth | 153 |
11 Abscesses | 213 |
12 Periodontal disesaes and caries | 242 |
13 Other changes of the jaw | 254 |
14 Follow-up and prognosis | 260 |
15 Appendix | 267 |
Futher Reading | 276 |
INDEX | 280 |