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Equine Fluid Therapy

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Autorský kolektiv sestavil zcela jedinečnou publikaci věnovanou infuzní terapii koní. Publikace je rozdělena do tří sekcí. V úvodní sekci jsou popsány zásady a zákonitosti problematiky homeostázy, fyziologie elektrolytů a důležitých prvků jako je sodík, draslík, chlór, vápník, hořčík, fosfor. V následující kapitole se autorský kolektiv věnoval zásadám fluidní terapie. V závěrečné sekci jsou popsány principy transfuze krve, koloidy, parenterální výživa, monitoring hematologických ukazatelů, peritoneální dialýzy používané u koní. Publikace je excelentně ilustrována grafy, algoritmy, tabulkami. Černobílé fotografie ilustrují jednotlivé veterinární zákroky, doplněné ultrasonogramy. Kapitoly v druhé sekci jsou členěny dle orgánových postižení (fludiní terapie renálních selhání, jaterních selhání, gastrointestinálních onemocnění, srdečních postižení, neurologických, svalových onemocněních). Zajímavé a zajisté přínosné jsou kapitoly o perioperativní infuzi, enterální výživě, infuzi hříbat.

Autor: C. Langdon Fielding, DVM, DACVECC, is President of the Loomis Basin Equine Medical Center in Penryn, California, USA. K. Gary Magdesian, DVM, DACVIM, DACVECC, DACVCP, is a Professor of Equine Critical Care and Emergency Medicine at the School of Veterinary Medicine, University of California in Davis, California, USA.

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Equine Fluid Therapy is the first reference to draw equine-specific fluid therapy information together into a single, comprehensive resource. Offering current information unique to horses on the research and practice of fluid, electrolyte, and acid-base disorders, the book is designed to be clinically oriented yet thorough, providing detailed strategies tailored to equine practice. With information ranging from physiology and acid-base balance to fluid therapy for specific conditions, Equine Fluid Therapy covers fluid treatments in both adult horses and foals, highlighting the unique physiologic features, conditions, and differences in foals.
Well-illustrated throughout, the book begins with an overview of the physiology of fluids, electrolytes, and acid-base, then moves into practical information including equipment, monitoring techniques, fluid choices, and potential complications. A final section offers chapters on blood transfusions, colloids, parenteral nutrition, and hemodynamic monitoring. Equine Fluid Therapy is an essential reference for equine practitioners, specialists, and researchers.
Equine Fluid Therapy is the first reference to draw equine-specific fluid therapy information together into a single, comprehensive resource. Offering current information unique to horses on the research and practice of fluid, electrolyte, and acid-base disorders, the book is designed to be clinically oriented yet thorough, providing detailed strategies tailored to equine practice. With information ranging from physiology and acid-base balance to fluid therapy for specific conditions, Equine Fluid Therapy covers fluid treatments in both adult horses and foals, highlighting the unique physiologic features, conditions, and differences in foals.
Well-illustrated throughout, the book begins with an overview of the physiology of fluids, electrolytes, and acid-base, then moves into practical information including equipment, monitoring techniques, fluid choices, and potential complications. A final section offers chapters on blood transfusions, colloids, parenteral nutrition, and hemodynamic monitoring. Equine Fluid Therapy is an essential reference for equine practitioners, specialists, and researchers.
Key features
Provides the first equine-specific reference on fluid and electrolyte therapy and acid-base disorders
Brings together information from a wide variety of sources into one complete volume
Presents detailed yet practical information on research and therapy
Includes information relevant to both adult horses and foals
Edited by two leaders in the field, with chapters written by prominent experts
Offers essential information for equine practitioners, researchers and specialists in the areas of critical care, internal medicine, anesthesia and surgery

List of contributorsvi
Section 1: Physiology of fluids electrolytes and acid base3
C. Langdon Fielding 1 Body water physiology3
C. Langdon Fielding 2 Sodium and water homeostasis and derangements11
C. Langdon Fielding 3 Potassium homeostasis and derangements27
C. Langdon Fielding 4 Chloride homeostasis and derangements45
Escolastico Aguilera-Tejero 5 Calcium homeostasis and derangements55
Allison Jean Stewart 6 Magnesium homeostasis and derangements76
Ramiro E. Toribio 7 Phosphorus homeostasis and derangements88
Jon Palmer 8 Acid base homeostasis and derangements101
Section 2: Fluid therapy129
Jamie Higgins 9 Preparation supplies and catheterization129
Brett Tennent Brown 10 Monitoring fluid therapy142
C. Langdon Fielding 11 Fluid overload152
K. Gary Magdesian 12 Replacement fluids therapy in horses161
K. Gary Magdesian 13 Maintenance fluid therapy in horses175
C. Langdon Fielding 14 Fluid therapy for renal failure190
Thomas J. Divers 15 Fluid therapy for hepatic failure198
Diana M. Hassel 16 Fluid therapy for gastrointestinal disease206
Sophy A. Jesty 17 Fluid therapy and heart failure220
Yvette S. Nout Lomas 18 Fluid therapy during neurologic disease228
Darien J. Feary 19 Fluid therapy for muscle disorders239
Julie E. Dechant 20 Perioperative fluid therapy250
Marco A.F. Lopes 21 Enteral fluid therapy261
K. Gary Magdesian 22 Fluid therapy for neonatal foals279
Section 3: Special topics301
Margaret Mudge 23 Blood and blood product transfusions in horses301
Lucas Pantaleon 24 Colloids312
Harold C. McKenzie III 25 Parenteral nutrition323
Kevin Corley 26 Advanced hemodynamic monitoring340
Laurie Gallatin 27 Peritoneal dialysis351