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Piermatteis Atlas of Surgical Approaches to the Bones and Joints of the Dog and Cat (5/e)

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Piermateiův atlas přístupové chirurgie patří mezi zlaté standardy veterinární ortopedie psů a koček, který odchoval miliony veterinárních ortopedů na celém světě. Stejně jako v předchozím vydání je kniha nabitá perovkami a ilustracemi přístupové chirurgie krok za krokem. Podrobné výkresy ilustrují širokou škálu chirurgických přístupů rozšířené i o přístupy kočičí chirurgie.
· Postupy krok-za-krokem postupy, provází čtenáře od správného polohování, anatomických orientačních bodů,. Potenicionálních nebezpečných míst.
· U každého chirurgického přístupu jsou uvedeny nejvhodnější chirurgické přístupy.
· Tradiční formát, byl v tomto novém vydání zachován, na levé straně jsou uveden popis chirurgiockého přístupu, který je ilustrován na pravé straně. .
· Vysoce kvalitní výkresy byly vytvořeny odborným veterinárním umělcem .

Autor: Kenneth A. Johnson, MVSC. PhD., FACVSc, DACVS, DECVVS

Cena s DPH:  2987 Kč
Skladem méně než 5 kusů
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Základní informace
NakladatelElsevier Saunders
VydáníV. vydání 2013
Počet stran470

This expertly illustrated atlas has been the go-to reference in veterinary orthopedic surgery for nearly 50 years and remains the premier resource for small animal surgical procedures. As in prior editions, Piermattei's Atlas of Surgical Approaches to the Bones and Joints of the Dog and Cat, 5th Edition is teeming with highly detailed drawings that illustrate a wide range of surgical approaches. This edition also features six all new surgical approaches and three approaches which have been expanded to illustrate the modifications required when performing orthopedic surgery on the cat. In addition to updated images throughout, fifty-five brand new illustrations accompany the new surgical approaches. As many will attest, Piermattei’s Atlas is an invaluable reference that no small animal surgeon should be without.
· Step-by-step procedures walk you through proper positioning, anatomic landmarks, potential dangers, and increasing exposure.
· Primary indications listed for each surgical approach help you quickly determine which approach is most appropriate for a particular surgery.
· Consistent format features text on the left side and illustration plates on the right, for quick access to key information.
· High-quality drawings created by an expert medical artist provide exceptional clarity, realism, and detail.
· Cross-references throughout the text make it easy to compare surgical approaches for the same body area.
· Full pages dedicated to each plate allow you to more easily view anatomical parts and approaches.

Section I: General Considerations1
Attributes of an Acceptable Approach to a Bone or Joint2
Factors to Consider When Choosing an Approach2
Aseptic Technique4
Surgical Principles16
Section II: The Head33
Approach to the Rostral Shaft of the Mandible34
Approach to the Caudal Shaft and Ramus of the Mandible36
Approach to the Ramus of the Mandible38
Approach to the Temporomandibular Joint40
Approach to the Dorsolateral Surface of the Skull42
Approach to the Caudal Surface of the Skull44
Section III: The Vertebral Column47
Approach to Cervical Vertebrae 1 and 2 Through a Ventral Incision48
Approach to Cervical Vertebrae 1 and 2 Through a Dorsal Incision52
Approach to Cervical Vertebrae and Intervertebral Disks 2-7 Through a Ventral Incision56
Approach to the Midcervical Vertebrae Through a Dorsal Incision64
Approach to Cervical Vertebrae 3-6 Through a Lateral Incision68
Approach to the Caudal Cervical and Cranial Thoracic Vertebrae Through a Dorsal Incision74
Approach to the Thoracolumbar Vertebrae Through a Dorsal Incision80
Approach to the Thoracolumbar Intervertebral Disks Through a Dorsolateral Incision86
Approach to the Thoracolumbar Intervertebral Disks Through a Lateral Incision90
Approach to Lumbar Vertebra 7 and the Sacrum Through a Dorsal Incision94
Approach to the Lumbosacral Intervertebral Disk and Foramen Through a Lateral Transilial Osteotomy NEW!98
Approach to Lumbar Vertebrae 6 and 7 and the Sacrum Through a Ventral Abdominal Incision106
Approach to the Caudal Vertebrae Through a Dorsal Incision114
Section IV: The Scapula and Shoulder Joint117
Approach to the Body, Spine, and Acromion Process of the Scapula118
Approach to the Craniolateral Region of the Shoulder Joint120
Approach to the Craniolateral Region of the Shoulder Joint by Tenotomy of the Infraspinatus Muscle126
Approach to the Caudolateral Region of the Shoulder Joint130
Approach to the Caudal Region of the Shoulder Joint136
Approach to the Craniomedial Region of the Shoulder Joint142
Approach to the Medial Region of the Shoulder Joint NEW!148
Approach to the Cranial Region of the Shoulder Joint154
Section VThe Forelimb159
Approach to the Proximal Shaft of the Humerus160
Approach to the Midshaft of the Humerus Through a Craniolateral Incision164
Approach to the Shaft of the Humerus Through a Medial Incision168
Minimally Invasive Approach to the Shaft of the Humerus NEW!176
Approach to the Distal Shaft of the Humerus Through a Craniolateral Incision190
Approach to the Distal Shaft and Supracondylar Region of the Humerus Through a Medial Incision198
Approach to the Lateral Aspect of the Humeral Condyle and Epicondyle in the Dog202
Approach to the Lateral Aspect of the Humeral Condyle and Epicondyle in the Cat NEW FELINE COVERAGE!208
Approach to the Lateral Humeroulnar Part of the Elbow Joint212
Approach to the Supracondylar Region of the Humerus and the Caudal Humeroulnar Part of the Elbow Joint216
Approach to the Humeroulnar Part of the Elbow Joint by Osteotomy of the Tuber Olecrani220
Approach to the Humeroulnar Part of the Elbow Joint by Triceps Tenotomy226
Approach to the Elbow Joint by Osteotomy of the Proximal Ulnar Diaphysis234
Approach to the Head of the Radius and Lateral Parts of the Elbow Joint240
Approach to the Head of the Radius and Humeroradial Part of the Elbow Joint by Osteotomy of the Lateral Humeral Epicondyle244
Approach to the Medial Humeral Epicondyle250
Approach to the Medial Aspect of the Humeral Condyle and the Medial Coronoid Process of the Ulna by an Intermuscular Incision252
Approach to the Medial Aspect of the Humeral Condyle and the Medial Coronoid Process of the Ulna by Osteotomy of the Medial Humeral Epicondyle262
Approach to the Proximal Shaft and Trochlear Notch of the Ulna206
Approach to the Tuber Olecrani268
Approach to the Distal Shaft and Styloid Process of the Ulna270
Approach to the Head and Proximal Metaphysis of the Radius272
Approach to the Shaft of the Radius Through a Medial Incision276
Approach to the Shaft of the Radius Through a Lateral Incision280
Approach to the Distal Radius and Carpus Through a Dorsal Incision284
Approach to the Distal Radius and Carpus Through a Palmaromedial Incision292
Approach to the Accessory Carpal Bone and Palmarolateral Carpal Joints296
Approaches to the Metacarpal Bones300
Approach to the Proximal Sesamoid Bones304
Approaches to the Phalanges and Interphalangeal Joints308
Section VI The Pelvis and Hip Joint311
Approach to the Wing of the Ilium and Dorsal Aspect of the Sacrum312
Approach to the Ilium Through a Lateral Incision316
Approach to the Ventral Aspect of the Sacrum320
Approach to the Craniodorsal Aspect of the Hip Join Through Craniolateral Incision in the Dog322
Approach to the Craniodorsal Aspect of the Hip Joint Through a Craniolateral Incision in the Cat NEW FELINE COVERAGE!328
Approach to the Dorsal Aspect of the Hip Joint Through an Intergluteal Incision336
Approach to the Craniodorsal and Caudodorsal Aspects of the Hip Joint by Osteotomy of the Greater Trochanter340
Approach to the Craniodorsal and Caudodorsal Aspects of the Hip Joint by Tenotomy of the Gluteal Muscles346
Approach to the Caudal Aspect of the Hip Joint and Body of the Ischium350
Approach to the Lateral Aspect of the Hemipelvis NEW!354
Approach to the Ventral Aspect of the Hip Joint or the Ramus of the Pubis356
Approach to the Pubis and Pelvic Symphysis360
Approach to the Ischium364
Section VII The Hindlimb368
Approach to the Greater Trochanter and Subtrochanteric Region of the Femur368
Approach to the Shaft of the Femur in the Dog372
Approach to the Shaft of the Femur in the Cat NEW FELINE COVERAGE!374
Minimally Invasive Approach to the Shaft of the Femur NEW!380
Approach to the Distal Femur and Stifle Joint Through a Lateral Incision388
Approach to the Stifle Joint Through a Lateral Incision392
Approach to the Stifle Joint Through a Medial Incision396
Approach to the Stifle Joint With Bilateral Exposure400
Approach to the Distal Femur and Stifle Joint by Osteotomy of the Tibial Tuberosity404
Approach to the Lateral Collateral Ligament and Caudolateral Part of the Stifle Joint406
Approach to the Stifle Joint by Osteotomy of the Origin of the Lateral Collateral Ligament410
Approach to the Medial Collateral Ligament and Caudomedial Part of the Stifle Joint412
Approach to the Stifle Joint by Osteotomy of the Origin of the Medial Collateral Ligament422
Approach to the Proximal Tibia Through a Medial Incision424
Approach to the Shaft of the Tibia428
Minimally Invasive Approach to the Shaft of the Tibia NEW!432
Approach to the Lateral Malleolus and Talocrural Joint438
Approach to the Medial Malleolus and Talocrural Joint440
Approach to the Tarsocrural Joint by Osteotomy of the Medial Malleolus444
Approach to the Calcaneus448
Approach to the Calcaneus and Plantar Aspects of the Tarsal Bones450
Approach to the Lateral Bones of the Tarsus452
Approach to the Medial Bones of the Tarsus454
Approaches to the Metatarsal Bones456
Approach to the Proximal Sesamoid Bones458
Approaches to the Phalanges and Interphalangeal Joints458