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Haschek and Rousseaux's Handbook of Toxicologic Pathology, Volume 1: Principles and Practice of Toxicologic Pathology 4th Edition

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Kolektiv uznávaných světových odborníků vytvořil nejuznávanější a jedinečný zdroj informací v oblasti toxikologické patologie. Nové vydání bylo rozsáhle aktualizováno
Bylo rozšířeno na čtyři samostatné svazky kvůli explozi informací v této oblasti vyžadující nové a aktualizované kapitoly. Text byl kompletně revidován s řadou nových kapitol.
První oddíl "Principy a praxe toxikologické patologie", pokrývá poznatky z toxikologické patologie ve třech částech:
Principy toxikologické patologie.
Metody v toxikologické patologii.
Praxe toxikologické patologie.
Druhý oddíl je rozdělen na kapitoly:
Toxikologická patologie při hodnocení bezpečnosti.
Environmentální toxikologická patologie.
Tyto dva oddíly pokrývají aplikaci toxikologické patologie při vývoji specifických tříd produktů, principy interpretace dat pro hodnocení bezpečnosti a toxikologickou patologii hlavních tříd environmentálních toxických látek.
Třetí a čtvrtý oddíl poskytuje informace o toxicity pro cílové orgány s důrazem na srovnávací a korelativní aspekty normální biologie a dysfunkce vyvolané toxickými produkty, hlavní metody hodnocení toxikologické patologie a hlavní mechanismy toxicity. Tyto oddíly obsahují nejuznávanější reference o toxikologické patologii pro patology, toxikology, výzkumníky a dozorové orgány, které studují a rozhodují o lécích, biologických látkách, zdravotnických zařízeních a dalších chemikáliích, včetně agrochemikálií a kontaminantů životního prostředí.
Klíčové vlastnosti
Poskytuje nové kapitoly o digitalizaci patologických procesů, juvenilní patologii, korelaci in vitro/in vivo, technologiích velkých dat a diskuzi o aktuálních tématech v oblasti toxikologické patologie.
Nabízí vysoce kvalitní a důvěryhodné informace s mnoha příspěvky napsané předními mezinárodními autoritami ve všech oblastech toxikologické patologie
Obsahuje stovky plnobarevných obrázků v tištěné i elektronické verzi knihy, které zvýrazní obtížné koncepty pomocí jasných ilustrací

Autor: Wanda Haschek, Colin Rousseaux, Matthew Wallig, Brad Bolon

Cena s DPH:  5721 Kč
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NakladatelAcademic Press
VydáníIV. vydání 2022
Počet stran1125

Haschek and Rousseaux's Handbook of Toxicologic Pathology, recognized by many as the most authoritative single source of information in the field of toxicologic pathology, has been extensively updated to continue its comprehensive and timely coverage. The fourth edition has been expanded to four separate volumes due to an explosion of information in this field requiring new and updated chapters. Completely revised with a number of new chapters, Volume 1, "Principles and the Practice of Toxicologic Pathology," covers the practice of toxicologic pathology in three parts: Principles of Toxicologic Pathology, Methods in Toxicologic Pathology, and the Practice of Toxicologic Pathology. Other volumes in this work round out the depth and breadth of coverage.Volume 2 encompasses "Toxicologic Pathology in Safety Assessment" and "Environmental Toxicologic Pathology". These two sections cover the application of toxicologic pathology in developing specific product classes, principles of data interpretation for safety assessment, and toxicologic pathology of major classes of environmental toxicants. Volumes 3 and 4 provide deep and broad treatment of "Target Organ Toxicity", emphasizing the comparative and correlative aspects of normal biology and toxicant-induced dysfunction, principal methods for toxicologic pathology evaluation, and major mechanisms of toxicity. These volumes comprise the most authoritative reference on toxicologic pathology for pathologists, toxicologists, research scientists, and regulators studying and making decisions on drugs, biologics, medical devices, and other chemicals, including agrochemicals and environmental contaminants. Each volume is being published separately. 
Key Features
Provides new chapters on digital pathology, juvenile pathology, in vitro/in vivo correlation, big data technologies and in-depth discussion of timely topics in the area of toxicologic pathology
Offers high-quality and trusted content in a multi-contributed work written by leading international authorities in all areas of toxicologic pathology
Features hundreds of full-color images in both the print and electronic versions of the book to highlight difficult concepts with clear illustrations.
About the Editors
Wanda Haschek
Wanda M Haschek-Hock, BVSc, PhD, DACVP, FIATP, ‎Professor Emerita, Dept of Veterinary Pathobiology, College of Veterinary Medicine University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, Illinois, USA. Professor Haschek-Hock has served as president of the Society of Toxicologic Pathology and the Society of Toxicology’s Comparative and Veterinary Specialty Section, as well as Councilor of the American College of Veterinary Pathologists, board member of the American Board of Toxicology; as Associate Editor for Toxicological Sciences and for Toxicologic Pathology; as Editorial Board member for Fundamental and Applied Toxicology, Veterinary Pathology and Toxicologic Pathology. She has served as a member on the USFDA Veterinary Medicine Advisory Committee for the Center for Veterinary Medicine, the EPA’s FIFRA Science Advisory Panel, and National Academy of Sciences Committee. She currently serves on the Board of Directors of the C.L. Davis Foundation for the Advancement of Veterinary and Comparative Pathology. She was awarded the Society of Toxicologic Pathology’s Achievement Award in 2007 and the Midwest Regional Chapter – Society of Toxicology’s Kenneth DuBois Award in 2011.
Affiliations and Expertise
‎Professor Emerita, Department of Veterinary Pathobiology, College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, Illinois, USA
Colin Rousseaux
Professor Rousseaux, BVSc [Hons], PhD, DABT, FRCPath, FIATP, FATS is a Fellow of the Royal College of Pathology, Diplomate of the American Board of Toxicology, Fellow of the Academy of Toxicological Sciences, and Fellow of the International Academy of Toxicologic Pathology. He is Professor (Adjunct) in the Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Ottawa, Canada. He has 35 years of experience in comparative and toxicologic pathology with a research focus on herbal remedies, fetal development and teratology, and environmental pollutants. He has described, investigated, and evaluated numerous toxicologic pathology issues associated with pharmaceutical, pesticides, and agrochemicals. He has served on the editorial board of Toxicologic Pathology. He is a former president of the Society of Toxicologic Pathology.
Affiliations and Expertise
Adjunct Professor, Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, University of Ottawa, Principal, Colin Rousseaux and Associates, Canada
Matthew Wallig
Professor Wallig, DVM, PhD, DACVP is a Diplomate of the American College of Veterinary Pathologists. He is Professor Emeritus in the Department of Pathobiology, College of Veterinary Medicine, the Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition, as well as the Division of Nutritional Sciences at the University of Illinois. His research has focused on the chemoprotective properties and mechanisms of phytochemicals in the diet, in particular those in cruciferous vegetables and soy, and the pathophysiology of pancreatic injury.
Affiliations and Expertise
Professor Emeritus, Department of Veterinary Pathobiology, College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, Illinois, USA
Brad Bolon
Brad Bolon, DVM, MS, PhD, DACVP, DABT, FATS, FIATP, President and Pathologist, GEMpath, Inc., Longmont, Colorado, USA During a 25-year career, Dr. Bolon has been employed in academia, contract research organizations, and two pharmaceutical firms before launching an experimental and toxicologic pathology practice. His main professional interests include comparative pathology of genetically engineered animals and toxicologic neuropathology. He is a past president of the Society of Toxicologic Pathology and is a recipient of the 2018 British Society of Toxicological Pathology’s Gopinath Lecture Award for excellence in toxicologic pathology.
Affiliations and Expertise
President and Pathologist, GEMpath, Inc., Longmont, Colorado, USA

Cover image
Title page
Table of Contents
About the Editors
Preface to the 4th Edition
Chapter 1. Toxicologic Pathology: An Introduction
1. An Overview of Toxicologic Pathology
2. What Is Toxicologic Pathology?
3. The Basis of Toxicologic Pathology
4. Challenges in Toxicologic Pathology
5. Training and Certification in Toxicologic Pathology
6. The “Practitioner” of Toxicologic Pathology
7. Summary
Part 1. Principles of Toxicologic Pathology
Chapter 2. Biochemical and Molecular Basis of Toxicity
1. Introduction
2. General Principles of Xenobiotic Disposition
3. Interactions of Toxicants with Cellular and Molecular Targets
4. Idiosyncratic Mechanisms of Toxicity
5. Protective Mechanisms, Repair Mechanisms, and Adaptation or Failure
6. Summary and Conclusions
Chapter 3. ADME Principles in Small Molecule Drug Discovery and Development: An Industrial Perspective
1. Introduction
2. General ADME Principles
3. Discovery Overview
4. Absorption, Bioavailability, and PK/TK Studies
5. Distribution
6. Metabolism
7. Excretion
8. Physiologically Based PK modeling
9. Development
10. Mass Balance Studies
11. Tissue Distribution Studies
12. Drug Metabolism Studies in Development
13. Excretion Studies
14. Specialized Excretion Studies
15. General Timing of Development ADME Studies
16. Conclusions
Chapter 4. Biotherapeutics ADME and PK/PD Principles
1. Introduction
2. Pharmacokinetics of Biotherapeutics
3. Pharmacodynamics of Biotherapeutics
4. PK–PD Modeling and Interspecies Scaling
5. Summary
Chapter 5. Principles of Pharmacodynamics and Toxicodynamics
1. Introduction: Definition of Pharmacodynamics and Toxicodynamics
2. Mechanism of Drug Action and Adverse Drug Reaction
3. Types of Adverse Drug Reaction: Intrinsic (Type A) Versus Idiosyncratic (Type B)
4. Types of Xenobiotic–Target Interaction
5. Exposure-Dependent Response
6. Response Following Chronic Dosing
7. Quantitative Modeling for Pharmacokinetic/Pharmacodynamic and Toxicodynamic Data Analysis
Chapter 6. Morphologic Manifestations of Toxic Cell Injury
1. Introduction
2. Adaptation
3. Irreversible versus Reversible Cell Injury
4. Irreversible Cell Injury
5. Conclusion
Chapter 7. The Role of Pathology in Evaluation of Reproductive, Developmental, and Juvenile Toxicity
1. Introduction
2. Reproductive Toxicity Assessment
3. Pregnancy and Developmental Toxicity
4. Juvenile Toxicity Assessment
5. Conclusions
Chapter 8. Carcinogenesis: Mechanisms and Evaluation
1. Introduction
2. Mechanisms of Chemically Induced Carcinogenesis
3. Identification of Carcinogens—Testing Programs and Guidelines
4. Evolving and New Technologies
5. Conclusions
Part 2. Methods in Toxicologic Pathology
Chapter 9. Basic Approaches in Anatomic Toxicologic Pathology
1. Introduction
2. General Considerations in Study Protocol Development
3. In-Life Evaluations
4. Necropsy
5. Fixation and Histologic Procedures
6. Specialized Histologic Techniques
7. Histopathologic Evaluation
8. Artifacts versus Lesions
9. Diagnostic Challenges in Anatomic Toxicologic Pathology
10. Conclusions
Chapter 10. Clinical Pathology in Nonclinical Toxicity Testing
1. Introduction
2. Clinical Pathology Parameters Commonly Included in Protocols for General Toxicity Studies
3. Nonstandard Biomarkers
4. Conclusions
Chapter 11. Special Techniques in Toxicologic Pathology
1. Introduction
2. Immunohistochemistry
3. Enzyme Histochemistry
4. In Situ Hybridization
5. Flow Cytometry
6. Laser Capture Microdissection
7. Confocal Microscopy
8. Electron Microscopy
9. Stereology
10. Digital Pathology
11. Conclusions
Chapter 12. Digital Pathology and Tissue Image Analysis
1. Introduction
2. Whole-Slide Imaging
3. Tissue Image Analysis
4. Regulatory Considerations for Digital Pathology Evaluation
5. Related Topics
6. Conclusion
Chapter 13. In Vivo Small Animal Imaging: A Comparison to Gross and Histopathologic Observations in Animal Models
1. Introduction
2. Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Magnetic Resonance Microscopy
3. Computed Tomography
4. Radionuclide-based Imaging: PET and SPECT
5. Optical Imaging
6. Ultrasound
7. Translational Application, Safety Assessment, and Drug Screening with In Vivo or Ex Vivo Imaging
Abbreviations for Imaging Modalities
Chapter 14. Biomarkers: Discovery, Qualification, and Application
1. Introduction
2. Categories of Biomarkers
3. Strategies for Discovery of Biomarkers
4. Methods for Biomarker Measurement and Quantitation
5. Qualification of Biomarkers: Major Considerations
Chapter 15. Toxicogenomics: A Primer for Toxicologic Pathologists
1. Introduction
2. Basics of Toxicogenomics
3. Overview of Toxicogenomic Technologies
4. Key Considerations for Conducting Toxicogenomic Studies
5. Goals and Applications of Toxicogenomic Studies
6. Sample Considerations
7. Applications of Toxicogenomics
8. Regulatory Considerations
9. Conclusions
Chapter 16. Experimental Design and Statistical Analysis for Toxicologic Pathologists
1. Introduction
2. Considerations Made Before Designing the Experiment
3. Experimental Design
4. Designs Commonly Used in Toxicologic Pathology
5. Functions of Statistical Analyses
6. Prerequisites to Statistical Analysis
7. Statistical Methods
8. Interpretation of Results
9. Data Analysis Applications in Toxicologic Pathology
10. Assumptions of Statistical Tests
11. Summary and Conclusions
Part 3. Animal and Alternative Models in Toxicologic Research
Chapter 17. Animal Models in Toxicologic Research: Rodents
1. Introduction
2. Rodent Model Selection
3. Issues in Extrapolation of Rodent Data for Human Risk Assessment
4. Basic Biological Characteristics of Common Rodent Stocks and Strains
5. Common Pathologic Findings in Rodents
6. Conclusion
Chapter 18. Animal Models in Toxicologic Research: Rabbit
1. Introduction
2. Model Selection
3. Basic Biological Characteristics and Common Breeds
4. Regulatory Aspects and Examples of Use of Rabbits in Biomedical Research
5. Pharmacokinetic and Toxicity Studies
6. Major Disease and Functional Models (Other than Safety)
7. Spontaneous Findings in the Experimental NZW Rabbit
Chapter 19. Animal Models in Toxicologic Research: Dog
1. Introduction
2. History and Derivation of Beagles
3. Use of Dogs in Biomedical Research
4. Predictivity of Dog Toxicity Data to Humans
5. Comparative Toxicology of the Dog
6. Spontaneous Background Pathology in the Beagle (Refer to Woicke et al., 2021)
7. Use of the Dog as a Model of Human Diseases
8. Regulatory Considerations for Toxicity Studies
9. Ethics of Use of the Dog as a Laboratory Animal Species
10. Summary
Chapter 20. Animal Models in Toxicologic Research: Pig
1. Introduction
2. Genetics of Pigs and Background for Their Use in Research
3. Use of Pigs in Toxicological Studies
4. Pigs as Organ Source for Xenotransplantation
5. Spontaneous Background Pathology in Swine
6. Use of the Pig as a Model System for Medical Devices and of Human Diseases
7. Regulatory Aspects
8. Ethics and Animal Welfare
9. Summary
Chapter 21. Animal Models in Toxicologic Research: Nonhuman Primate
1. Introduction
2. History and Biological Characteristics of Nonhuman Primates
3. Selection of Nonhuman Primates for Toxicologic Research and Study Design Considerations
4. Predictivity of Nonhuman Primate Toxicity Data to Humans
5. Nonhuman Primate Models in Biomedical Research (see also (Abee, Mansfield, Tardif, & Morris, 2012)
6. Background Findings in Nonhuman Primates and Use of Historical Control Data
7. Conclusion
Chapter 22. Animal Models in Toxicologic Research: Nonmammalian
1. Introduction
2. Nonmammalian Animal Taxa
3. Utilization of Nonmammalian Animals
4. Study Design Considerations
5. Data Extrapolation
6. Conclusions
Chapter 23. Genetically Engineered Animal Models in Toxicologic Research
1. Fundamentals of Genetically Engineered Animal Models
2. Analysis of Genetically Engineered Animal Models
3. Genetically Modified Models for Hazard Identification and Safety Assessment
4. Limitations in Using Genetically Modified Animals for Hazard Identification and Safety Assessment
5. Special Considerations in Safety Assessment of Products Derived from Genetically Engineered Animals
6. Summary
Chapter 24. Alternative Models in Biomedical Research: In Silico, In Vitro, Ex Vivo, and Nontraditional In Vivo Approaches
1. Introduction
2. Nontraditional Models in Toxicity Research
3. In Vitro and Ex Vivo Models
4. In Silico Models and Data Analytics
5. In Vivo Models Using Alternative Mammalian and Nonmammalian Species
6. Regulatory Perspective on Alternative Models
7. Conclusions and Perspectives
Part 4. Practice of Toxicologic Pathology
Chapter 25. Nomenclature and Diagnostic Resources in Anatomic Toxicologic Pathology
1. Introduction
2. The Need for Standardized Nomenclature
3. Components in Nomenclature
4. Challenges in Standardizing Nomenclature
5. Recommended Practices
6. Harmonization of Nomenclature
7. Conclusions
Chapter 26. Pathology Peer Review
1. Introduction
2. Peer Review Timing and Pathology Raw Data
3. Peer Review Process
4. National Toxicology Program Review Process
5. Regulatory Aspects of Pathology Peer Review
6. Use of Digital/Whole-Slide Images in Pathology Peer Review
7. Conclusion
Chapter 27. Pathology and GLPs, Quality Control, and Quality Assurance
1. Introduction
2. Overview of Good Laboratory Practice Standards
3. GLP and Pathology Data
4. Clinical Pathology Assessment in the GLP Environment
5. Ultrastructural Assessment in the GLP Environment
6. Noninvasive Imaging Applications in the GLP Environment
7. In the Spirit of GLP
8. GLP Criticism
9. Conclusions
Chapter 28. Practices to Optimize Generation, Interpretation, and Reporting of Pathology Data from Toxicity Studies
1. Introduction
2. Practices that Prevent or Mitigate the Introduction of Pathology-Related Issues During Study Design and Protocol Preparation
3. Practices that Prevent or Mitigate the Introduction of Pathology-Related Issues Arising During the In-Life Phase
4. Practices that Prevent or Mitigate Issues Arising from Pathology Assessment and Reporting
5. Conclusions
Chapter 29. Issues in Laboratory Animal Science That Impact Toxicologic Pathology
1. Introduction
2. Trends in Global Research Animal Care and Use
3. Regulatory Issues
4. Euthanasia of Research Animals
5. Selection of Animal Models
6. Animal Health Considerations
7. Microbiome and Microbial Effects on Pathophysiology and Study Outcomes
8. Housing and Husbandry Issues
9. The Role of Diet in Toxicity Studies
10. 3R's and In-Life Study Conduct for the Toxicologic Pathologist
11. Description of Animal Studies in Scientific Publications
12. Conclusion

About the EditorsXXIII
Preface to the 4th EditionXXV
Chapter 1. Toxicologic Pathology:An Introduction1
1. An Overview of Toxicologic Pathology1
2. What Is Toxicologic Pathology?3
3. The Basis of Toxicologic Pathology3
4. Challenges in Toxicologic Pathology4
4.1. Core Challanges4
4.2. Additional Challanges6
5. Training and Certification in Toxicologic Pathology8
6. The “Practitioner” of Toxicologic Pathology9
6.1. Industrial Toxicologic Pathology9
6.2. Toxicologic Pathology Related to the Environment and Food Safety10
6.3. Diagnostic Toxicologic Pathology10
6.4. Research in Toxicologic Pathology11
6.5. Management Roles in Toxicologic Pathology11
7. Summary11
Part 1. Principles of Toxicologic Pathology15
Chapter 2. Biochemical and Molecular Basis of Toxicity15
2. General Principles of Xenobiotic Disposition16
2.1 General Principles of Xenobiotic Disposition16
2.2. Routes of Absorption19
2.3. General Principles of Distribution21
2.4. Metabolism: Activation and Detoxificytion24
2.5. Elimination of Toxicants30
2.6. Effects of the Microbiome on Absorption, Distribution, Biotransformation and Elimination34
3. Interactions of Toxicants with Cellular and Molecular Targets35
3.1. Covalent Modification Chapters 3 and 835
3.2. Stress Responses in Toxicity36
3.3. Altered Gene Expression38
3.4. Mechanisms of Cell Death40
4. Idiosyncratic Mechanisms of Toxicity42
5. Protective Mechanisms, Repair Mechanisms, and Adaptation or Failure42
5.1. Stress Response Constituents and Pathways42
5.2. Cell Repair and Adaptation44
5.3. Failure to Repair After Toxic Insult46
6. Summary and Conclusions47
Chapter 3. ADME Principles in Small Molecule Drug Discovery and Development: An Industrial Perspective51
1. Introduction51
2. General ADME Principles52
3. Discovery Overview54
4. Absorption, Bioavailability, and PK/TK Studies55
5. Distribution59
5.1. Volume of Distribution59
5.2. Protein Binding59
5.3. Transporter Interaction59
6. Metabolism61
6.1. Overview of Phase I and Phase II Metabolism61
6.2. Overview of Reactive Metabolites61
6.3. Discovery Metabolism64
7. Excretion65
8. Physiologically Based PK modeling67
9. Development67
10. Mass Balance Studies68
11. Tissue Distribution Studies69
12. Drug Metabolism Studies in Development71
13. Excretion Studies71
14. Specialized Excretion Studies73
15. General Timing of Development ADME Studies73
16. Conclusions74
Chapter 4. Biotherapeutics ADME and PK/PD Principles77
1. Introduction77
1.1. Monoclonal Antibodies78
1.2. Antibody-Based Therapeitics80
1.3. Beyond Antibody-Based Therapeutics81
2. Pharmacokinetics of Biotherapeutics83
2.1. Monoclonal Antibody PK84
2.2. PK of Antibody-Based Therapeutics90
2.3. PK of Other Biotherapeutic ?odalities92
3. Pharmacodynamics of Biotherapeutics92
4. PK–PD Modeling and Interspecies Scaling95
5. Summary96
Chapter 5. Principles of Pharmacodynamics and Toxicodynamics101
1. Introduction: Definition of Pharmacodynamics and Toxicodynamics101
2. Mechanism of Drug Action and Adverse Drug Reaction102
2.1. Physiochemical Propetty Based102
2.2. Biochemical Based102
3. Types of Adverse Drug Reaction: Intrinsic (Type A) Versus Idiosyncratic (Type B)104
4. Types of Xenobiotic–Target Interaction106
4.1. Reversible, Irreversible, Noncompetitive, and Allosteric Interaction106
4.2. Agonist, Partial Agonist, Antagonist, and Inverse Agonist106
5. Exposure-Dependent Response107
5.1. Receptor Occupancy Relationship107
5.2. Turnover Model108
5.3. Quantal Dose-Effect Model109
5.4. Nonmonotonic Dose-Effect109
6. Response Following Chronic Dosing110
6.1. Receptor Downregulation111
6.2. Exhaustion of Mediators111
6.3. Physiological Adaptation111
6.4. Desensitization111
7. Quantitative Modeling for Pharmacokinetic/Pharmacodynamic and Toxicodynamic Data Analysis111
Chapter 6. Morphologic Manifestations of Toxic Cell Injury113
1. Introduction113
1.1. Importance of Morphologic Assessment in Toxicologic Pathology113
1.2. Cell Injury in Context - Structural and Functional Components of Cell Injury114
1.3. Host Reaction to Cell Injury116
2. Adaptation116
2.1. Atrophy116
2.2. Hypertrophy120
3. Irreversible versus Reversible Cell Injury122
3.1. Cellular Swelling124
3.2. Fatty Change - Lipidosis126
4. Irreversible Cell Injury127
4.1. Accidental Cell Death - Necrosis127
4.2. Programmed Cell Death133
4.3. Consequences of Irreversible Cell Injury139
5. Conclusion146
Chapter 7. The Role of Pathology in Evaluation of Reproductive, Developmental, and Juvenile Toxicity149
1. Introduction149
2. Reproductive Toxicity Assessment150
2.1. Male Reproductive Toxicity Assessment152
2.2. Female Reproductive Toxicity Assessment159
2.3. Guidelines167
3. Pregnancy and Developmental Toxicity167
3.1. Embryo - Fetal Development Studies168
3.2. Pre- and Postnatal Development Studies172
3.3. Enhanced Pre- and Postnatal Development Study in the NHP174
3.4. Guidelines177
4. Juvenile Toxicity Assessment177
4.1. Context for Challanges in Assessing the Neonatal Period179
4.2. Context for Support of Children: Weaning through Puberty179
4.3. Postnatal Development of Specific Organ Systems180
4.4. Models od Disease188
4.5. Practical Species-Specific Considerations188
4.6. Guidelines and Regional Legislation190
5. Conclusions192
Chapter 8. Carcinogenesis: Mechanisms and Evaluation206
1. Introduction206
1.1. Prominent Theories of Carcinogenesis208
1.2. General Features of Carcinogenesis208
1.3. Cell Growt and Proliferation210
1.4. Oncogenes and Tumor Suppressor Genes213
1.5. Apoptosis and DNA Damage Repair217
1.6. Abgiogenesis, Invasion, and Metastasis218
2. Mechanisms of Chemically Induced Carcinogenesis219
2.1. Genotoxic Carcinogens220
2.2. Direct Acting Carcinogens220
2.3. Indirect Acting Carcinogens220
2.4. Mechanism of High-fidelity/Nonmutagenic or Low-fidelity/Mutagenic DNA Repair222
2.5. DNA Replication and Repair Mechanisms222
2.6. Consequences of Genotoxicity224
2.7. Nongenotoxic Carcinogens224
3. Identification of Carcinogens—Testing Programs and Guidelines231
3.1. In Vitro Mutagenicity Assays231
3.2. Chromosomal Aberration Assay232
3.3. Micronucleus Test232
3.4. Other DNA Based Assays232
3.5. Testing Programs and Guidelines233
3.6. Two-Year National Toxicology Program Rodent Carcinogenicity Bioassay233
3.7. Carcinogenicity Testing234
3.8. Current and Future Considerations for Carcinogenicity Testing in Rodens235
3.9. Conventional Rat Strains for Carcinogenicity Testing237
3.10. Mouse Models of Carcinogenesis238
3.11. Transgenic Models for Mutagenicity Testing240
3.12. The Tg.rasH2 Mouse Model240
3.13. The Tp53+/-Mouse Modesl240
3.14. Hamsters240
3.15. Zebrafish211
3.16. Organoids242
3.17. Clinical Pathology242
3.18. Histopathology242
3.19. Carcinogenicity Study Data Interpretation242
4. Evolving and New Technologies244
4.1. Gene Expression Analysis244
4.2. Next Generation Sequencing to Assess Mutagenicity and Genome Instability144
5. Conclusions245
Part 2. Methods in Toxicologic Pathology257
Chapter 9. Basic Approaches in Anatomic Toxicologic Pathology257
1. Introduction257
2. General Considerations in Study Protocol Development258
3. In-Life Evaluations265
4. Necropsy268
5. Fixation and Histologic Procedures272
6. Specialized Histologic Techniques275
7. Histopathologic Evaluation277
7.1. Cause of Death278
7.2. Nomenclature279
7.3. Severity Grading279
8. Artifacts versus Lesions282
9. Diagnostic Challenges in Anatomic Toxicologic Pathology284
10. Conclusions289
Chapter 10. Clinical Pathology in Nonclinical Toxicity Testing295
1. Introduction295
1.1. Value of Clinical Pathology Testing295
1.2. The Role of a High-Quality Clinical Pathology Laboratory in Toxicity Testing296
1.3. Samples Submitted to the Clinical Pathology Laboratory302
1.4. Recommended Test Parameters303
1.5. Kinetics304
1.6. Controls305
2. Clinical Pathology Parameters Commonly Included in Protocols for General Toxicity Studies305
2.1. Hematology305
2.2. Hemostasis307
2.3. Clinical Chemistry310
2.4. Urinalysis315
2.5. Bone Marrow Evaluation317
2.6. Flow Cytometry318
3. Nonstandard Biomarkers318
3.1. Introduction318
3.2. Biomarker Assay Kits318
3.3. Fit-for-Purpose (Analytical) Validation319
3.4. Biologic Validation319
3.5. Biomarker Application in Nonclinical Stuides319
3.6. Hormones319
3.7. Acute Phase Proteins321
3.8. Novel Renal Biomarkers321
3.9. New Liver Biomarkers325
3.10. Heart Biomarkers327
3.11. Drug-included Vascular Injury Biomakers329
4. Conclusions330
Chapter 11. Special Techniques in Toxicologic Pathology336
1. Introduction336
2. Immunohistochemistry337
2.1. Introduction337
2.2. Applications of Immunohistochemistry in Toxicologic Pathology338
2.3. Technical Considerations for Immunohistochemistry352
2.4. Conclusion356
3. Enzyme Histochemistry356
3.1. Introduction356
3.2. Applications of Enzyme Histochemistry in Toxicologic Pathology357
3.3. Technical Considerations for Enzyme Histochemistry357
3.4. Conclusions358
4. In Situ Hybridization358
4.1. Introduction358
4.2. Applications of In Situ Hybridization in Toxical Pathology358
4.3. Technical Considerations for In Situ Hybridization361
4.4. Conclusions364
5. Flow Cytometry365
5.1. Introduction365
5.2. Application of Flow Cytometry in Toxicologic Pathology369
5.3. Advantages and Limitations of Flow Cytometry373
5.4. Conclusions374
6. Laser Capture Microdissection374
6.1. Introduction374
6.2. Applications of Laser Capture Microdissection in Toxicologic Pathology375
6.3. Technical Considerations for Laser Capture Microdissection375
6.4. Limitations377
6.5. Conclusions377
7. Confocal Microscopy377
7.1. Introduction377
7.2. Applications of Confocal Microscopy in Toxicologic Pathology377
7.3. Technical Considerations for Confocal Microscopy378
7.4. Limitations380
7.5. Conclusions380
8. Electron Microscopy380
8.1. Introduction380
8.2. Applications of Electron Microscopy in Toxicologic Pathology380
8.3. Technical Considerations for Electron Microscopy381
8.4. Limitations382
8.5. Conclusions382
9. Stereology382
10. Digital Pathology384
11. Conclusions384
Chapter 12. Digital Pathology and Tissue Image Analysis395
1. Introduction395
2. Whole-Slide Imaging396
2.1. Scanning Modalities396
2.2. Scanning Focus397
2.3. Scanning Capacity and Time398
2.4. Scanning Magnification398
2.5. Scanning Resolution399
2.6. Color Preservation399
2.7. Image Compression400
2.8. Pyramid Representation401
2.9. Digital Workflow401
3. Tissue Image Analysis406
3.1. Visual and Cognitive Biases of Manual Slide Review407
3.2. Application Areas407
3.3. Impact of Preanalytical Variables on Image Analysis409
3.4. Manual versus Automated Image Annotations409
3.5. The Basics of Quantitative Imae Analysis410
3.6. Nonquantitative Image Analysis412
3.7. Available Tools412
3.8. The Pathologist's Role in the Image Analysis Workflow413
3.9. Computational Pathology414
3.10. Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Tissue Image Analysis414
4. Regulatory Considerations for Digital Pathology Evaluation416
5. Related Topics418
5.1. Stereology418
5.2. 3D Reconstruction419
5.3. Other Imaging Modalities419
6. Conclusion419
Chapter 13. In Vivo Small Animal Imaging: A Comparison to Gross and Histopathologic Observations in Animal Models424
1. Introduction424
2. Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Magnetic Resonance Microscopy426
2.1. Basic Principles of MRI/MRM426
2.2. Advantages428
2.3. Disadvantages428
2.4. Correlation of MRI or MRM to Gross or Histopathological Lesions429
3. Computed Tomography430
3.1. Basic Principles of CT430
3.2. Image Information432
3.3. Experimental Procedures432
3.4. Advantages433
3.5. Disadvantages433
3.6. CT Imaging in Preclinical Toxicology434
4. Radionuclide-based Imaging: PET and SPECT434
4.1. Basic Physics of PET434
4.2. Basic Physics of SPECT437
4.3. Comparative Utility of PET and SPECT437
4.4. Advantages437
4.5. Disadvantages438
4.6. Radionuclide-Based Imaging in Preclinical Toxicity Studies439
5. Optical Imaging442
5.1. Basic Principles of Bioluminiscence442
5.2. Basic Principles of Fluorescence Imaging442
5.3. Advantages443
5.4. Disadvantages444
5.5. Optical Imaging in Preclinical Toxicity Studies447
6. Ultrasound448
6.1. Basic Physics448
6.2. Advantages451
6.3. Disadvantages452
6.4. Ultrasound Imaging in Preclinical Efficacy Studies452
7. Translational Application, Safety Assessment, and Drug Screening with In Vivo or Ex Vivo Imaging453
Abbreviations for Imaging Modalities453
Chapter 14. Biomarkers: Discovery, Qualification, and Application459
1. Introduction459
1.1. Biomarker versus Surrogate460
1.2. Qualification versus Validation460
2. Categories of Biomarkers460
2.1. Biomarkers of Tissue Injury/Damage460
2.3. Mechanistic Biomarkers469
2.4. Biomarkers of Environmental Exposure472
2.5. Drug Response or Pharmacodynamic Biomarkers (See "Principles of Pharmacodynamics and Toxicodynamics, Vol 1, Chap 5)473
2.6. Predictive Biomarkers474
2.7. Patient/Clinical Trial Subject Selection475
2.8. Surrogate Endpoint476
2.9. Pharmacogenomic Biomarkers478
2.10. Prognostic Biomarkers478
3. Strategies for Discovery of Biomarkers481
3.1. Discovery and Application of Panels of Biomarkers483
4. Methods for Biomarker Measurement and Quantitation483
4.1. Genomics485
4.2. Proteomics485
4.3. Metabolomics485
4.4. Histocytomics486
4.5. Antibody-Based Detection Systems486
4.6. Multiplexed Assays486
4.7. Morphology-Based Methods486
5. Qualification of Biomarkers: Major Considerations488
Chapter 15. Toxicogenomics: A Primer for Toxicologic Pathologists491
1. Introduction491
2. Basics of Toxicogenomics492
3. Overview of Toxicogenomic Technologies493
3.1. Nucleic Acid-Based-Omics Platforms493
3.2. Microarray Technologies495
3.3. Next-Generation Sequencing Technologies496
3.4. Protein- and Metabolome-Based-Omics Platforms497
3.5. Proteomics Technologies497
3.6. Metabolomics Technologies500
4. Key Considerations for Conducting Toxicogenomic Studies500
5. Goals and Applications of Toxicogenomic Studies501
6. Sample Considerations502
6.1. Study Planning for -Omics Endpoints502
6.2. Collection and Processing of the -Omics Samples503
6.3. Extraction of Biomolecules504
6.4. Controls for -Omics Assays505
6.5. Study Designs and Statistical Considerations507
6.6. Software Tools and Databases509
6.7. Data Analysis and Interpretation509
7. Applications of Toxicogenomics519
7.1. Predictive Toxicology519
7.2. Mechanistic Toxicology527
7.3. Carcinogenicity Assessment529
8. Regulatory Considerations534
9. Conclusions536
Chapter 16. Experimental Design and Statistical Analysis for Toxicologic Pathologists546
1. Introduction546
1.1. Observations and Measurements547
1.2. Data Type and Statistical Methods548
1.3. Understanding Biological Variation549
1.4. Biological and Statistical Significance550
2. Considerations Made Before Designing the Experiment553
2.1. Differing Group Variability553
2.2. Involuntary Censoring553
2.3. Metaanalysis553
2.4. Unbalanced Designs554
2.5. Undesirable Variables554
2.6. Experimental Unit554
3. Experimental Design555
3.1. Basic Principles of Experimental Design555
3.2. Detecting Treatment Effects556
3.3. Censoring651
3.4. Impacts of Sample Size562
4. Designs Commonly Used in Toxicologic Pathology562
4.1. Completely Randomized Design563
4.2. Completely Randomized Block Design563
4.3. Matched Pairs Design563
4.4. Latin Square Design564
4.5. Factorial Design564
4.6. Nested Design564
5. Functions of Statistical Analyses565
5.1. Hypothesis Testing and Probability (P) Values566
5.2. Modeling566
5.3. Dimension Reduction567
6. Prerequisites to Statistical Analysis568
6.1. Describing the Data568
6.2. Statistical Graphics570
6.3. Evaluating Distributional Assumptions576
6.4. Data Processing578
7. Statistical Methods582
7.1. Statistical Analysis: General Considerations582
7.2. Hypothesis Testing of Categorical Data588
7.3. Hypothesis Testing in Single Factor Experiments590
7.4. Hypothesis Testing in Multifactor Experiments596
7.5. Analysis of Covariance597
7.6. Modeling Trends599
7.7. Correlation and Agreement608
7.8. Nonparametric Hypothesis Testing610
7.9. Quantifying Uncertainty619
7.10. Methods for the Reduction of Dimensionality620
7.11. Metaanalysis324
7.12. Bayesian Inference626
8. Interpretation of Results629
8.1. Causality versus Association629
8.2. Possible Sources of Bias631
8.3. Use of Historical Control Data631
8.4. Using Scientific Judgement632
9. Data Analysis Applications in Toxicologic Pathology632
9.1. Body and Organ Weights632
9.2. Clinical Chemistry634
9.3. Hematology634
9.4. Incidence of Histopathological Findings635
9.5. Carcinogenesis636
10. Assumptions of Statistical Tests638
11. Summary and Conclusions638
Part 3. Animal and Alternative Models in Toxicologic Research653
Chapter 17. Animal Models in Toxicologic Research: Rodents653
1. Introduction653
2. Rodent Model Selection655
2.1. Overview of Species Selection for Toxicity Studies655
2.2. Rodent Species Used for Special Studies659
2.3. Rodent Models od Disease and Genetically Modified Animals660
3. Issues in Extrapolation of Rodent Data for Human Risk Assessment661
3.1. Pharmacologic Translational Relevance and Interspecies Pathophysiologic Concordance662
3.2. Biological and Cell Therapies665
3.3. Controlling Variability and Impact of the MIcrobiome in Rodent Studies665
4. Basic Biological Characteristics of Common Rodent Stocks and Strains667
4.1. Outbred Stocks and Inbred Strains of Mice and Rats667
4.2. Anatomy and Physiology of Rodent Used in Toxicologic Research670
5. Common Pathologic Findings in Rodents675
5.1. Background Findings in Common Species - Mice and Rats675
5.2. Background Findings in Uncommon Rodent Species680
5.3. Considerations in Evaluating Incidental Background Findings682
6. Conclusion688
Chapter 18. Animal Models in Toxicologic Research: Rabbit695
1. Introduction695
2. Model Selection696
2.1. Overview of Toxicology Model Species Selection696
2.2. Issues in Data Extrapolation to Human696
3. Basic Biological Characteristics and Common Breeds696
3.1. Ethics and Animal Welfare Considerations699
4. Regulatory Aspects and Examples of Use of Rabbits in Biomedical Research699
5. Pharmacokinetic and Toxicity Studies701
5.1. Developmental and Reproductive Toxicity Studies701
5.2. Dermal Irritation/Toxicity Studies701
5.3. Intracutaneous and Implantation Safety Studies701
5.4. Cardiac Safety Studies702
5.5. Mucosal Irritation Studies703
5.6. Ocular Studies703
5.7. Safety Studies Supporting Vaccine Development705
6. Major Disease and Functional Models (Other than Safety)705
6.1. Antibody Production/Immunological Research705
6.2. Oncology Disease Models706
6.3. Novel Surgical Models706
6.4. Medical Device and Regenerative Medicine - Functional Studies706
6.5. Watanabe Rabbit Model of Hypercholesterolemia707
7. Spontaneous Findings in the Experimental NZW Rabbit709
7.1. Normal Structures Unique to the Rabbit709
7.2. Spontaneous Patholgy Findings712
Chapter 19. Animal Models in Toxicologic Research: Dog722
1. Introduction722
2. History and Derivation of Beagles722
2.1. Genetics of Canines and Bacground for Their Use in Toxicity Testing722
2.2. The Evolution of the Laboratory Beagle723
2.3. Basic Biological Characteristics723
2.4. Housing and Care of the Beagle Dog726
3. Use of Dogs in Biomedical Research727
3.1. Drug Metabolism, Disposition, and Excretion of Drugs/Chemicals in the Dog - Comparison with Other Species727
3.2. Genetic Variability within Beagles and Imapct on Testing727
3.3. Use of the Dog in Drug Discovery and Development728
3.4. Duration of Studies/Age at Start of Studies in Dogs728
3.5. Use of Dogs for Assessing Clinical Pathology and Pharmacokinetic Changes729
3.6. Safety Pharmacology Studies in Dogs730
3.7. Use of Dogs in Developmental Toxicity Studies731
4. Predictivity of Dog Toxicity Data to Humans731
5. Comparative Toxicology of the Dog732
5.1. Toxic Responses of the Dog Compared to Other Species732
5.2. Small - Molecule Kinase Inhibitors733
5.3. Caffeine733
5.4. Theobromine734
5.5. Acetaminophen (Paracetamol)734
5.6. Aspirin and Ibuprofen735
5.7. Vasoactive Drugs735
6. Spontaneous Background Pathology in the Beagle (Refer to Woicke et al., 2021)735
6.1. Spontaneous Nonneoplastic Diseases in Laboratory Beagles735
6.2. Spontaneous Neoplastic Diseases in Laboratory Beagles737
7. Use of the Dog as a Model of Human Diseases737
7.1. The Dog as an Animal Model of Human Cardiovascular Disease737
7.2. The Dog as an Animal Model of Human Cancer737
7.3. The Dog as an Animal Model of Human Neurological Disease739
8. Regulatory Considerations for Toxicity Studies742
8.1. Pesticide and Drug Development - Need for One - Year Dog Study?742
9. Ethics of Use of the Dog as a Laboratory Animal Species743
10. Summary744
Chapter 20. Animal Models in Toxicologic Research: Pig751
1. Introduction751
2. Genetics of Pigs and Background for Their Use in Research752
2.1. Breeds752
2.2. Basic Biological Characteristics753
2.3. Husbandry Considerations753
3. Use of Pigs in Toxicological Studies755
3.1. Study Design Considerations755
3.2. Oral Toxicity Studies756
3.3. Intravenous Toxicity Studies756
3.4. Subcutaneous Dosing Toxicity Studies757
3.5. Dermal Toxicity Studies757
3.6. Other Routes of Dose Administration759
3.7. Embryo - Fetal Toxicity Studies760
3.8. Juvenile Toxicity Studies760
4. Pigs as Organ Source for Xenotransplantation761
5. Spontaneous Background Pathology in Swine761
5.1. Microscopic Observations762
5.2. Microscopic Findings764
5.3. Neoplasia in Research Swine769
6. Use of the Pig as a Model System for Medical Devices and of Human Diseases770
6.1. Cardiovascular770
6.2. Skin770
6.3. Renal771
6.4. Metabolic Syndrome/Diabetes771
6.5. Eye771
6.6. Brain771
6.7. Immune System772
6.8. Cancer772
6.9. Genetically Modified Pigs772
7. Regulatory Aspects772
8. Ethics and Animal Welfare773
9. Summary773
Chapter 21. Animal Models in Toxicologic Research: Nonhuman Primate777
1. Introduction777
2. History and Biological Characteristics of Nonhuman Primates778
2.1. The Cynomolgus Macaque778
2.2. The Rhesus Macaque778
2.3. The Common Marmoset780
2.4. The Baboon780
2.5. The Squirrel Monkey781
2.6. The Tamarins781
2.7. The Vervet and Green Monkeys781
2.8. The Capuchin Monkey781
3. Selection of Nonhuman Primates for Toxicologic Research and Study Design Considerations782
3.1. Ethics and Welfare Considerations782
3.2. Regulatory Considerations78,
3.3. Source, Origin, and Genetic Variation784
3.4. Relevance and Feasibility for Use in Drug Development785
3.5. Study Design786
4. Predictivity of Nonhuman Primate Toxicity Data to Humans787
5. Nonhuman Primate Models in Biomedical Research (see also (Abee, Mansfield, Tardif, & Morris, 2012)787
5.1. Nonhuman Primate Models of Human Disease788
5.2. Models in Pharmacology and Toxicology Research790
6. Background Findings in Nonhuman Primates and Use of Historical Control Data796
6.1. Incidental FIndings in Nonhuman Primates797
6.2. Environmental, Endemic, and Contagious Pathogens797
6.3. Findings due to Antidrug Antibodies798
6.4. Historical Control Data800
7. Conclusion801
Chapter 22. Animal Models in Toxicologic Research: Nonmammalian811
1. Introduction811
2. Nonmammalian Animal Taxa815
2.1. Invertebrates815
2.2. Fish818
2.3. Amphibians825
2.4. Birds828
2.5. Reptiles830
3. Utilization of Nonmammalian Animals831
3.1. Animal Models of Human Diseases831
3.2. Drug Discovery and Toxicity Screening834
3.3. Target Animal Safety Studies837
3.4. Ecotoxicological Testing and Environmental Monitoring838
4. Study Design Considerations841
4.1. Study Design and Implementation841
4.2. Subclinical Disease844
5. Data Extrapolation847
5.1. Results Extrapolation and Risk Assessment847
5.2. Interspecies Variability848
5.3. Knowledge Gap850
5.4. Reliability of Published Histopathology Data851
6. Conclusions851
Chapter 23. Genetically Engineered Animal Models in Toxicologic Research859
1. Fundamentals of Genetically Engineered Animal Models859
1.1. Methods for Genetic Modification860
1.2. Nomenclature Conventions878
1.3. Model Selection879
2. Analysis of Genetically Engineered Animal Models881
2.1. Genotyping881
2.3. Phenotyping883
2.4. Directed Phenotypic Characterization for Product Discovery and Development885
2.5. Phenotypic Interpretation of Genetically Engineered Animal Models886
3. Genetically Modified Models for Hazard Identification and Safety Assessment888
3.1. Basic Concepts for Using Engineered Animals in Hazard Identification and Safety Assessment888
3.2. Absorption, Distribution, Metabolism, and Excretion889
3.3. Genotoxicity Testing892
3.4. Carcinogenicity Assessment895
3.5. Enhineered Immunodeficient Models898
3.6. Humanised Animal Models904
4. Limitations in Using Genetically Modified Animals for Hazard Identification and Safety Assessment913
5. Special Considerations in Safety Assessment of Products Derived from Genetically Engineered Animals913
5.1. Biopharming and Xenotransplantation913
5.2. Food Products916
6. Summary917
Chapter 24. Alternative Models in Biomedical Research: In Silico, In Vitro, Ex Vivo, and Nontraditional In Vivo Approaches925
1. Introduction925
2. Nontraditional Models in Toxicity Research926
2.1. Overview of In Vitro and Ex Vivo Models926
2.2. Overview of In Vivo Models in Alternative Mammalian and Nonmammalian Species927
2.3. Overview of In Silico Modeling928
3. In Vitro and Ex Vivo Models928
3.1. Cell Cultures928
3.2. Tissue Slices930
3.3. Bioprinted Microtissues934
3.4. Miniorgans935
3.5. Microphysiological Systems ("Organs On Chips")941
3.6. Stem Cells and Genetically Modified Cells943
3.7. Whole Embryo Culture945
4. In Silico Models and Data Analytics946
4.1. In Silico Predictive Structure - Activity Models946
4.2. Pathway - Based Models of Toxicity947
4.3. Big Data Analytics in Toxicology Pathology948
5. In Vivo Models Using Alternative Mammalian and Nonmammalian Species951
5.1. Genetically Engineered Animal Models951
5.2. Non - mammalian Animal Models952
6. Regulatory Perspective on Alternative Models955
7. Conclusions and Perspectives955
7.1. Integration of Pathology and Alternative Data Streams955
7.2. Context of Use and Qualification Requirements957
7.3. Future Directions958
Part 4. Practice of Toxicologic Pathology969
Chapter 25. Nomenclature and Diagnostic Resources in Anatomic Toxicologic Pathology969
1. Introduction969
2. The Need for Standardized Nomenclature970
3. Components in Nomenclature971
3.1. Terminology for Nonneoplastic Lesions971
3.2. Terminology for Neoplastic Lesions972
4. Challenges in Standardizing Nomenclature973
4.1. Training973
4.2. Thresholds974
4.3. Diagnostic Drift975
4.4. Severity Grading975
4.5. Lesion Complexity976
4.6. Multiple Pathologists979
5. Recommended Practices977
5.1. Training977
5.2. Thresholds977
5.3. Diagnostic Drift975
5.4. Severity Grading975
5.5. Lesion Complexity978
5.6. Multiple Pathologists979
5.7. The Pathology Narrative979
6. Harmonization of Nomenclature980
6.1. International Harmonization of Nomenclature and Diagnostic Criteria980
6.2. Standard for Exchange of Nonclinical Data983
6.3. National Toxicology Program Nonneoplastic Lesions Atlas983
6.4. Other Nomenclature Resources983
7. Conclusions983
Chapter 26. Pathology Peer Review987
1. Introduction987
2. Peer Review Timing and Pathology Raw Data988
2.1. Pathology Raw Data and Peer Review989
3. Peer Review Process990
3.1. Consultation990
3.2. Peer Review: Contemporaneous Peer Review990
3.3. Resolution of Disagreements during Contemporaneous Peer Review997
3.4. Documentation of Contemporaneous Peer Review1000
3.5. Peer Review: Retrospective Peer Review1001
4. National Toxicology Program Review Process1003
5. Regulatory Aspects of Pathology Peer Review1004
5.1. Regulations for Contemporaneous Pathology Peer Review in China and Japan1006
6. Use of Digital/Whole-Slide Images in Pathology Peer Review1006
6.1. Use of Whole - Slide Images for National Toxicology Program Pathology Working Groups1007
7. Conclusion1007
Chapter 27. Pathology and GLPs, Quality Control, and Quality Assurance1009
1. Introduction1009
2. Overview of Good Laboratory Practice Standards1010
2.1. History and Evolution of GLP Standards1010
2.2. Objective and Scope1015
2.3. FDA GLP General Content1016
2.4. Organization of 21 CFR 58 Good Laboratory Practise for Nonclinical Laboratory Studies1016
3. GLP and Pathology Data1021
3.1. Study Pathologist Requirements1021
3.2. Histopathology in the GLP Environment1021
4. Clinical Pathology Assessment in the GLP Environment1024
5. Ultrastructural Assessment in the GLP Environment1024
6. Noninvasive Imaging Applications in the GLP Environment1024
7. In the Spirit of GLP1025
8. GLP Criticism1025
8.1. Academic Research1025
8.2. Persperctives on GLP Limitations1026
9. Conclusions1026
Chapter 28. Practices to Optimize Generation, Interpretation, and Reporting of Pathology Data from Toxicity Studies1030
1. Introduction1030
2. Practices that Prevent or Mitigate the Introduction of Pathology-Related Issues During Study Design and Protocol Preparation1031
2.1. Ensure a Deep Understanding of Regulatory Guidance and Best Practices1032
2.2. Clearly Define Realistic Study Goals, Design the Study to Accomplish Those Goals, and Minimize Study Complexity1035
2.3. Choose the Appropriate Animal Species, Genetic Background, and/or Disease Model for Toxicity Testing1037
2.4. Use Optimal Communication Practises1039
2.5. Estimate and Communicate the Number of Potential Target Tissues1040
2.6. Develop and Practice Novel or Nonstandard Pathology Procedures and Other Methods Prior to the Start of the Study and Use Acceptef Practises for Incorporatiom of Nonstandard Endpoints1040
2.7. Ensure that Study Procedures Are Adequately Described in the Study Protocol or Standard Operating Procedures1042
2.8. Plan for Pathology Peer Review1043
2.9. Do Not Blind the Study Pathologist1043
2.10. Facilitate the Study and Peer Review Pathologists' Workflows1044
3. Practices that Prevent or Mitigate the Introduction of Pathology-Related Issues Arising During the In-Life Phase1044
3.1. Ensure the Proper Training of Personnel, Use of Appropriate Assays, Maintance of Required Instrumentation, and Use of Quality Assurance Programs1045
3.2. Ensure Awarness of Emerging Data from In - Life Time Points and Unscheduled Terminations1046
3.3. Mitigate the Impact of Unexpected or Significant Toxicity1047
3.4. Scrutinize Imprompti Requests for Samples from Ongoing Studies for Assays that Are Not Critical to the Purpose of the Study1049
3.5. Understand When Not to Generate Pathology Data1049
4. Practices that Prevent or Mitigate Issues Arising from Pathology Assessment and Reporting1050
4.1. Ensure Proper Training, Supervision, Procedures, and Protocol Familarity in the Necropsy, Histology, and Clinical Pathology Laboratories1050
4.2. Schedule Adequate Time for Processing and Evaluation1054
4.3. Establish Strong Lines of Communication and Freely Share Scientific and Program Information with the Study Pathologist1057
4.4. Recommended Practices for Histopathologic Assessment1060
4.5. Facilitate Finalization of a Well - Constructed, High - Quality, On - Time Pathology Report1069
5. Conclusions1072
Chapter 29. Issues in Laboratory Animal Science That Impact Toxicologic Pathology1078
1. Introduction1078
2. Trends in Global Research Animal Care and Use1078
3. Regulatory Issues1081
3.1. Overview of Rules and Regulations1081
3.2. Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee1083
4. Euthanasia of Research Animals1083
5. Selection of Animal Models1084
5.1. Overview1084
5.2. Issues of Translation in Animal Model Selection1084
5.3. Genetic Considerations1086
5.4. Issues to Consider When Sourcing Animals1087
5.5. Use of Specialized Animal Models in Toxicology Research1088
6. Animal Health Considerations1089
6.1. Adventitious Agents1089
6.2. Sentinel Monitoring Programs1090
6.3. Microbial Effects on Toxicity1090
7. Microbiome and Microbial Effects on Pathophysiology and Study Outcomes1091
7.1. Introduction to the Microbome1091
7.2. Definitions, Natural History, and Characterization1092
7.3. Association With Development, Immune Status and Disease Phenitype - Cause or Effect?1092
7.4. Impact on Efficacy, Biotransformation, and Toxicology1094
7.5. Impact of Microbiome on Safety Translatability1095
7.6. Minimizing Experimental Variability and Monitoring Microbiome Status1095
8. Housing and Husbandry Issues1096
8.1. Role of Environment in Lesion Production1096
8.2. Study Design Considerations1097
9. The Role of Diet in Toxicity Studies1099
9.1. Introduction1099
9.2. Types of Diets1100
9.3. Contaminant Issues1101
9.4. Dietary Optimization1101
10. 3R's and In-Life Study Conduct for the Toxicologic Pathologist1102
11. Description of Animal Studies in Scientific Publications1103
12. Conclusion1103