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Kings Applied Anatomy of the Central Nervous Systems of Domestic Mammals

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Po více jak 30 letech se specialisté neuroanatomie a neurofyziologie dočkali nového vydání Kingovy aplikované neuroanatomie. Za tuto dobu vědecko-technický pokrok v oblasti zobrazovacích metod zaznamenal obrovský vývoj kupředu. Publikace je svým zaměřením orientována na studenty veterinární medicíny, ale publikace se svými informacemi stane vítaným zdrojem informací i pro praktiky neurologie domácích zvířat.

Autor: Geoff Skerritt

Cena s DPH:  asi 2063 Kč
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VydáníII. vydání 2018
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An update of a classic student text unlocking the mystery of veterinary neurology and neuroanatomy King's Applied Anatomy of the Central Nervous System of Domestic Mammals, Second Edition is an ideal introduction for those with no prior knowledge of the central nervous system. Presented in a logical and accessible manner, readers can quickly comprehend the essential principles of how the central nervous system is constructed, the way it works and how to recognise damaged components. By blending descriptive anatomy with clinical neurology, the text offers a unique approach – explaining the structure and function of the central nervous system while highlighting the relevance to clinical practice. Revised and updated to cover the latest clinical developments, this second edition includes additional content on electrodiagnostic methods, stem cell transplantation and advanced imaging. The book also comes with a companion website featuring self-assessment questions, label the diagram exercises, and downloadable figures to aid further learning. An excellent introductory text for veterinary students, King's Applied Anatomy of the Central Nervous System of Domestic Mammals, Second Edition is also an invaluable reference for trainee veterinary neurology specialists as well as veterinary practitioners with a particular interest in neurology.

About the Contributorsxxiii
About the Companion Websitexxv
1 Arterial Supply to the Central Nervous System1
Arterial Supply to the Brain1
1.1 Basic Pattern of the Main Arteries Supplying the Brain1
1.2 Basic Pattern of Incoming Branches to the Cerebral Arterial Circle1
1.3 Species Variations2
1.4 Summary of the Significance of the Vertebral Artery as a Source of Blood to the Brain5
1.5 Humane Slaughter6
1.6 Rete Mirabile7
Superficial Arteries of the Spinal Cord8
1.7 Main Trunks8
1.8 Anastomosing Arteries8
1.9 Segmental Arteries to the Spinal Cord10
1.10 General Principles Governing the Distribution of Arteries below the Surface of the Neuraxis10
1.11 The Deep Arteries of the Spinal Cord10
1.12 The Problem of Pulsation11
1.13 Arterial Anastomoses of the Neuraxis11
2 The Meninges and Cerebrospinal Fluid13
2.1 General Anatomy of the Cranial and Spinal Meninges13
2.2 Anatomy of the Meninges at the Roots of Spinal and Cranial Nerves14
2.3 The Spaces around the Meninges14
2.4 Relationship of Blood Vessels to the Meninges16
2.5 The Filum Terminale16
2.6 The Falx Cerebri and Membranous Tentorium Cerebelli16
Cerebrospinal Fluid16
2.7 Formation of Cerebrospinal Fluid16
2.8 The Choroid Plexuses16
2.9 Mechanism of Formation of Cerebrospinal Fluid17
2.10 Circulation of Cerebrospinal Fluid17
2.11 Drainage of Cerebrospinal Fluid19
2.12 Functions of Cerebrospinal Fluid20
2.13 Blood�]brain Barrier21
2.14 Collection of Cerebrospinal Fluid22
2.15 Clinical Conditions of the Cerebrospinal Fluid System23
3 Venous Drainage of the Spinal Cord and Brain25
The Cranial System of Venous Sinuses25
3.1 General Plan25
3.2 The Components of the Dorsal System of Sinuses27
3.3 The Components of the Ventral System of Sinuses28
3.4 Drainage of the Cranial Sinuses into the Systemic Circulation28
The Spinal System of Venous Sinuses29
3.5 General Plan29
3.6 Connections to the Cranial System of Sinuses29
3.7 Territory Drained by the Spinal System of Sinuses29
3.8 Drainage of the Spinal Sinuses into the Systemic Circulation29
Clinical Significance of the Venous Drainage of the Neuraxis30
3.9 Spread of Infection in the Head30
3.10 Paradoxical Embolism30
3.11 Venous Obstruction30
3.12 Angiography for Diagnosis31
4 The Applied Anatomy of the Vertebral Canal33
The Anatomy of Epidural Anaesthesia and Lumbar Puncture33
4.1 The Vertebrae33
4.2 Spinal Cord33
4.3 Meninges35
4.4 Lumbar Puncture35
4.5 Epidural Anaesthesia in the Ox35
4.6 Injuries to the Root of the Tail36
The Anatomy of the Intervertebral Disc36
4.7 The Components of the Disc36
4.8 Senile Changes38
4.9 Disc Protrusion38
4.10 Fibrocartilaginous Embolism41
Malformation or Malarticulation of Vertebrae41
4.11 The Wobbler Syndrome in the Dog41
4.12 The Wobbler Syndrome in the Horse41
4.13 Atlanto-Axial Subluxation in Dogs42
4.14 Anomalous Atlantoï-Occipital Region in Arab Horses42
4.15 Other Vertebral Abnormalities in Dogs42
5 The Neuron43
The Anatomy of Neurons43
5.1 General Structure43
5.2 The Axon46
5.3 Epineurium, Perineurium and Endoneurium50
5.4 The Synapse51
5.5 Phylogenetically Primitive and Advanced Neurons54
5.6 Axonal Degeneration and Regeneration in Peripheral Nerves55
5.7 Regeneration and Plasticity in the Neuraxis58
5.8 Stem Cells and Olfactory Ensheathing Cells58
5.9 The Reflex Arc59
5.10 Decussation: The Coiling Reflex60
6 The Nerve Impulse63
Excitation and Inhibition63
6.1 Ion Channels and Gating Mechanisms63
6.2 The Membrane Potential64
6.3 The Excitatory Postsynaptic Potential64
6.4 The Inhibitory Postsynaptic Potential67
6.5 The Receptor Potential68
6.6 The End�]plate Potential6
9 6.7 Summary of Decremental Potentials70
6.8 The Action Potential71
6.9 Concerning Water Closets73
6.10 Transducer Mechanisms of Receptors73
6.11 Astrocytes76
6.12 Oligodendrocytes76
6.13 Microglia77
7 Nuclei of the Cranial Nerves79
General Principles Governing the Architecture of the Nuclei of the Cranial Nerves79
7.1 Shape and Position of the Central Canal79
7.2 Fragmentation of the Basic Columns of Grey Matter79
7.3 Development of an Additional Component; Special Visceral Efferent80
7.4 The Cranial Nerves of the Special Senses82
7.5 Summary of the Architectural Principles of the Nuclei of the Cranial Nerves82
Names,Topography and Functions of the Cranial Nerve Nuclei82
7.6 Somatic Afferent Nucleus82
7.7 Visceral Afferent Nucleus85
7.8 Visceral Efferent Nuclei85
7.9 Special Visceral Efferent Nuclei86
7.10 Somatic Efferent Nuclei86
Reflex Arcs of the Nuclei of the Cranial Nerves87
Significance of the Nuclei of the Cranial Nerves in Clinical Neurology88
8 Medial Lemniscal System89
Conscious Sensory Modalities, their Receptors and Pathways89
8.1 Conscious Sensory Modalities89
8.2 Peripheral Receptors of Touch, Pressure and Joint Proprioception91
8.3 Pathways of Touch, Pressure and Joint Proprioception92
Clinical Conditions Affecting the Medial Lemniscal System94
8.4 Effects of Lesions in the Dorsal Funiculus94
Pain Pathways96
8.5 Peripheral Receptors of Pain96
8.6 Spinothalamic Tract of Man97
8.7 Spinothalamic Pathways in Domestic Mammals100
8.8 Spinocervical Tract (Spinocervicothalamic Tract)100
8.9 Species Variations in the Medial Lemniscal System100
8.10 Somatotopic Localisation101
8.11 Blending of Tracts in the Spinal Cord101
8.12 Summary of the Medial Lemniscus System101
9 The Special Senses103
9.1 Neuron 1103
9.2 Neuron 2103
9.3 Neuron 3103
9.4 Neuron 1106
9.5 Neuron 2106
9.6 Neuron 3106
9.7 Neuron 1107
9.8 Neuron 2107
9.9 Neuron 1112
9.10 Neuron 2112
9.11 Neuron 3112
Olfaction Proper: The Sense of Smell113
9.12 Neuron 1113
9.13 Neuron 2114
9.14 Neuron 3114
Summary of the Conscious Sensory Systems117
10 Spinocerebellar Pathways and Ascending Reticular Formation119
10.1 Spinocerebellar Pathways119
10.2 Ascending Reticular Formation119
Spinocerebellar Pathways120
10.3 Hindlimbs120
10.4 Forelimbs122
10.5 Projections of Spinocerebellar Pathways to the Cerebral Cortex123
10.6 Functions of the Spinocerebellar Pathways124
10.7 Species Variations124
Ascending Reticular Formation124
10.8 Organisation124
Functions of the Ascending Reticular Formation128
10.9 Arousal128
10.10 Transmission of Deep Pain128
10.11 Summary of Spinocerebellar Pathways and Ascending Reticular Formation132
11 Somatic Motor Systems135
Somatic Efferent Neurons135
11.1 Motor Neurons in the Ventral Horn of the Spinal Cord135
Muscle Spindles137
11.2 Structure of the Muscle Spindle137
11.3 The Mode of Operation of the Muscle Spindle137
11.4 Role of Muscle Spindles in Posture and Movement139
11.5 Golgi Tendon Organs139
11.6 Muscle Tone140
11.7 Motor Unit141
11.8 Recruitment of Motor Units141
11.9 Summary of Ways of Increasing the Force of Contraction of a Muscle142
The Final Common Path142
11.10 Algebraic Summation at the Final Common Path142
11.11 Renshaw Cells142
11.12 Lower Motor Neuron142
11.13 Integration of the Two Sides of the Neuraxis143
12 Pyramidal System145
Pyramidal Pathways145
12.1 The Neuron Relay145
Feedback Pathways of the Pyramidal System148
12.2 Feedback of the Pyramidal System148
Comparative Anatomy of the Pyramidal System149
12.3 Species Variations in the Primary Motor Area of the Cerebral Cortex149
12.4 Species Variations in the Pyramidal System150
12.5 The Function of the Pyramidal System150
Clinical Considerations151
12.6 Effects of Lesions in the Pyramidal System151
12.7 Validity of the Distinction between Pyramidal and Extrapyramidal Systems152
13 Extrapyramidal System153
Motor Centres153
13.1 Nine Command Centres153
13.2 The Cerebral Cortex153
13.3 Basal Nuclei and Corpus Striatum154
13.4 Midbrain Reticular Formation155
13.5 Red Nucleus155
13.6 Mesencephalic Tectum155
13.7 Pontine Motor Reticular Centres 156 13.8 Lateral Medullary Motor Reticular Centres156
13.9 Medial Medullary Motor Reticular Centres156
13.10 Vestibular Nuclei156
Spinal Pathways156
13.11 Pontine and Medullary Reticulospinal Tracts156
13.12 Rubrospinal Tract158
13.13 Vestibulospinal Tract159
13.14 Tectospinal Tract159
13.15 The Position in the Spinal Cord of the Tracts of the Extrapyramidal System159
13.16 Summary of the Tracts of the Extrapyramidal System159
14 Extrapyramidal Feedback and Upper Motor Neuron Disorders161
Feedback of the Extrapyramidal System161
14.1 Neuronal Centres of the Feedback Circuits161
14.2 Feedback Circuits161
14.3 Balance between Inhibitory and Facilitatory Centres164
14.4 Clinical Signs of Lesions in Extrapyramidal Motor Centres in Man165
14.5 Clinical Signs of Lesions in the Basal Nuclei in Domestic Animals166
14.6 Upper Motor Neuron Disorders166
15 Summary of the Somatic Motor Systems169
The Motor Components of the Neuraxis169
15.1 Pyramidal System169
15.2 Extrapyramidal System170
15.3 Distinction between Pyramidal and Extrapyramidal Systems171
Clinical Signs of Motor System Injuries171
15.4 Functions of the Pyramidal and Extrapyramidal Systems: Effects of Injury to the Motor Command Centres171
15.5 Upper Motor Neuron171
15.6 Lower Motor Neuron172
15.7 Summary of Projections onto the Final Common Path173
16 The Cerebellum175
AfferentPathways to the Cerebellum175
16.1 Ascending from the Spinal Cord175
16.2 Feedback Input into the Cerebellar Cortex175
Arterial Supply to the Brain177
Summary of Pathways in the Cerebellar Peduncles178
16.3 Caudal Cerebellar Peduncle179
16.4 Middle Cerebellar Peduncle179
16.5 Rostral Cerebellar Peduncle179
Rostral Cerebellar Peduncle179
16.6 Vestibular Areas179
16.7 Proprioceptive Areas179
16.8 Feedback Areas180
Functions of the Cerebellum180
16.9 Coordination and Regulation of Movement180
16.10 Control of Posture181
16.11 Ipsilateral Function of the Cerebellum181
16.12 Summary of Cerebellar Function181
16.13 Functional Histology of the Cerebellum182
Clinical Conditions of the Cerebellum184
16.14 The Three Cerebellar Syndromes184
16.15 Cerebellar Disease in Domestic Mammals and Man185
17 Autonomic Components of the Central Nervous System187
Neocortex and Hippocampus187
17.1 Cortical Components187
17.2 Hippocampus188
17.3 Hypothalamus188
The Autonomic Functions of the Hypothalamus190
17.4 Amygdaloid Body and Septal Nuclei192
17.5 Habenular Nuclei193
17.6 Hindbrain Autonomic Areas193
The Autonomic Areas of the Hindbrain193
17.7 Autonomic Motor Pathways in the Spinal Cord194
17.8 Ascending (Afferent) Visceral Pathways in the Spinal Cord and Brainstem195
Clinical Disorders of the Autonomic System195
17.9 Effects of Lesions in Autonomic Pathways195
17.10 Summary of Descending Autonomic Pathways197
18 The Cerebral Cortex and Thalamus199
Cerebral Cortex199
18.1 Projection Areas and Association Areas199
18.2 Instinct200
18.3 Cerebral Cortex in Primitive Mammals200
18.4 Cerebral Cortex in the Cat and Dog200
18.5 Conditioned Reflexes200
18.6 Cerebral Cortex in Man201
18.7 Cognitive Association Area in Man202
18.8 Cognitive Association Area in Carnivores203
18.9 Interpretative Association Area in Man204
18.10 Interpretative Association Area in Carnivores204
18.11 Frontal Association Area in Man204
18.12 Frontal Association Area in Carnivores205
18.13 Corpus Callosum205
Clinical Conditions of the Cerebral Cortex205
18.14 Effects of Extensive Damage to the Cerebral Hemisphere in Domestic Mammals205
18.15 Seizures207
Histology of the Cerebral Cortex208
18.16 Histology of the Cerebral Cortex208
18.17 Ventral Group of Thalamic Nuclei209
18.18 The Lateral Group210
18.19 Central (or Intralaminar) Group210
18.20 Dorsomedial Group210
18.21 Summary of Incoming Afferent Paths to the Thalamus:210
18.22 Summary of the Projections from the Thalamus to the Cerebral Cortex211
18.23 Summary of Functions of the Thalamus:211
18.24 Clinical Effects of Lesions of the Thalamus in Domestic Mammals212
18.25 Clinical Effects of Lesions of the Thalamus in Man212
Growth of the Human Brain212
19 Embryological and Comparative Neuroanatomy215
19.1 The Development of the Brain215
19.2 The Development of the Spinal Cord217
19.3 The Development of the Neural Crest217
Evolution of the Vertebrate Forebrain218
19.4 Primitive Vertebrates218
19.5 Contemporary Amphibian218
19.6 Contemporary Advanced Reptile219
19.7 Mammal220
19.8 Bird221
19.9 Major Homologies in Mammals and Birds222
Evolution of the Capacity to Differentiate Sensory Modalities223
19.10 Lower Vertebrates, Including Amphibians223
19.11 Advanced Reptiles and Birds223
19.12 Mammals223 Special Features of the Avian Brain
19.13 Size of the Brain223
19.14 Poor Development of the Cerebral Cortex223
19.15 External Striatum224
19.16 Colliculi: The Optic Lobe224
19.17 Olfactory Areas224
19.18 Cerebellum225
19.19 Spinocerebellar Pathways226
19.20 Cuneate and Gracile Fascicles226
19.21 Motor Spinal Pathways227
20 Clinical Neurology229
20.1 Mental Status229
20.2 Posture230
20.3 Gait230
20.4 Examination of the Cranial Nerves: Tests and Observations232
Testing Postural and Locomotor Responses243
20.5 Tonic Neck and Eye Responses243
20.6 Proprioceptive Positioning Responses243
20.7 Placing Responses244
20.8 Extensor Postural Thrust245
20.9 Hopping245
20.10 Wheelbarrow Test245
20.11 Hemiwalking246
20.12 Righting247
20.13 Blindfolding247
20.14 Circling Test247
20.15 Sway Test247
Examination of Spinal Reflexes247
20.16 Withdrawal (Flexor) Reflex247
20.17 Patellar Tendon Reflex249
20.18 Triceps Tendon Reflex250
20.19 Biceps Tendon Reflex250
20.20 Cutaneous Trunci/Colli (Formerly Panniculus) Reflex250
20.21 Perineal Reflex251
20.22 Crossed Extensor Reflex251
20.23 Babinski Reflex251
Other Tests252
20.24 Assessment of Muscle Tone252
20.25 Testing Conscious Pain Responses252
20.26 Detecting Discomfort252
20.27 Testing the Sympathetic System252
20.28 Case Sheet254
21 Imaging Techniques for Study of the Central Nervous System257
General Considerations257
21.1 Species257
21.2 Objectives of Imaging in Clinical Neurology257
21.3 Computed Tomography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging258
21.4 The Use of Contrast Agents in Imaging260
Intracranial Structures262
21.5 Positioning of the Head262
21.6 Breed and Age Variation in Images of the Head262
Vertebral Column263
21.7 Positioning of the Patient263
21.8 Imaging the Vertebral Column264
21.9 Contrast Radiography of the Vertebral Column267
22 Topographical Anatomy of the Central Nervous System269
Spinal Cord269
22.1 Regions of the Spinal Cord269
22.2 Segments of Spinal Cord and their Relationship to Vertebrae270
22.3 General Organisation of Grey and White Matter270
22.4 Dorsal, Lateral and Ventral Horns of Grey Matter271
22.5 Laminae of Grey Matter272
22.6 Funiculi of White Matter272
22.7 Tracts of the White Matter273
Medulla Oblongata274
22.8 Gross Structure274
22.9 Cranial Nerves274
22.10 Ventricular System275
22.11 Internal Structure277
22.12 Gross Structure280
22.13 Cranial Nerves280
22.14 Ventricular System281
22.15 Internal Structure281
22.16 Gross Structure283
22.17 Cranial Nerves283
22.18 Ventricular System284
22.19 Internal Structure284
22.20 Gross Structure288
22.21 Cranial Nerves289
22.22 Ventricular System289
22.23 Internal Structure290
22.24 Gross Structure293
22.25 Internal Structure293
22.26 Cerebellar Peduncles294
Cerebral Hemispheres295
22.27 Gross Structure295
22.28 Ventricular System296
22.29 Internal Structure297
23 Electrodiagnostics303
23.1 Introduction303
23.2 Electromyography303
23.3 Nerve Conduction Velocity304
23.4 Electroencephalography304
23.5 Evoked Potentials305
23.6 Electroretinography307
23.7 Intraoperative Monitoring of Spinal Cord Function307
24 Diagnostic Exercises309
24.1 Introduction309
24.2 Solutions to Diagnostic Exercises317
Further Reading335