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Equine Neonatal Medicine

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Publikace je komplexní referenční zdroj informací pro klinickou péči o březí klisny v období porodu a novorozená hříbata. Je editována předními odborníky v oboru a napsána zkušenými specialisté. Tato učebnice pokrývá všechny aspekty poskytování veterinární péče klisnám a novorozeným hříbatům. Zahrnuje poznatky o fyziologii, patofyziologii, teorii a praxi a nabízí autoritativní, dobře ilustrovaný odkaz na perinatologii koní.
Témata zahrnují řízení chovu, detekci březosti, monitorování plodu, porod a
periparturientní poruchy u klisny a také diagnostické a terapeutické možnosti pro nemocná novorozená hříbata.
Publikace pokrývá aspekty veterinární péče o březí a klisny po porodu a jak diagnostikovat a léčit nemocné novorozence. Probírá management chovu, detekci březosti, sledování plodu a porod a periporodní poruchy u klisny.
Představuje vyčerpávající, podrobný a komplexní odkaz pro všechny zúčastněné veterinární lékaře v chovu koní a péčí o novorozená hříbata.
Poskytuje klinický pohled, včetně teorie a praxe.
Obsahuje více než 600 barevných obrázků a diagramů pro demonstraci diskutovaných konceptů.
Novorozenecká medicína koní je nezbytnou referencí pro každého veterinárního lékaře zabývajícího se klisnami a hříbaty, včetně specialistů na medicínu koní, praktických i ambulantních lékařů a studentů veterinární medicíny.

Autor: Wong

Cena s DPH:  asi 9226 Kč
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Počet stran1558

A comprehensive guide to medical care for pregnant mares and neonatal foals
Equine Neonatal Medicine offers an in-depth comprehensive reference for the clinical management of pregnant
and periparturient mares and neonatal foals. Edited by leading experts in the field and written by experienced
equine specialists, this textbook covers all aspects of providing veterinary care to mares and neonatal foals.
Encompassing physiology, pathophysiology, theory, and practice, this textbook offers an authoritative,
well-illustrated reference to equine perinatology.
Topics covered include breeding management, pregnancy detection, fetal monitoring, parturition, and
peri-parturient disorders in the mare as well as diagnostic and therapeutic options for ill neonatal foals.
The book:
Covers aspects of veterinary care for the pregnant and peri-parturient mare and how to diagnose and
treat the ill neonate
Discusses breeding management, pregnancy detection, fetal monitoring and parturition, and
peri-parturient disorders in the mare
Presents an exhaustive, detailed, and comprehensive reference for any veterinary practitioner involved
with breeding management of horses and the care of neonatal foals
Provides a clinical perspective, including both theory and practice
Features more than 600 color images and diagrams to demonstrate the concepts discussed
Equine Neonatal Medicine is an essential reference for any veterinary practitioner engaged with mares and
foals, including specialists in equine medicine, equine and mixed animal practitioners, ambulatory practitioners,
and veterinary students.

List of Contributorsxiv
Part I The Newborn Foal1
Chapter 1 Postpartum Adaptation of the Newborn Foal3
Section I Fetal Heart Rate and Fetal ECG3
Section II Fetal Circulation and Cardiorespiratory Transition8
Section III Maturation of the Lung and the Surfactant System12
Section IV Onset of Breathing26
Section V Control of Breathing32
Section VI Renal Transition from Fetus to Newborn37
Section VII Newborn Physical Examination42
Chapter 2 Principles and Theory of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)51
Chapter 3 The Premature and Dysmature Neonatal Foal64
Part II Disorders of the Neonatal Foal79
Neonatal Respiratory System81
Chapter 4 Embryology and Anatomy of the Respiratory System81
Chapter 5 Clinical Neonatal Respiratory Physiology84
Chapter 6 Examination, Therapeutics, and Monitoring of the Respiratory System90
Section I Physical Examination90
Section II Thoracic Radiography of the Neonatal Foal94
Section III Thoracic Ultrasonography of the Neonatal Foal101
Section IV Advanced Imaging (CT, MRI) of the Neonatal Respiratory System109
Section V Inhalation Therapy117
Section VI Ventilator Therapy126
Chapter 7 Congenital Disorders of the Respiratory System140
Chapter 8 Respiratory Disorders153
Section I Disorders of Breathing Pattern in the Neonatal Foal153
Section II Lower Respiratory Tract Disorders156
Section III Meconium Aspiration Syndrome183
Section IV Persistent Pulmonary Hypertension of the Newborn189
Section V Pneumothorax and Pneumomediastinum196
Section VI Diaphragmatic Hernias201
Section VII Miscellaneous Disorders of the Respiratory System206
Section VIII Nonpulmonary Disease Processes Manifesting as Respiratory Disease216
Neonatal Cardiovascular System224
Chapter 9 Embryology and Anatomy of the Heart224
Chapter 10 Clinical Neonatal Cardiac Physiology232
Chapter 11 Examination, Therapeutics, and Monitoring of the Cardiovascular System238
Section I Examination of the Cardiovascular System238
Section II Echocardiography244
Section III Advanced Cardiac Monitoring in Foals259
Section IV Central Venous Pressure268
Section V Cardiovascular Medications for the Neonatal Foal273
Chapter 12 Congenital Heart Defects284
Chapter 13 Cardiovascular Disorders of the Neonatal Foal315
Section I Arrhythmias315
Section II Pathophysiology of Shock Syndromes in the Neonatal Foal323
Section III Catheter-Associated337
Neonatal Digestive System343
Chapter 14 Embryology and Anatomy of the Digestive Tract343
Chapter 15 Examination of the Digestive Tract351
Section I Physical Examination of the Digestive System351
Section II Abdominocentesis and Cytologic Evaluation of Peritoneal Fluid354
Section III Ultrasonographic Examination of the Neonatal Foal Abdomen357
Section IV Endoscopy of the Digestive Tract369
Section V Radiography of the Alimentary Tract374
Section VI Oral Lactose Tolerance Test and Oral Glucose Absorption Test387
Section VII Liver Biopsy389
Section VIII Diagnostic Tests and Fecal Analysis in the Neon atal Foal with Diarrhea391
Section IX Nutritional Support396
Section X Prokinetic Therapy in Foals402
Section XI Endotoxemia in the Neonatal Foal407
Chapter 16 Congenital Disorders of the Equine Gastrointestinal Tract421
Chapter 17 Gastrointestinal Disorders436
Section I Causes of Dysphagia in the Neonatal Foal436
Section II Gastroduodenal Ulcer Syndrome and Ileus in the Foal442
Section III Enteritis, Colitis, and Diarrhea451
Section IV Peritonitis471
Section V Meconium Impaction482
Section VI Hernias487
Section VII Intestinal Hyperammonemia491
Chapter 18 The Acute Abdomen in the Neonatal Foal495
Chapter 19 Hepatobiliary Diseases525
Neonatal Endocrine System543
Chapter 20 Endocrine Physiology in the Neonatal Foal543
Section I The Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis and Steroid Hormones545
Section II Energy and Growth Hormones556
Section III Thyroid Hormones563
Section IV Hormones Involved in Blood Pressure and Blood Volume Regulation567
Section V Hormones Involved in Calcium, Phosphorus, and Magnesium Regulation573
Chapter 21 Endocrine Disorders in Foals580
Section I Disorders of the Hypothalamic Pituitary Adrenal Axis and Neurosteroids582
Section II Disorders of Energy and Growth Hormones589
Section III Disorders of Thyroid Hormones594
Section IV Disorders of Hormones Involved in Blood Pressure and Volume Regulation599
Section V Disorders of Calcium, Phosphorus, and Magnesium Homeostasis603
Section VI Diagnosis and Treatment of Endocrine Disorders611
Neonatal Urinary System629
Chapter 22 Embryology and Anatomy of the Urogenital System629
Chapter 23 Clinical Neonatal Renal Physiology638
Chapter 24 Examination, Therapeutics, and Monitoring of the Urinary System644
Section I Examination of the Urinary System644
Section II Medications Acting on the Urinary System654
Section III Renal Replacement Therapies662
Chapter 25 Congenital Urogenital Disorders670
Chapter 26 Renal Disorders in Neonatal Foals676
Chapter 27 Urinary Tract Disorders684
Neonatal Nervous System705
Chapter 28 Embryology and Anatomy of the Neonatal Nervous System705
Chapter 29 Physiology of the Neonatal Nervous System712
Chapter 30 Examination, Therapeutics, and Monitoring of the Nervous System724
Section I Neurologic Examination of the Neonatal Foal724
Section II Cerebrospinal Fluid Collection and Analysis730
Section III Electrodiagnostics in the Neonatal Foal734
Section IV Intracranial Pressure Monitoring739
Section V Medications Acting on the Neonatal Nervous System741
Chapter 31 Congenital Nervous System Disorders759
Section I Juvenile Idiopathic Epilepsy759
Section II Lavender Foal Syndrome763
Section III Cerebellar Abiotrophy765
Section IV Deafness in Foals768
Section V Occipitoatlantoaxial Malformation (OAAM) in Foals770
Section VI Miscellaneous Congenital Disorders of the Nervous System773
Chapter 32 Nervous System Disorders784
Section I Bacterial Meningoencephalomyelitis: Infectious and Inflammatory784
Section II Infectious and Inflammatory – Sarcocystis and Neospora in the Mare and Foal787
Section III Infectious and Inflammatory – Tetanus in the Neonatal Foal795
Section IV Toxicities – Neurotoxicities806
Section V Pathophysiology and Treatment of Central Nervous System Trauma in the Foal831
Section VI Traumatic Brain and Spinal Cord Injury in the Foal858
Section VII Metabolic Causes of Neurologic Dysfunction886
Section VIII Idiopathic – Neonatal Encephalopathy895
Section IX Idiopathic – Neonatal Epileptic Seizures915
Section X Idiopathic – Narcolepsy in Foals919
Section XI Autoimmune – Kernicterus921
Section XII Nervous System Neoplasia925
Section XIII Peripheral Nerve Disorders – Nerve Injury Secondary to Dystocia927
Section XIV Peripheral Nerve Disorders – Botulism931
Neonatal Musculoskeletal System940
Chapter 33 Embryology and Anatomy of the Neonatal Musculoskeletal System940
Chapter 34 Clinical Neonatal Musculoskeletal Physiology950
Chapter 35 Examination, Therapeutics, and Monitoring of the Neonatal Musculoskeletal System953
Section I Diagnostic Tests953
Section II Medications for Intra-articular and Musculoskeletal Use in the Neonatal Foal961
Chapter 36 Congenital and Acquired Musculoskeletal Disorders in the Neonatal Foal976
Chapter 37 Musculoskeletal Disorders992
Section I Infectious Neonatal Musculoskeletal Disorders992
Section II Noninfectious Neonatal Musculoskeletal Disorders1007
Neonatal Integumentary System1024
Chapter 38 Embryology and Anatomy of the Integument1024
Chapter 39 Diagnostics, Therapeutics, and Monitoring of Skin Diseases in the Foal1026
Chapter 40 Congenital and Inherited Skin Disorders1031
Chapter 41 Skin Disorders in the Neonatal Foal1043
Neonatal Hematology and Clinical Chemistry1049
Chapter 42 Development of Hemopoiesis in the Foal1049
Chapter 43 Evaluation of the Hematopoietic System – Flow Cytometry1055
Chapter 44 Clinical Chemistry in the Foal1060
Chapter 45 Hematologic Disorders1073
Neonatal Immunology & Infection1089
Chapter 46 Innate Immunity in the Foal1089
Chapter 47 Humoral Immunity & Transfer of Maternal Immunity1099
Chapter 48 Cellular Immunity in the Neonatal Foal1109
Chapter 49 Congenital Disorders of Immunity1113
Chapter 50 Neonatal Infection1126
Section I Bacterial Sepsis1126
Section II Viral Infections1156
Neonatal Ophthalmology1178
Chapter 51 Embryology and Anatomy of the Equine Eye1178
Chapter 52 Ocular Physiology and Vision in the Equine Neonate1185
Chapter 53 Examination, Diagnostics and Therapeutics of the Neonatal Equine Eye1197
Chapter 54 Congenital Ocular Abnormalities in the Foal1214
Chapter 55 Inherited Ocular Disorders1222
Chapter 56 Acquired Ocular Diseases in Neonatal Foals1234
General Treatment Principles for the Equine Neonate1245
Chapter 57 Neonatal Care at the Farm1245
Chapter 58 Feeding the Neonatal Foal1259
Chapter 59 Critical Care Techniques in the Neonatal Foal1268
Section I Foal Restraint and Handling1268
Section II Sedation of the Neonatal Foal1272
Section III Nasotracheal and Orotracheal Intubation1273
Section IV Placement of Nasal Insufflation Tube1275
Section V Nasogastric Tube Placement1277
Section VI Intravenous Catheter Selection, Placement, Maintenance, and Monitoring1280
Section VII Intraosseous Infusion Technique1287
Section VIII Treatment of Hypothermia1290
Section IX Direct and Indirect Blood Pressure Measurement1294
Section X Urinary Catheter Placement1296
Section XI Arterial and Venous Blood Gas Collection1300
Section XII Capnography1302
Section XIII Neonatal Transfusion Therapy1305
Section XIV Umbilical Care1312
Section XV Point-of-Care Monitors in Neonatal Medicine1314
Chapter 60 Special Considerations in Pharmacology of the Neonatal Foal1320
Chapter 61 Antimicrobial Therapy in the Neonatal Foal1328
Chapter 62 Fluid Therapy in the Neonatal Foal1344
Chapter 63 Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs and Analgesics in the Neonatal Foal1358
Chapter 64 Anesthesia of the Neonatal Foal1366
Chapter 65 Necropsy Examination and Sample Submission of the Fetus, Fetal Membranes, and Foal1395
Chapter 66 Special Considerations for the Neonatal Donkey and Mule Foal1399
Part III The Periparturient Mare1419
Chapter 67 Colic in the Periparturient Mare1421
Chapter 68 Cesarean Section1436
Chapter 69 The High-Risk Pregnancy1439
Chapter 70 Poor Maternal Behavior, Induction of Lactation, and Foal Grafting1448
Chapter 71 Maternal Complications Associated with Parturition1453
Chapter 72 Anesthesia of the Late-Term Mare1467
Appendix Formulary for Equine Neonatal Medications1478