Internetové knihkupectví s veterinární tématikou
Publikace je koncipována jako praktický průvodce chirurgickou a nechirurgickou léčbou ran malých zvířat. Zaměřuje se na chirurgické a nechirurgické techniky léčby široké škály ran, které lékaři v jakékoli fázi klinické praxe ošetřují ve veterinárních praxích. Tato učebnicová publikace je komplexním, ale dostupným průvodcem léčby ran u malých zvířat a pokrývá všechny důležité způsoby léčby ran s dostupnými produkty. Diskutovaná témata sahají od anatomie poraněných tkání, fází hojení a klasifikace ran až po počáteční ošetření, obvazy, vakuové obvazy a chirurgické rekonstrukce. V publikaci čtenáři také najdou:
Pokyny krok za krokem pro použití inovativních nástrojů pro léčbu ran, jako je hyperbarická oxygenoterapie, laserová terapie, léčba pomocí kmenových buněk/trombocytů, pijavice a červi.
Podrobné diskuse o konkrétních použitích a indikacích pro topických přípravků, obvazy, drény, obvazy a mnoho dalších nástrojů a technik.
Klinicky orientované kapitoly nabízející tipy pro konkrétní rány, jako jsou popáleniny, kousnutí, poranění očních víček, rtů a uší a nekrotizující fasciitida.
Publikace je ideální praktickou referencí pro všechny studenty veteriny, veterinární lékaře malých zvířat a veterinární chirurgy, kteří hledají komplexního průvodce ranami, které ošetřujeme. Nicole J. Buote, MVDr., DACVS-SA, zakládající člen ACVS pro minimálně invazivní chirurgii (měkké tkáně), je spolupracovník
Autor: Nicole J. Buote
Nakladatel | Wiley-Blackwell |
ISBN | 9781119933823 |
Vydání | 2024 |
Vazba | pevná |
Počet stran | 404 |
A thorough and practical guide to the surgical and non-surgical treatment of small animal wounds Techniques in Small Animal Wound Management focuses on surgical and non-surgical management techniques for the wide variety of wounds that clinicians in any stage of training or clinical practice treat in veterinary medicine. A comprehensive but accessible guide to wound management in small animal patients, this textbook covers all important wound management modalities and available products. Topics discussed range from the anatomy of wounded tissues, phases of healing, and classification of wounds to initial treatments, dressings, vacuum-assisted bandages, and surgical reconstructions. In Techniques in Small Animal Wound Management, readers will also find: • Step-by-step instructions for using innovative wound management tools such as hyperbaric oxygen therapy, laser therapy, stem cell/platelet-derived treatments, leeches, and maggots. • Detailed discussions of specific uses and indications for topicals, dressings, drains, bandages, and many other tools and techniques. • Clinically oriented chapters offering tips for specific wounds such as burns, bite wounds, eyelid, lip, and ear wounds, and necrotizing fasciitis. Techniques in Small Animal Wound Management is an ideal practical reference for all veterinary students, small animal veterinary practitioners, and veterinary surgeons looking for a comprehensive guide to the wounds we treat. Nicole J. Buote, DVM, DACVS-SA, ACVS Founding Fellow Minimally Invasive Surgery (Soft Tissue), is Associate P
List of Contributors | xv |
Foreword | xvii |
Preface | xix |
About the Companion Website | xxi |
1 The Skin | 1 |
Cutaneus Immune Barrier | 3 |
Pigmentation | 5 |
The Normal Keratinization Process | 11 |
The Abnormal Keratinization Process | 12 |
Dermis | 15 |
The Hypodermis (Subdermis or Subcutis or Superficial Fascia) | 17 |
Connective Tissue and Fascia | 23 |
Skeletal Muscle | 26 |
Skeletal Muscle Trauma and Regeneration | 28 |
References | 30 |
2 Physiology of Wound Healing and Clinical Considerations | 37 |
Stages of Wound Healingh | 37 |
Proliferative Stage | 41 |
Conclusion | 49 |
References | 49 |
3 Postoperative Complications | 53 |
Introduction | 53 |
Seromas | 54 |
Wound Dehiscence (Indolent Pockets, Pseudo Healing) | 57 |
Biofilms | 65 |
References | 68 |
4 Wound Types and Terminology | 73 |
Classifications of Veterinary Wounds | 73 |
Wound Closure | 80 |
References | 82 |
Patient Presentation and Evaluation of Wound | 85 |
Initial Stabilization of the Wound Patient | 85 |
Acute Critical Wound Patients | 85 |
Stable and/or Chronic Wound Patients | 89 |
Evaluation of Patient Factors | 90 |
Evaluation of Wound Factors | 92 |
Initial Treatment | 93 |
Decision-Making for Primary Closure | 95 |
Debridement | 95 |
Drain and Bandage Placement | 98 |
References | 101 |
6 Cleansing Solutions | 103 |
Cleansing Solutions | 103 |
Tap Water | 106 |
Isotonic Intravenous Crystalloid Fluid Preparations (e.g., 0.9% Saline, Lactated Ringer's Solution, Hartman's Solution, Plasmalyte, Normosol) | 106 |
Antiseptic Solutions | 106 |
References | 109 |
7 Topicals | 111 |
Hydrogels | 111 |
Zinc-Oxide Hydrophilic Pastes | 113 |
Honey/Sugar | 114 |
Antimicrobials (Nitrofurazone, Triple Antibiotic, Silver Sulfadiazine) | 117 |
Triple Antibiotic (Neomycin, Polymixin B, and Bacitracin) | 118 |
Silver Sulfasalazine | 119 |
Oxygen | 120 |
Nitrous Oxide | 120 |
Miscellaneous Topicals | 121 |
References | 123 |
8 Wound Dressings | 127 |
Moist Wound Healing | 127 |
Characterization of Dressings | 127 |
Adherent Dressings - Woven Gauze and Lap Sponges | 131 |
Non-adherent Semiocclusive (Porous-Dry or Petrolatum-Impregnated) | 132 |
Absorbent | 133 |
Moisture Retentive Dressings | 135 |
Antimicrobial | 138 |
Bioelectric Dressings | 141 |
Xenograft Dressings | 143 |
Miscellaneous | 149 |
References | 150 |
9 Drains: How and When to Place Them | 155 |
Passive Drains | 155 |
Closed-Suction/Active Drains | 158 |
References | 163 |
10 Vacuum-Assisted Bandages (Negative Pressure Wound Therapy) | 145 |
Physiology | 165 |
Increased Granulation Tissue | 165 |
Reduced Bacterial Load | 166 |
Increased Blood Flow | 167 |
Decreased Hematoma and Seroma Formation | 168 |
Increased Cytokines/Growth Factors | 168 |
Microdeformation with In-Vitro Modeling | 168 |
Indications of NPWT | 168 |
Description of Technique | 169 |
Postoperative Care | 173 |
Outcomes/Complications | 173 |
References | 174 |
11 Biologic Treatments | 177 |
Subsection A: Medicinal Leech Therapy | 177 |
Anatomy and Physiology | 177 |
Indications | 179 |
Description of Technique | 181 |
Postoperative Care | 185 |
Outcomes/Complications | 186 |
References | 188 |
Subsection B: Maggot Therapy | 191 |
Background/Physiology | 191 |
Indications | 192 |
Description of Technique | 193 |
Post-Procedural Care | 195 |
Outcomes/Complications | 196 |
References | 200 |
12 Bandages | 205 |
Introduction | 205 |
Light or Modified Robert Jones Bandage | 205 |
Wet-to-Dry or Dry-to-Dry Bandages | 208 |
Tie-Over Bandages | 210 |
References | 214 |
13 Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy | 215 |
Introduction | 215 |
Physiology | 215 |
References | 224 |
14 Low Level Laser, Photobiomodulation and Electromagnetics for Wound Therapy | 225 |
Low Level Laser Therapy | 225 |
Photobiomodulation | 226 |
Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy | 228 References |
15 Platelet Rich Plasma and Stem Cell Therapy | 233 |
Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy | 233 |
Stem Cell Therapy | 241 |
Combinational Therapy Using PRP and Stem Cell Therapy | 246 |
References | 247 |
16 Reconstructive Techniques for Wounds | 253 |
Equipment | 253 |
Basic Tissue Handling Tenants | 256 |
Skin Tension | 257 |
Tension-Relieving Techniques | 258 |
Triangular, Square, Rectangle Wounds | 264 |
Circular and Crescentic Wounds | 266 |
Skin Flaps | 267 |
Specific Axial Pattern Flaps | 272 |
Skin Grafting | 281 |
References | 285 |
17 Specific Wounds | 289 |
Subsection A: Bite Wounds - A Case Study | 289 |
Presenting Signs | 289 |
Examination and Initial Wound Characteristics | 289 |
Diagnostics | 289 |
Initial Therapy and Procedure | 289 |
Follow-up Bandage Care | 290 |
Surgical Procedure | 292 |
Outcome | 292 |
Prognosis | 292 |
Clinical Lessons | 293 |
Subsection B: Penetrating Wounds | 295 |
Clinical Presentation | 295 |
Triage and Imaging | 297 |
Management Plans | 298 |
Prognosis | 301 |
References | 301 |
Subsection C: Abscess Case Study | 303 |
Presenting Signs | 303 |
Outcome | 305 |
Prognosis | 305 |
Subsection D: Burns | 309 |
Clinical Presentation | 309 |
Anatomy and Physiology of Burns | 309 |
Comparative Aspects of Burn Physiology | 309 |
Acute Management Plan | 310 |
Bandage Management | 312 |
Split Thickness Grafts | 312 |
Possible Complications | 313 |
Future Directions | 313 |
Prognosis | 313 |
References | 314 |
Subsection E: Wounds Over Joints | 315 |
Clinical Presentation | 315 |
Specific Challenges | 315 |
Management Plans | 316 |
Prognosis | 317 |
References | 319 |
Subsection F: Shearing Wounds - Case Study | 321 |
Presenting Signs | 321 |
Outcome | 323 |
Prognosis | 323 |
Subsection G: Necrotizing Fasciitis (Necrotizing Soft Tissue Infections) | 327 |
Presenting Signs | 327 |
Wound Characteristics | 327 |
Physiologic Effects | 328 |
Shock/Sepsis | 329 |
Prognosis | 332 |
References | 332 |
Subsection H: Snakebites | 335 |
Presenting Signs | 335 |
Wound Characteristics | 335 |
Physiologic Effects | 337 |
Treatment | 339 |
Possible Complications | 340 |
Prognosis | 340 |
References | 342 |
Subsection I: Pythiosis | 343 |
Introduction | 343 |
Presenting Signs | 343 |
Diagnosis | 344 |
Wound Characteristics | 344 |
Physiologic Effects | 345 |
Treatment | 345 |
Possible Comlipatons | 349 |
Prognosis | 349 |
References | 349 |
Subsection / Evelld Wounds | 387 |
Introduction | 381 |
Presenting Signs | 352 |
Physiologic Effects | 354 |
Treatment | 354 |
Possible Complications | 350 |
Prognosis | 350 |
References | 350 |
Subsection K: Lip Wounds | 361 |
Introduction | 361 |
Anatomic Considerations | 361 |
Wound Characteristics | 362 |
Surgical Treatments | 362 |
Avulsion Injuries | 365 |
Primary Repair | 365 |
Wedge Resection Techniques | 365 |
Full-Thickness Advancement Flaps Full-Thickness | 365 |
Postoperative Care | 367 |
Complications | 369 |
Prognosis | 369 |
References | 369 |
Subsection L: Pinna Wounds | 371 |
Anatomic Considerations | 371 |
Wound Characteristics | 371 |
Surgical Treatments | 372 |
Postoperative Care | 374 |
Complications | 376 |
Prognosis | 377 |
References | 377 |
Subsection M: Circumferential Wounds - A Case Study | 379 |
Introduction | 379 |
Case 1 | 379 |
Other Examples of Circumferential Injuries | 383 |
Case 2 | 383 |
Case 3 | 383 |
Clinical Lessons | 384 |
References | 385 |
Subsection N: Preputial Reconstruction-Hypospadia Case Study | 387 |
Presenting Signs | 387 |
Examination and Wound Characteristics | 387 |
Diagnostics | 387 |
Surgical Procedure | 387 |
Outcome | 388 |
Prognosis | 388 |
Clinical Lessons | 388 |
Index | 393 |