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Small Animal Anesthesia and Pain Management A Color Handbook 3rd Edition

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Již třetí kompletně přepracované vydání poskytuje nejnovější informace světa veterinární anesteziologie malých zvířat. Úvodní kapitoly popisují podrobně inhalační anestetické vybavení a jeho základního příslušenství, se zdůrazněním na zásadní roli předoperačních vyšetření a jejich interpretací. Další kapitoly pokračují systematickým úvodem do klinické anestetické praxe, od premedikace, dávkování, možnosti nitrožilní indukce a až po diskuzi o moderních inhalačních anestetikách. Tyto kapitoly osvětlují nově schválený lék a ukazují praktické použití Zenalpha® (medetomidin a vatinoxan) pro řadu kombinací při sedaci a anestezii psů a koček.

Aktualizované kapitoly také pokrývají širokou škálu scénářů a postupů, včetně:

Injekční a sedativní kombinace.
Sledování hloubky anestezie a antinocicepce pomocí přístrojů EEG (elektroencefalografie) a analýzy parasympatického tónu (PTA).
Komplexní poradenství při zasahování v případech abnormalit.
Anesteziologické úvahy, management a intervence.
Běžně se vyskytující problémy s EKG (elektrokardiografií).
Anestezie pro minimálně invazivní endoskopické výkony a pravidelnou endoskopii.
Lokoregionální bloky zahrnující jak tradiční, tak ultrazvukem řízené metody.
Akupunktura, bylinná medicína a fotobiomodulační terapie.
Tento klinicky zaměřený text čerpá z praktických zkušeností a klinických důkazů z různých zdrojů. Poskytuje dávkování léků a anestetické protokoly v tabulkové formě, doplněné více než 400 ilustracemi, které zlepšují porozumění a vizuální jasnost.

Anestezie a léčba bolesti u malých zvířat se stala základním kamenem výuky veterinární praxe a i v tomto třetím vydání nadále poskytuje neocenitelné praktické informace pro praktiky malých zvířat, veterinární techniky/zdravotní sestry a také studenty veterinární a veterinární ošetřovatelství.

Autor: Jeff C. Ko

Cena s DPH:  asi 4320 Kč
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Základní informace
NakladatelCRC Press
VydáníIII. vydání 2025
Počet stran520

In this thoroughly updated and much expanded third edition, this book dive provides comprehensive coverage of the world of veterinary anesthesia and pain management. Opening with a detailed exploration of inhalant anesthetic equipment and its essential accessories, emphasizing the crucial role of preoperative blood work and its interpretations, coverage continues with a systematic introduction to clinical anesthetic practice, encompassing premedication drugs and dosages, intravenous induction options, and concluding in a discussion of modern inhalant anesthetics. These chapters shine a spotlight on a newly approved drug, showcasing the practical application of Zenalpha® (medetomidine and vatinoxan) for a range of sedative and anesthetic combinations in dogs and cats.
Updated chapters also cover a wide range of scenarios and procedures, including:
Injectable and sedative combinations.
Monitoring anesthetic depth and antinociception, utilizing EEG (electroencephalography) and Parasympathetic Tone Analysis (PTA) devices.
Comprehensive guidance on intervening in cases of abnormalities.
Anesthetic considerations, management, and interventions.
Commonly encountered ECG (electrocardiography) issues.
Anesthesia for minimally invasive endoscopic procedures and regular endoscopy.
Locoregional blocks, including both traditional and ultrasound-guided methods.
Acupuncture, herbal medicine, and photobiomodulation therapy.
This clinically focused text draws upon practical experience and clinical evidence from various sources. It provides drug dosages and anesthetic protocols in tabular form, complemented by over 400 illustrations that enhance comprehension and visual clarity.
Small Animal Anesthesia and Pain Management has become a cornerstone in veterinary practice education and, with this third edition, it continues to provide invaluable practical information for small animal practitioners, veterinary technicians/nurses, as well as veterinary and veterinary nursing students.
Dr Jeff Ko earned his veterinary degree from Taiwan in 1981 and pursued advanced studies and residency training in veterinary anesthesiology at the University of Illinois between 1990-1992. Commencing his academic journey as an assistant professor at Virginia Tech between 1992-1994. He obtained his diplomate status in 1995. He then ascended through the ranks at the University of Florida and Oklahoma State University, ultimately achieving the position of full professor in 2005. Since 2006, he has held the roles of full professor and clinical anesthesiologist at Purdue University.
With a prolific career, Dr. Ko has authored over 110 scientific articles in esteemed journals. His expertise has led him to deliver numerous presentations to veterinary practitioners, both domestically and internationally. A prominent focus of his work lies in injectable anesthetic combinations, which have become integral to daily practice for many professionals.
More recently, Dr. Ko has directed his attention toward the utilization of electroencephalography and Parasympathetic Tone Analysis monitors for gauging anesthesia depth and monitoring nociception levels. This strategic approach, applied in both clinical settings and research endeavors, showcases his evolving interests.
The culmination of Dr. Ko's extensive experience and wisdom, along with contributions from other experts, is manifested in this third edition of the book. This book offers a swift and accessible overview, enriched with a multitude of visual aids including pictures, tables and figures. With years of collective insights, it stands as a concise, yet comprehensive resource tailored to students, technicians, and practitioners.

Jeff Ko Chapter 1: Essential equipment for inhalant anesthesia
Jeff Ko Chapter 2: Necessity of Preoperative Blood Work and Urine Analysis for Anesthesia
Jeff Ko Chapter 3: Preanesthetic medication: drugs and dosages
Jeff Ko Chapter 4: Intravenous Anesthetic Agents: Versatile Options for Dogs and Cats
Jeff Ko Chapter 5: Inhalant anesthetic agents
Jeff Ko Chapter 6: Anesthesia monitoring and management
Jeff Ko Chapter 7: Optimizing Anesthesia Depth and Pain Control: Applying Electroencephalography and Heart Rate Variability Monitoring for Individualized Care
Ann Weil and Jeff Ko Chapter 8: Perioperative fluid therapy
Paula Johnson and J. Catharine Scott-Moncrieff Chapter 9: Blood components and transfusion therapy
Jeff Ko Chapter 10: Injectable sedative and anesthesia–analgesia combinations for surgical and diagnostic procedures
Ann Weil and Jeff Ko Chapter 11: Considerations for Anesthesia in Specific Diseases and Organ Dysfunction
Ann Weil and Jeff Ko Chapter 12: Anesthetic Considerations for Airway and Thoracic Surgery with Emphasis on Optimal Airway Management and Ventilation
Ann Weil Chapter 13: Anesthetic considerations for upper and lower gastrointestinal endoscopic procedures
Ann Weil Chapter 14: Anesthetic considerations for minimally invasive surgical procedures
Ann Weil Chapter 15: Anesthetic considerations for neurologic patients
Carla Murillo and Jeff Ko Chapter 16: Anesthetic considerations for common ophthalmic surgery
Bonnie L Hay Kraus Chapter 17: Anesthetic considerations for orthopedic surgical patients
Jeff Ko Chapter 18: Anesthetic Considerations in Dental and Oral-Facial Surgeries
Elizabeth J Thomovsky and Aimee C Brooks Chapter 19: Analgesia and sedation of emergency/intensive care unit patients
Jeff Ko Chapter 20: Anesthetic emergencies and cardiopulmonary resuscitation
Jeff Ko Chapter 21: Perioperative cardiac arrhythmias and treatments
Jeff Ko and Tomohito Inoue Chapter 22: Local anesthetic agents and anesthetic techniques
Lauren Duffee Chapter 23: Ultrasound-guided locoregional blocks: An emerging trend in veterinary practice for dogs and cats
Jeff Ko Chapter 24: Acute pain management and principles
Talisha M Moore and Stephanie A Thomovsky Chapter 25: Management of neuropathic pain in dogs and cats
Tamara L Grubb Chapter 26: Chronic pain management for osteoarthritis in dogs and cats
Nicholas J Rancilio and Keiko Murakami Chapter 27: Oncologic pain management and radiation therapy
Lisa A Miller and Andrea L Looney Chapter 28: Photobiomodulation therapy in pain management
Kim Mayers and Stephanie A Thomovsky Chapter 29: Acupuncture and Herbal Therapies For Pain Management In Small Animals
Stephanie A Thomovsky and Kim Mayers Chapter 30: Rehabilitation and pain management for veterinary patients
Jeff Ko Chapter 31: Enhancing Anesthesia and Pain Management in Shelter Medicine: Practical Protocols and Considerations
Ann Weil and Jeff Ko Chapter 32: Streamlining Anesthesia and Surgery Management for Veterinary Hospitals: Practical Insights for Optimal Care
Jeff Ko Chapter 33: Compassionate Euthanasia in Veterinary Practice: Methods, Considerations, and Careful Implementation
Appendix (Anesthetic dosage reference ranges)
