Internetové knihkupectví s veterinární tématikou
Kolektiv autorů shrnul své zkušenosti a poznatky o kolenním kloubu psů a koček. Uvedeny jsou informace a anatomii, fyziologii, diagnostice a terapii onemocnění tohoto velice zajímavého kloubu. Autoři si dali za cíl sestavit příručku pro správnou diagnostiku a prognózu onemocnění. Obsah bude zajisté přínosný pro stanovení nejvhodnější lékovou nebo chirurgickou terapie každého klinického případu. Kapitola věnovaná ortopedické patologii kolenního kloubu je ilustrována spoustu vysoce kvalitních obrázků a ilustrací. Odkazy na videa této publikace prostřednictvím QR kódů umožní čtenáři poskytnout další informace a tím se stává uživatelky příjemnou. Zobrazení 3D kolenního kloubu zasjité přivítají praktičtí veterináří, neboť umožní majiteli pacienta pochopit náročnost dané diagnostiky, terapie. Operační postupy jsou popsány v jednotlivých krocích, což umožní lépe pochopit cíl daného operačního zákroku. Publikaci vhodně uzavírá kapitola věnovaná chirurgickým přístupům ke kolennímu kloubu, což usnadní daný chirurgický zákrok. Velké množství barevných fotografií, přehledná grafická úprava z této publikace vytvořilo jedinečný zdroj informací tohoto oboru.
Autor: Vérez-Fraguela, José Luis;Köstlin, Roberto;Latorre Reviriego, Rafael;Climent Peris, Salvador;Sánchez Margallo, Francisco Miguel;Usón Gargallo, Jesús
Nakladatel | Servet |
ISBN | 9788416818600 |
Vydání | 2017 |
Vazba | pevná |
Počet stran | 192 |
This book deals with the main orthopaedic conditions of the stifle joint in dogs and cats, so veterinary surgeons can assess, diagnose and treat the disorders commonly seen in their practice. It is intended to help veterinary clinicians make a correct diagnosis and prognosis and establish the most appropriate drug or surgical treatment for each case. Orthopaedic pathologies of the stifle joint contains plenty of high-quality images and illustrations as well as links to videos through QR codes, which provide additional information and contribute to making the book even more practical.
Autor: Vérez-Fraguela, José Luis;Köstlin, Roberto;Latorre Reviriego, Rafael;Climent Peris, Salvador;Sánchez Margallo, Francisco Miguel;Usón Gargallo, Jesús
1. Semiology of the stifle joint | 1 |
3D drawings of the anatomical structures | 2 |
Introduction | 5 |
Anatomy | 55 |
Bone structures | 5 |
Capsuloligamentous structures | 5 |
Menisci | 10 |
Musculotendinous system | 11 |
Clinical examination | 12 |
Inspection | 12 |
Palpation | 13 |
Manoeuvres to detect intra-articular fluid | 13 |
Manoeuvres to evaluate mobility | 16 |
Arthrocentesis of the stifle joint | 18 |
2.Clinical evaluation of the stifle joint and decision-making | 19 |
Medical history | 20 |
Clinical examination | 20 |
Visual inspection | 21 |
Matters and signs to be evaluated in the physical examination | 21 |
Radiological examination | 22 |
Therapeutic approach to soft tissue injuries | 22 |
Exploratory tests of the stifle joint | 23 |
Patella | 23 |
Menisci and ligaments | 25 |
Other structures | 28 |
Algorithms for decision-making | 30 |
3. Fractures of the bones related to the stifle joint | 41 |
Fractures of the distal end of the femur | 42 |
Aetiology of the injury | 42 |
Clinical examination | 42 |
Radiological examination | 43 |
Treatment | 43 |
Complications | 45 |
Fractures of the proximal end of the tibia | 46 |
Aetiopathogenesis | 47 |
Clinical examination | 47 |
Radiological examination | 47 |
Treatment | 47 |
Traumatic injuries of the patella | 50 |
Contusion | 50 |
Dislocation | 50 |
Fracture | 50 |
4. Injuries of the flexors and extensors of the stifle joint | 56 |
Anatomy and biomechanics of the extensors | 56 |
The quadriceps femoris muscle and its tendon of insertion | 56 |
The patella | 56 |
The patellar ligament and the infrapatellar fat pad | 57 |
Main disorders | 57 |
Rupture of the collateral ligaments | 58 |
Rupture of the patellar ligament | 59 |
Tearing and ossification of the tendon of origin of the long digital extensor muscle | 60 |
Dislocation of the tendon of origin of the long digital extensor muscle | 61 |
Osgood-Schlatter disease | 62 |
Chondropathy or chondromalacia of the patella | 62 |
Dislocation of the stifle joint | 64 |
Fat pad abnormalities (Hoffa’s disease) | 64 |
Tumours | 64 |
5. Dislocation of the stifle joint and patella | 67 |
Dislocation of the stifle joint | 68 |
Mechanism and classification | 68 |
Associated injuries | 68 |
Treatment | 68 |
Dislocation of the patella | 69 |
Mechanism and classification | 69 |
Treatment | 71 |
6. Injuries of the ligaments and menisci of the stifle joint | 74 |
Introduction | 74 |
Biomechanics of the stifle joint | 74 |
Capsule and ligaments | 74 |
Menisci | 75 |
Rupture of the cruciate ligaments | 75 |
Biomechanics in the failure of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) mechanism | 75 |
Clinical signs | 83 |
Diagnosis | 83 |
Treatment of rupture of the cruciate ligaments | 85 |
Injuries of the meniscus | 92 |
Postoperative care | 94 |
7. Tibial plateau levelling osteotomy using Slocum’s technique | 97 |
Introduction | 98 |
Basic biomechanics and history of the technique | 98 |
Surgical technique | 103 |
Postoperative care | 110 |
8. Surgical technique for tibial tuberosity advancement | 111 |
Introduction | 112 |
Basic biomechanics | 112 |
Preoperative plan | 114 |
Surgical technique | 116 |
Postoperative radiographic monitoring | 121 |
Postoperative care | 122 |
9. Osteochondritis dissecans and osteonecrosis | 123 |
Osteochondritis dissecans | 125 |
Introduction | 125 |
Aetiopathogenesis and location | 125 |
Diagnosis | 126 |
Treatment | 127 |
Osteonecrosis | 128 |
Aetiopathogenesis | 128 |
Epidemiology and location | 128 |
Diagnosis | 128 |
Treatment | 129 |
10. Osteoarthritis | 131 |
Introduction | 133 |
Aetiopathogenesis | 134 |
Basic mechanisms associated with the start of the process | 135 |
Clinical implications | 137 |
Pain | 137 |
Limited mobility | 137 |
Joint abnormalities | 137 |
Treatment | 137 |
Medical treatment | 137 |
Surgical treatment | 138 |
11. Soft tissue disease | 143 |
Introduction | 144 |
Intra-articular diseases | 144 |
Injury in the synovial folds or plicae | 144 |
Bursitis and pain in the infrapatellar fat pad | 144 |
Reflex sympathetic dystrophy | 144 |
Musculotendinous diseases | 146 |
Rupture of the tendon of the quadriceps femoris muscle | 146 |
Contracture of the quadriceps femoris muscle | 147 |
Rupture and injury of the patellar ligament | 147 |
Patellar tendinitis | 148 |
Osgood-Schlatter disease | 148 |
Periarticular injuries | 149 |
Cranial aspect | 149 |
Caudal aspect | 149 |
Medial aspect | 149 |
Lateral aspect | 150 |
Annex. Surgical approaches | 151 |
Approach to the distal portion of the femur and stifle joint through a lateral incision | 152 |
Approach to the medial collateral ligament and caudomedial region of the stifle joint | 155 |
Approach to the lateral collateral ligament and caudolateral region of the stifle joint | 158 |
Approach to the proximal portion of the tibia through a medial incision | 162 |
References | 167 |