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Practical small animal ultrasonography. Abdomen

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Diagnostické zobrazovací techniky jsou ve veterinární medicíně stále důležitější. I když v minulosti vyžadovali velké investice, pravdou je, že jsou nyní dostupnější a jsou přítomny téměř v každé praxi veterináře. Radiografie byla první technikou, která dorazila, a ultrasonografie nepochybně prohloubila další poznatky v oboru zobrazovacích metod. Ultrasonografie může ve skutečnosti poskytnout neocenitelné informace k potvrzení předpokládané diagnózy, pokud je klinik schopen provést a identifikovat normální ultrasonografický vzhled orgánů. Je obeznámen s variacemi od normálu a ví, jak je interpretovat ultrasonografické zobrazení interpretovat.
Cílem této knihy je poskytnout veterinárním lékařům vizuálního průvodce k provedení břišního ultrasonografického vyšetření u psů. Pomoci jim identifikovat poruchy, diagnostikovat a následně léčit onemocnění dutiny břišní. Autor vytvořil jednoduchý obrazový manuál, kde metodicky od seznámení s USG přístrojem, přes polohování pacienta, držení USG sondy a identifikace anatomických struktur na ultrasonogramu dle jednotlivých abdominálních anatomických struktur. V přehledných tabulkách jsou uvedeny diferenciální diagnózy lézí, které je možno identifikovatna ultrasonografech. Např. při vyšetření prostaty jsou fokální a anechogenní léze v seznamu diferenciálních diagnóz: prostatické cysty, abscesy, nekrózy. Kdežto fokální hypoechogenní noduly jsou novotvary. Hyperechodenní ohniska jsou příznaky kalikulů, prostatické kalcifikace, plynů. Zvýšení hyperechogenity může svědčit o benigní hyperplazie prostaty a zánětu prostaty. Pří smíšené echogenitě bychom měli mýt podezření na neoplazie a zánet prostaty.
Každý výtisk obdahuje přístupový kód této publikace. Pomocí tohoto kódu má čtenář možnost shlédnout 15 videosekvencí, které doplňují tuto publikaci. V závěru knihy je seznam doporučené literatury, která je uspořádaná dle kapitol publikace tak, aby si čtenář mohl prohloubit vědomosti a informace získané v této publikaci.

Autor: Panagiotis (Pete) Mantis is a Senior Lecturer in Radiology. He is an European Specialist in Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging and an RCVS Recognised Specialist in Diagnostic Imaging, and a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. Dr Mantis is a regular author, speaker and tutor on the subjects of small animal radiology, ultrasonography, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging. Pete Mantis graduated from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, in 1994. Between 1995 and 1998 he completed a small animal diagnostic imaging residency at the Royal Veterinary College in London. After completing his residency, Dr Mantis worked in first opinion practices and referral hospitals in London providing an emergency and diagnostic imaging consultancy service. In 1999, and for a year, he was part time radiologist at the Department of Clinical Radiology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Swedish Agricultural University in Uppsala. In 2000, he joined the Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences at the Royal Veterinary College and currently he is a Senior Lecturer in Diagnostic Imaging. His research covers all areas of imaging including MRI, CT, ultrasonography and radiology. Publications include retrospective and prospective studies. Dr Mantis is currently involved in a research project looking at ultrasonography of the canine and feline skin.

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Diagnostic imaging techniques are increasingly important in veterinary medicine. Even if in the past they required a heavy investment, the truth is they are now more affordable and present in almost every vet practice. Radiography was the first technique to arrive and ultrasonography has undoubtedly come to stay. In fact, ultrasonography may provide invaluable information to confirm presumptive diagnosis if, and only if, the clinician is able to perform and identify the normal ultrasonographic appearance of organs, is familiar with variations from normal, and knows how to interpret them. The aim of this book is to provide veterinary surgeons with a visual guide to perform abdominal ultrasonographic examination in dogs, helping them disorders and assisting with the diagnosis and treatment
Panagiotis Mantis
Panagiotis (Pete) Mantis is a Senior Lecturer in Radiology. He is an European Specialist in Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging and an RCVS Recognised Specialist in Diagnostic Imaging, and a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. Dr Mantis is a regular author, speaker and tutor on the subjects of small animal radiology, ultrasonography, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging.
Pete Mantis graduated from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, in 1994. Between 1995 and 1998 he completed a small animal diagnostic imaging residency at the Royal Veterinary College in London. After completing his residency, Dr Mantis worked in first opinion practices and referral hospitals in London providing an emergency and diagnostic imaging consultancy service.
In 1999, and for a year, he was part time radiologist at the Department of Clinical Radiology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Swedish Agricultural University in Uppsala. In 2000, he joined the Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences at the Royal Veterinary College and currently he is a Senior Lecturer in Diagnostic Imaging.
His research covers all areas of imaging including MRI, CT, ultrasonography and radiology. Publications include retrospective and prospective studies. Dr Mantis is currently involved in a research project looking at ultrasonography of the canine and feline skin.

1 Machine setup1
Before uishg the machine2
Machine buttosn and knobs2
A few quick notes6
2 Holding the transducer and transducer movements9
Holding the tranducers10
Tranducer mavements13
3 Liver and gallbladder17
Scanning technique18
Normal appearance22
Variations of normal23
Portosystemic vascular anomalies28
4 Spleen29
Scanning techniques30
Normal appearance32
Variations from normal33
Focal and multifocal lesions33
Diffuse changes36
5 Gastrointestinal tract39
Scanning techniques40
Small intestine42
Large intestine43
Normal appearance44
Small and large intestine46
6 Pancreas49
Scanning techniques50
Right pancras lobe50
Body of pankreas lobe53
Left pancres loba54
Normal apppearance56
Variations from normal56
7 Kidneys and ureters61
Scanning techniques62
Left kidney62
Right kidney64
Normal appearance64
Variations from normal68
8 Adrenal glands77
Scanning techniques78
Left adrenal78
Right adrenal80
Normal appearance84
Variations from normal85
9 Urinary bladder and urethra87
Scanning techniques88
Normal appearance92
Variations from normal94
10 Peritoneal cavity and lymph nodes and major abdominal vessels97
Scanning techniques98
Medial iliac lymph nodes99
Other lymphonodes100
Major abdominal vessels100
Normal appearance101
Variations from normal102
11 Prostate gland and testes109
Scanning techniques110
Prostate glands113
Normal appearance114
Prostate glands114
Variations from normal116
Prostate glands116
12 Ovaries, uterus, and mamary glands123
Scanning techniques124
Normal appearance127
Variations from normal129
Foetal measurements for estimation of the fetal age133
Abnormal pregnancy134
Mammary glands134
13 Overview of abdominal ultrasonography135
Preparation of the examination136
Recommended procedure for abdominal ultrasound examination136
Video 1 Liver and gallblader technique137
Video 2 Stomach technique137
Video 3 Spleen technique137
Video 4 Left limb of the pancras technique138
Video 5 Left kidney technique138
Video 6 Left adrenal technique138
Video 7 Medial iliac lymph node technique138
Video 8 Urinary bladder technique139
Video 9 Prostate technique139
Video 10 Uterus technique139
Video 11 Intestinal technique139
Video 12 Right kidney technique (small dog)140
Video 13 Right adrenal technique (small dog)140
Video14 Right pankreas technique140
Video 15 Right kidney technique (large dog)140
Video16 Right adrenal technique (large dog)141
Video 17 Right pankreas technique (large dog)141
Video 18 Body of the pankreas technique141
Recommended futhuer reading143