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Metabolic and Endocrine Physiology, Third Edition

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Autoři čtenářúm této publikace předložili stručný přehled na metabolicky-endokrinní fyziologii. V publikaci autoři kladli důraz na instruktážní údaje, diagramy a přehledné tabulky s mininem textu tak, aby daná problematika byla přehledná a lehce pochopitelná. V úvodní kapitole je endokrinní systém stručně definován a v následujících kapitolách je popsána každá endokrinní žláza samostatně. V textu jsou uvedeny i známé a nejčastější endokrinní poruchy. V textu jsou srozumitelně popsány mechanizmy zodpovědné za udržování homeostatické kontroly významných fyziologických funkcí. Publikace je doplněna více jak 360 otázkami, které umožňují prověřit vědomosti uživatele.

Autor: Larry Engelking:

Cena s DPH:  1652 Kč
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NakladatelTeton NewMedia
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This book is intended to give readers a “quick look” at metabolic and endocrine physiology. Emphasis is placed on instructional figures, flow diagrams and tables, while text material has been held to a minimum. In general, the endocrine system is first defined and described, and then each endocrine gland is discussed separately. Where appropriate, common endocrine disorders have also been included. This text concisely elucidates the endocrine mechanisms responsible for maintaining homeostatic control of important physiologic variables, and to assist the reader in understanding common pathophysiologic deviations from normal. Over 360 multiple-choice questions gauge the reader’s capacity to effectively understand the subject material.

This new edition contains six new chapters covering: hormone disposition, measurement and secretion; bovine, equine and rodent estrus cycles; primate menstrual cycle; male reproductive system; testosterone, estrogen and progesterone; comparative aspects of endocrinology. Learning objectives have been added at the beginning of each chapter and all of the questions are new.

Endocrine System2
Endocrine Secretory Control4
Autocrine, Paracrine, and Endocrine Mediators4
Hormone Disposition, Measurement and Secretion6
Production & Distribution Volume,Clearance & Immunoassay6
Mechanisms of Catecholamine and Polypeptide Hormone Action: I8
Receptors and Second Messengers8
Mechanisms of Catecholamine and Polypeptide Hormone Action: II10
The Intracellular Ca2+/DG Messenger System10
Steroid and Thyroid Hormones12
Mechanisms of Action12
Hypothalamus and Pituitary14
Directors of the Endocrine Orchestra14
Proopiomelanocortin and Related Peptides: I16
Endogenous Opiate-Like Peptides16
Proopiomelanocortin and Related Peptides: II18
Melanocyte-Stimulating Hormone18
Growth Hormone: I20
Actions and Secretory Control20
Growth Hormone: II22
Hypo- and Hypersomatotropism22
Antidiuretic Hormone24
Diabetes Insipidus26
Central and Nephrogenic26
Physiologic Actions.28
Magnesium and phosphate30
Physiologic Actions30
Parathormone, Calcitonin, and Vitamin D: I32
PTH, PTHrp, and CT32
Parathormone, Calcitonin, and Vitamin D: II34
CT and 1,25(OH)2D34
Disorders of Calcium Homeostasis36
Hyper- and Hypocalcemia36
Mineral Imbalances: I38
Na+, K+, PO43, and Mg2+38
Mineral Imbalances: II40
Parturient Hypocalcemia and Osteoporosis40
ACTH and Glucocorticoids: I42
Corticosteroidogenesis and Degradation42
ACTH and Glucocorticoids: II44
ACTH Secretion and Action44
ACTH and Glucocorticoids: III46
Organ and Tissue Effects)46
Physiologic and Pharmacologic Actions48
Cushing's-Like Syndrome and Disease50
Glucocorticoid Excess50
Effects on Na+, K+ and H+52
Renin-Angiotensin System: I54
The Juxtaglomerular Apparatus54
Renin-Angiotensin System: II56
Addison’s-Like Disease58
Production and Action60
Natriuretic Peptides62
ANP, BNP, CNP, and Urodilatin62
Adrenal Medulla: I64
Catecholamine Biosynthesis and Degradation64
Adrenal Medulla: II66
Adrenergic Receptors and the Sympathoadrenal Response66
Catecholamine-Secreting Tumor68
Phasic Responses to Trauma70
Immediate, Catabolic, and Anabolic70
Thyroid: I72
Hormone Biosynthesis and Secretory Regulation72
Thyroid: II74
Metabolic Effects of Thyroid Hormones74
Signs and Symptoms76
Signs and Symptoms78
Endocrine Pancreas: I80
The Islets of Langerhans80
Endocrine Pancreas: II82
Regulation of Insulin Release82
Actions and Degradation84
Biosynthesis and Metabolic Actions86
Diabetes Mellitus88
The “Pissing Evil"88
Acute Insulin Withdrawal: I90
Carbohydrate and Lipid Metabolism90
Acute Insulin Withdrawal: II92
Protein Metabolism and Electrolyte Depletion92
Gastrointestinal Hormones: I94
Introduction and Historical Perspective94
Gastrointestinal Hormones: II96
Gastrointestinal Hormones: III98
Gastric HCl Secretion, and CCK98
Gastrointestinal Hormones: IV100
Secretin and other GI Peptides100
Neuroendocrine Tumors of the Gut)102
Reproductive Endocrinology104
Estrous Cycles106
Types and Phases106
Endocrine Parameters108
Bovine, Equine and Rodent Estrous Cycles110
Endocrine Parameters110
Primate Menstrual Cycle112
Endocrine Parameters112
Menstruation and Regulation of Gonadotropin Release114
Control of the GnRH Pulse Generator114
Spermatogenesis and Ovulation116
Gonadotropin Control116
Male Reproductive System118
The Testes and Accessory Sex Glands118
Testosterone, Estrogen and Progesterone120
Biosynthesis, Metabolism and Functions120
Pineal Gland: I122
Photoperiodic Regulation of Reproductive Events122
Pineal Gland: II124
Nonreproductive Actions of Melatonin124
Placental Hormones126
Fertilization, the CL and Placenta126
Fetal Endocrine System: I128
The Fetoplacental Unit128
Fetal Endocrine System: II130
Glandular Development130
Maternal Endocrine System132
Functional Alterations during Pregnancy.132
Maternal Organ Systems134
Patterns of Change134
Mammary Glands136
Mammogenesis and Lactation136
Secretory Control and Physiologic Actions138
Physiologic Actions140
Neonatal Physiology: I142
Thermal, Nutritional, and Cardiovascular Adaptations)142
Neonatal Physiology: II144
Organ System Development144
Comparative Aspects of Endocrinology146
Appendix Table I153
Blood Chemistry Values for Domestic Animals153
Appendix Table II155
Reproductive Patterns of Domestic Animals155
Appendix Table III156
Basic Physiological Units156
Learning Objectives,157
Study Questions and Answers157