Internetové knihkupectví s veterinární tématikou

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Essential Facts of Physiotherapy in Dogs and Cats Rehabilitation and Pain Management

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Fyzikální terapie zahrnuje nepřeberné množství léčebných možností. Způsoby léčby zahrnuté v této publikaci byly vybrány s ohledem na následující cíle (kritéria):
Významné zkrácení rehabilitačního času po operaci.
Rychlé a účinné zvládání bolesti u pacientů s akutní a chronickou bolestí.
Optimální pooperační péče o ortopedické a neurologické pacienty, Alternativa k chirurgickým případům v případech, kdy chirurgický zákrok není z různých důvodů proveditelný .
Snadné zvládnutí a aplikace této léčebné metody.
Rychlý nástup účinku.
Zlepšení vazby mezi klientem a zvířetem.
Zařazení a zainteresování majitele zvířete do terapeutického postupu.
Cenová výhodnost.
Publikace obsahuje základní fakta o fyzioterapii u psů a koček. Tato praktická referenční příručka pokrývá všechna témata související s fyzioterapií včetně cílů fyzioterapie, fyziologie a patologie, bolesti, fyzioterapeutického vyšetření, metod fyzioterapie a indikací včetně častých ortopedických a neurologických problémů a jejich fyzioterapeutický management. Podrobné léčebné plány s technikou, postupem a frekvencí jsou stanoveny ve formě bodů pro všechny indikace. Tato příručka je ideální pro praktiky, veterinární techniky a studenty. Součástí je také 45minutové výukové video na DVD, které podrobně a zpomaleně vysvětluje každé cvičení a techniku ​​popsanou v knize (fyzioterapeutické vyšetření, masáž, cvičební terapie, elektroterapie, mimotělní terapie rázovou vlnou (ESWT), Se vzdělávacím videem na DVD Rehabilitační/fyzikální terapie, které jsou dnes k dispozici, poskytují rychlé a účinné léčebné strategie pro pooperační péči a zvládání bolesti. Tréninková videa ke všem léčebným modalitám obsahují všechny důležité detaily a mnoha tipů k zajištění snadného zvládnutí technik v individuálním domácím studiu.
V této publikaci renomovaní evropští a američtí veterinární praktici shromáždili své dlouholeté zkušenosti s aplikací těchto technik ve veterinární praxi. Přínosem pro praktické veterináře je konkrétní zaměření na praktickou implementaci těchto účinných léčebných metod ve veterinární medicíně. Každá modalita léčby je jasně a stručně popsána pomocí rozsáhlých tabulek a ilustrací. Pro jednoduchou a selektivní implementaci ošetření, autoři zahrnuli do textu protokoly o indikacích. V jedné z kapitol jsou probrány všechny ortopedické a neurologické indikace pro fyzikální terapii.

Autor: Barbara Bockstahler, David Levine, Darryl Millis

Cena s DPH:  asi 4480 Kč
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Essential Facts of Physiotherapy in Dogs and Cats -Rehabilitation and Pain Management is a practical reference guide that covers all topics relevant to physiotherapy including goals of physiotherapy, physiology & pathology, pain, physiotherapeutic examination, methods of physiotherapy, and indications including frequent orthopedic and neurological problems and their physiotherapeutic management. Detailed treatment plans with technique, procedure and frequency are laid out in point form for all indications. This guide is ideal for practitioners, technicians and students. Also included is a 45 minute tutorial training video on DVD ,which explains in detail and slow motion every exercise and technique described in the book (physiotherapeutic examination, massage, exercise therapy, electrotherapy, extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT), underwater treadmill).
Fact style – no endless text
Physiology and pathophysiology of tissue and healing
Orthopedic, neurologic and cardio-vascular examination including outcome assessment (text, pictures, videos)
Evidence based exercises, manual therapy and modalities, including laser, TENS, UWT, shockwave, nuclear resonance therapy and many more (text, pictures, videos)
Biologic treatments (PRP, stem cells etc.)
Integration of the petowner and homework
Nutrition in rehab, dog sports etc.
Sports medicine and back to sports
Detailed anatomy and neurology in combination with the treatment options to set up an individual treatment plan

A comment on this book:

Over 27 years ago Robert A. Taylor wrote in his groundbreaking article "Postsurgical Physical Therapy: The Missing Link":

" Little current information on physical therapy in animals can be found in the veterinary literature. Veterinarians are aware of the need for detailed follow-up and rehabilitation of surgical patients; however, the use of physical therapeutic methodology to hasten and enhance postsurgical recovery is in its infancy in veterinary medicine." *1

In the following decades, the state of the veterinary physical rehabilitation and physical therapy specialty has changed dramatically. In many countries of the world continuing education in veterinary rehabilitation and physical therapy is offered and there are numerous national and international associations focusing on veterinary rehabilitation. Physical medicine and rehabilitation finally gained its final recognition as a separate veterinary specialty through acknowledgement by the American (2010) and European (2017) Colleges of Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation. Naturally, the rapid development of the field of veterinary rehabilitation resulted in numerous reference books being published. One foundational text, „Essential Facts of Physiotherapy," was published by BE VetVerlag in 2004. This book served innumerable professionals as an important guidebook in everyday clinical life and was published in many languages.

Now, 15 years later, Barbara Bockstahler presents a new edition of the classic textbook. In addition to the then co-editors Darryl Millis and David Levine, numerous leading experts have contributed to the manuscript. The new edition successfully reflects the exemplary continued development of the veterinary rehabiliation discipline. Richly illustrated and documented with more than 160 videos that can be accessed via QR code, „Essential Facts of Physical Therapy, Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine in Companion Animals“ does not only guide the interested reader through the methods of physical medicine, but also provides clear and understandable information about the basics behind physical therapy, such as the physiology and pathophysiology of tissues in response to injury. A large chapter is dedicated to sporting dogs, and includes topics on typical sports injuries and methods to return back to training.

This book was conceived in such a way that it offers the practical active veterinarian the possibility to swiftly and efficiently provide information on relevant illnesses and their treatment using the methods of physical medicine.

The authors also pursue a completely new organizational approach; arranging information by body regions, therapy goals and disease stages. Treatment approaches are outlined clearly and the progression of the rehabilitation plan with specific illnesses are explained pragmatically. This enables the user to create an individualized therapy program for his/her patients. The chapter "Treatment Plans“ is supplemented by an impressively illustrated anatomy section, which precedes the individual body regions.
In summary, "Essential Facts of Physical Therapy, Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine in Companion Animals" is a comprehensive and well-structured veterinary textbook that should find its place in every practice.The authors provide both an evidence-based and practical handbook for practitioners, but also students and other professionals in the field of veterinary sports medicine and rehabilitation. It will be an indispensable source of aid to all those embarking in the field of veterinary sports medicine and rehabilitation, as well as to experienced rehabilitation practitioners, that will become an indispensable companion in everyday clinical life.

Ass. Prof. Zoran Vrbanac, DECVSMR (Small Animals), DACVSMR (Canine), DVM, PhD, European Veterinary Specialist in Veterinary Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation, Founder and past president of VEPRA, Small Animal representative of the ECVSMR
