Internetové knihkupectví s veterinární tématikou
Publikace je vlastně komplexním atlasem endoskopické chirurgie koní. Autorem jsou uznávaní světoví specialisté, kteří vytvořili jedinečnou publikaci doplněnou velkou sbírkou barevných fotografií poskytující podrobný popis indikací a technik. Publikace je koncipována jako manuál s uvedením postupů metodou krok za krokem nejdůležitějších technik v praxi koní. To zahrnuje operaci horních cest dýchacích, hrudníku, břicha a dutiny pánevní. Publikace pojednává o indikacích pro všechny uvedené postupy. V textu jsou uvedeny výhody i nevýhody jednotlivých technik v porovnání s konvenčními metodami.
Autor: Claus Peter Bartmann (Author), Walter Brehm (Author), Kerstin Gerlach (Author), Klaus Hopster (Author), Astrid Rijkenhuizen (Author), Doreen Scharner (Author), Michael Rocken (Editor), Bernhard Ohnesorge (Editor)
Nakladatel | CRC Press |
ISBN | 9783899936803 |
Vydání | 2015 |
Vazba | pevná |
Počet stran | 186 |
This comprehensive atlas and textbook on minimal invasive surgery of the horse offers state-of-the-art advice from the experts. The authors present step-by step-descriptions of the most important surgery techniques in equine practice. This includes surgery of the upper respiratory tract, thorax, abdomen, and pelvic cavity. The book discusses the indications, advantages, and risks of all procedures. The authors are well known equine surgeons from university and field practice. They present innovative techniques with a profound knowledge of practicability.
Provides a comprehensive atlas on endoscopic surgery in the horse
Presents clinical experiences from the expert
Includes richly-illustrated surgical procedures
Provides detailed description of indication and techniques
Offers the pros and cons of different techniques compared with conventional surgery methods
Authors | VIII |
Abbrevations | VIII |
Preface | 1 |
Methodological basics of minimally invasive surgery | 1 |
Sedation and General Anesthesia for Minimally Invasive Procedures | 2 |
Flexibile Endoscopy | 11 |
Rigid Endoscopy | 15 |
Minimally invasive surgical procedures in the upper respiratory tract | 19 |
Guttural Pouches | 36 |
Larynx | 55 |
Trachea and Bronchi | 77 |
Thoracoscopy | 81 |
Diagnostic Thoracoscopy | 81 |
Video. Assisted Thoracic Surgery | 86 |
Laparoscopy | 91 |
Procedure | 91 |
Diagnostics | 92 |
Intra-Abdominal Ultrasonography | 93 |
Laparoscopic Biopsy | 98 |
Castration | 102 |
Cryptorchidism | 107 |
Ovarioectomy | 112 |
Laparoscopic-Assisted Ovariohysterectomy | 116 |
Endoscopic Surgical Techniques in Cases of Pseudohermafroditism | 120 |
Preventive Measures for Repositioning of the Colon | 123 |
Laparoscopic Herniorrhaphy | 130 |
Laparoscopic Adhesiolysis | 135 |
Endoscopic Provedures in Neonates | 142 |
Endoscopic Procedures in the Urinary Tract | 145 |
Endoscopy of Efferent Urinary Tract | 145 |
Endoscopic Diagnostics and Biopsy during Cystoscopy | 145 |
Diseases of the Urinary Bladeder | 149 |
Endoscopic- and Laparoscopic-Assisted Lithiotripsy of Cystoliths | 154 |
Endoscopic –Assisted Nephrectomy | 159 |
Hysteroscopy | 165 |
Diagnostic Hysteroscopy and Sample Taking | 165 |
Surgical Hysteroscopy | 169 |
Postoperative Aftercare | 178 |
Risks | 179 |
Alternative Surgical Procedures | 180 |
Index | 183 |