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Manual of Trauma Managment of the Dog and Cat

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Publikace poskytuje rychlý přístup ke klinicky relevantním informacím o stabilizaci, diagnostice a léčbě pacienta s traumatem. Kniha používá formát osnovy, který usnadňuje snadnou orientaci k základním informacím zaměřeným na praktické rady a techniky pro léčbu traumatických poranění.
Počínaje stručným shrnutím globálního hodnocení traumatizovaných pacientů je důraz kladen na pokyny pro zvládání specifických typů traumat až po definitivní diagnóze. Manuál je cenným rychlým referenčním průvodcem k léčbě psů a koček s traumatickými poraněními pro praktické lékaře i specialisty na pohotovosti.

Autor: Kenneth J. Drobatz DVM, MSCE, DACVIM, DACVECC,, Matthew W. Beal DVM, DACVECC,, Rebecca S. Syring DVM, DACVECC,

Cena s DPH:  asi 2284 Kč
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Počet stran379

Manual of Trauma Management in the Dog and Cat provides quick access to clinically relevant information on stabilizing, diagnosing, and managing the trauma patient. The book uses an outline format to provide fast access to essential information, focusing on practical advice and techniques for treating traumatic injuries. Manual of Trauma Management in the Dog and Cat is an ideal handbook for quickly and confidently managing this common presenting complaint.
Beginning with a concise summary of the global assessment of traumatized patients, the heart of the book is devoted to guidance on managing specific types of trauma following definitive diagnosis. Manual of Trauma Management in the Dog and Cat is a valuable quick-reference guide to treating canine and feline trauma patients for general practitioners and emergency specialists alike.

Global Approach to the Trauma Patient1
Triage and Primary Survey6
Shock in the Trauma Patient19
Monitoring the Trauma Patient46
Anesthesia and Analgesia for the Trauma Patient72
Trauma-Associated Thoracic injury98
Traumatic Brain Injury136
Trauma-Associated Peripheral Nerve Injury157
Traumatic Spinal Injury166
Urinary Tract Trauma176
Trauma-Associated Abdominal Parenchymal Organ Injury191
Trauma-Associated Biliary Tract Injury204
Trauma-Associated Body Wall and Torso Injury214
Trauma-Associated Gastrointestinal Injury220
Trauma-Associated Ocular Injury229
Trauma-Associated Musculoskeletal Injury to the Head255
Trauma-Associated Soft Tissue Injury to the Head and Neck279
Trauma-Associated Musculoskeletal Injury to the Appendicular Skeleton293
Trauma-Associated Musculoskeletal Injury to the Pelvis, Sacrum, and Tail335
Bite Wound Trauma347
Trauma-Associated Aural Injury356