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Textbook of Rabbit Medicine, 3rd Edition

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Již třetí vydání králičí učebnice poskytuje informace nejenn o zdraví, ale i nemocech domácího králíka. Kapitoly chronologicky postupují od základního vyšetření , přes klinickou patologii, terapii, anestezii, chirurgii, nemocech a poruchách tělesného systému. Vydání bylo aktualizováno s ohledem na nejnovějšími pokroky a techniky. Obsahuje praktické rady k tématům, jako je očkování, kastrace, kontrola reprodukce a problémy s chováním. Mezinárodně uznávané autorka Molly Varga Smith čerpala z klinických informací z celého světa a vytvořila tímto globální zdroj informací v oboru králičí medicíny.
Nově v tomto vydání
Důkladně aktualizované a rozšířené kapitoly jsou zahrnuty v celé knize, zejména o stomatologii.
Doplněné kapitoly o základní a pokročilé chirurgii, endokrinologii a zobrazovacích metodách.
Aktualizované informace o všech lécích, anestetikech a technikách jsou zahrnuty v celé knize.
Plně prohlížitelná vylepšená elektronická verze knihy je součástí každého zakoupení nové kopie tištěné knihy, která umožňuje přístup k veškerému textu a obrázkům na různých digitálních zařízeních po dobu vydání publikace.
Barevné ilustrace a diagramy pomáhají zdůraznit a objasnit řešený problém.
Podrobné výkresy poskytují jasnou představu o jedinečné anatomii a fyziologii králíka.
Klinické techniky jsou uvedeny v tabulkách, které jsou plné tipů od klinického praktika.
Souhrnné tabulky zdůrazňují užitečné informace, jako jsou diferenciální diagnózy a léky používané k léčbě specifických stavů.

Autor: Molly Varga Smith, BVetMed, CertZooMed, DZooMed (Mammalian), MRCVS, Associate Veterinary Surgeon

Cena s DPH:  asi 3099 Kč
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Základní informace
NakladatelElsevier Saunders
VydáníIII. vydání 2023
Počet stran464

Provide effective treatment of pet rabbits with this practical, evidence-based resource! Textbook of Rabbit Medicine, 3rd Edition provides authoritative coverage of the health and diseases of the domestic rabbit. Chapters follow a logical progression from basic rabbit science to clinical pathology, therapeutics, anesthesia, diseases and disorders by body system, and surgery. This edition is updated with the latest advances and techniques, and includes practical advice on topics such as vaccination, neutering and reproductive control, and behavior problems. Written by exotics specialist Molly Varga Smith, and drawing from clinical information from around the world, this book is a truly global resource in veterinary medicine.
New to this edition
NEW! Thoroughly updated and expanded chapters are included throughout the book, most notably on dentistry.
NEW! Chapters on basic and advanced surgery, shelter medicine, endocrinology, and imaging are added.
NEW! Updated information on all drugs, anesthetics, and techniques is included throughout the book.
NEW! Fully searchable enhanced eBook version is included with each purchase of a new copy of the print book, which allows access to all of the text and figures on a variety of digital devices.
Key Features
Comprehensive, in-depth, and authoritative coverage addresses health and diseases of the domestic rabbit.
Evidence-based coverage makes this book an excellent resource for the effective treatment of pet rabbits.
Color illustrations and diagrams help to emphasize and clarify key content.
Detailed drawings provide a clear understanding of the rabbit’s unique anatomy and physiology.
Key Points boxes summarize important information.
Clinical Techniques boxes are packed with tips from a practicing expert who regularly applies this same information in practice.
Summary tables highlight useful information such as differential diagnoses and the drugs used to treat specific conditions.

Author Information
By Molly Varga Smith, BVetMed, CertZooMed, DZooMed (Mammalian), MRCVS, Associate Veterinary Surgeon

Preface to the Second EditionIV
Preface to the Third EditionV
Part I: Rabbit Basic Science1
1: Rabbit Basic Science1
1.1. Biological Characteristics of the Domestic Rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus)1
1.2. Housing and Husbandry3
1.3. Digestive Anatomy, Physiology, and Nutrition9
1.4. Taking a Clinical History40
1.5. Handling43
1.6. External Characteristics and Physical Examination45
1.7. Reproduction and Neutering56
1.8. Vaccination and Preventive Medicine60
1.9. Stress62
1.10. Hospitalization and Clinical Techniques64
Part II: Rabbit Medicine77
2: Clinical Pathology77
2.1. Hematology and Biochemistry77
2.2. Hematology78
2.3. Biochemistry82
2.4. Enzymes88
2.5. Acid–Base Balance91
2.6. Hormones92
2.7. Adrenal Hormones92
2.8. Thyroid Hormones92
2.9. Miscellaneous Assays93
2.10. Urine Examination93
2.11. Feces Examination94
2.12. Laboratory Examination of Hair95
2.13. Cerebrospinal Fluid96
3: Therapeutics100
3.1. Special Considerations When Prescribing for Rabbits100
3.2. Veterinary Medicines That Are Used in Rabbits103
3.3. Probiotics114
3.4. Prebiotics115
3.5. Antifungal Preparations115
3.6. Corticosteroids116
3.7. Anabolic Steroids116
3.8. Nonsteroidal Antiinflammatory Drugs117
3.9. Prokinetic Drugs119
3.10. Parasiticides121
3.11. Miscellaneous Preparations124
3.12. Topical Preparations126
3.13. Cardiac Drugs127
3.14. Respiratory Drugs128
3.15. Urinary Tract Drugs129
3.16. Drugs Used in Peripheral or Central Vestibular Disease130
3.17. Drugs Used for Seizures130
3.18. Fluid Therapy130
4: Anesthesia and Analgesia138
4.1. Challenges Encountered When Anesthetizing Rabbits138
4.2. Reducing Anesthetic Risk in Rabbits140
4.3. Anesthetic Equipment141
4.4. Drugs, Analgesics, and Anesthetic Agents Used in Rabbit Anesthesia141
4.5. Maintenance of Anesthesia149
4.6. Monitoring Anesthesia151
4.7. Use of Ventilators152
4.8. Postoperative Care152
5: Digestive Disorders156
5.1. Digestive Physiology156
5.2. Interrelating Factors in Digestive Disease159
5.3. Gastrointestinal Hypomotility161
5.4. Gastric Ulceration170
5.5. Gastric Dilatation and Intestinal Obstruction171
5.6. Disorders of Caecotrophy174
5.7. Epizootic Rabbit Enteropathy177
5.8. Caecal Impaction179
5.9. Dysautonomia180
5.10. Enteric Diseases Caused by Specific Pathogens181
5.11. Poisoning187
5.12. Approach to an Outbreak of Enteric Disease in a Breeding Colony188
6: Dental Disease192
6.1. Dental Anatomy of the Domestic Rabbit Oryctolagus cuniculus192
6.2. Mastication193
6.3. Factors That Affect Tooth Shape in Rabbits196
6.4. Dental Disorders of Pet Rabbits198
6.5. Acquired Dental Disease in Pet Rabbits200
6.6. Clinical Conditions Associated With Dental Problems in Rabbits208
6.7. Examination of the Teeth212
6.8. Radiography213
6.9. Treatment of Dental Disorders of Rabbits213
6.10. Dietary Advice for Rabbits With Dental Disease219
7: Abscesses224
7.1. Causes of Abscesses in Pet Rabbits225
7.2. Diagnosis of Abscesses in Rabbits225
7.3. Treatment of Abscesses231
7.4. Prognosis for Facial Abscesses in Rabbits239
8: Skin Diseases242
8.1. Underlying Causes of Skin Disease in Rabbits242
8.2. Examination of the Skin242
8.3. Grooming and Dematting Rabbits243
8.4. Molting243
8.5. Alopecia243
8.6. Injection Reactions245
8.7. Dermatitis and Bacterial Skin Disease245
8.8. Fly Strike (Myiasis)249
8.9. Disease of the Outer Ear251
8.10. Ulcerative Pododermatitis252
8.11. Contact Dermatitis259
8.12. Self-Mutilation259
8.13. Eosinophilic Granuloma260
8.14. Treponematosis or “Rabbit Syphilis”260
8.15. Parasitic Skin Disease261
8.16. Ringworm263
8.17. Skin Nodules264
8.18. Papillomas265
8.19. Diseases of the Mammary Gland265
8.20. Connective Tissue Disease265
8.21. Sebaceous Adenitis265
9: Ophthalmic Diseases268
9.1. Ocular Anatomy and Physiology268
9.2. Conjunctival Flora270
9.3. Examination of the Eye270
9.4. Relationship Between Dental Disease and Ophthalmic Conditions of PetRabbits
9.5. Congenital Ocular Conditions271
9.7. Diseases of the Globe277
9.8. Intraocular Neoplasia279
9.9. Enucleation of the Eye of a Rabbit279
10: Neurological and Locomotor Disorders282
10.1. Investigation of Neurological and Locomotor Disorders282
10.2. Lameness282
10.3. Neurological Diseases283
10.4. Encephalitozoon cuniculi285
10.5. Seizures290
10.6. Generalized Muscular Weakness in Rabbits290
10.7. Spinal Disorders295
11: Cardiorespiratory Disease300
11.1. Anatomy and Physiology of the Respiratory System300
11.2. Respiratory Diseases300
11.3. Nasal Foreign Bodies307
11.4. Dyspnea308
11.5. Heat Stroke308
11.6. Cardiovascular Disease309
12: Urogenital Diseases314
12.1. Anatomy of the Urogenital Tract314
12.2. Renal Function in Rabbits315
12.3. Urine Examination316
12.4. Lower Urinary Tract Disease316
12.5. Renal Disease323
12.6. Reproductive Disease326
13: Endocrine Diseases332
13.1. The Pancreas332
13.2. The Adrenal Gland333
13.3. The Thyroid Gland333
13.4. The Parathyroid Gland333
13.5. Anterior Pituitary Gland334
14: Infectious Diseases of Domestic Rabbits335
14.1. Parasites of Rabbits335
14.2. Ectoparasites335
14.3. Endoparasites341
14.4. Protozoa342
14.5. Bacterial Diseases350
14.6. Viral Diseases355
14.7. Mycotic Infections361
15: Shelter Medicine for Domestic Rabbits365
15.1. What Is Shelter Medicine, and How Do We Apply This to Domestic Rabbits?365
15.2. Decision-Making, Ethics, and Welfare366
15.3. Biosecurity, Disease Transmission, and Infectious Disease Outbreaks366
15.4. Preventive Medicine368
15.5. Dealing With Encephalitozoonosis in a Shelter Environment369
15.6. Dealing With Coccidiosis in a Shelter Environment369
15.7. Dealing With Pasteurella in a Shelter Environment370
15.8. Recognizing and Addressing Stress in a Rabbit Shelter370
15.9. Environmental Enrichment in a Shelter Environment370
15.10. Recognizing Nonaccidental Injury371
16: Diagnostic Imaging372
16.1. Introduction372
16.2. Radiography372
16.3. Ultrasonography386
16.4. Endoscopy390
16.5. Computed Tomography392
16.6. Magnetic Resonance Imaging
17: Rabbit Basic Surgery401
17.1. Surgical Consideration401
17.2. Reproductive Tract Surgery402
17.3. Surgery of the Urinary Tract405
17.4. Surgery of the Gastrointestinal Tract407
18: Neutering and Reproductive Control411
18.1. Neutering411
18.2. Chemical Control of Reproduction416
19: Rabbit Advanced Surgery417
19.1. Ear Surgeries417
19.2. Nasal Cavity Surgeries421
19.3. Thoracic Surgery424
19.4. Liver Surgeries426
19.5. Orthopedic Surgeries427
Appendix A: Abdominal Distension: Female438
Appendix B: Abdominal Distension: Male439
Appendix C: Abnormal Respiration440
Appendix D: Anorexia441
Appendix E: Ataxia (Paresis, Paralysis, Head Tilt)
Appendix F: Changes to Fur or Skin443
Appendix G: Exophthalmos444
Appendix H: Diarrhea445
Appendix I: Lameness446
Appendix J: Polydipsia/Polyuria447
Appendix K: Seizures448
Appendix L: Sudden Death449
Appendix M: Weight Loss450