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The Cat Clinical Medicine and Management 2nd Edition

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• Předkládá nejnovější pokroky v kočičí medicíně a je nejkomplexnější referenční publikací o kočkách.
• Zabývá se klíčovými tématy, která jsou specifická pro kočičí medicínu a která v současnosti nejsou popsány v literatuře včetně: postřehů a klinických pokroků, které lze připsat mapování kočičího genomu; zdravotních stavů spojených s poruchami chování; léčby kočičího pacienta s koexistujícími a chronickými chorobami; speciálních lékařských postupů a úvah při péči o geriatrickou kočku; obohacování životního prostředí kočičích pacientů; původců kočičích zoonóz a důsledků na lidské zdraví; humánních řešení azylových kočičích útulků a problémy s přemnožením.
• Publikace pomáhá uspokojit rostoucí poptávku po informacích o nejmodernějších lékařských postupech a péči o kočky, včetně pokročilých diagnostických vyšetření a léčebných postupů, které zlepšují kvalitu života kočičích společníků.
• Plnobarevný design se stovkami schematických výkresů, tabulek, boxů, klíčových bodů, algoritmů a fotografií poskytuje rychlý a snadný přístup k informacím.
• Poskytuje podrobné informace o domácích kočkách a starších kočkách, včetně aktuálních návodů, jak splnit očekávání majitelů zaručující delší a plnohodnotnější život jejich mazlíků.
• Řeší problémy přemnožení koček, zejména humánní přístupy zlepšující kvalitu života milionů divokých a komunitních koček. Poskytuje řešení minimalizace jejich výskytu a dopad na veřejné zdraví a ohrožené druhy volně žijících zvířat.
• Prezentuje informace a příspěvky od přibližně 80 přispěvatelů. Mnoha z nich, kteří působí mimo USA poskytují globální perspektivu a cenné odborné znalosti v oboru kočičí lékařské péče.

Autor: Susan Little

Cena s DPH:  asi 4914 Kč
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Základní informace
NakladatelElsevier Saunders
VydáníII. vydání 2024
Počet stran1636

Comprehensive in scope and exclusively devoted to feline medical care, Dr. Susan
Little's The Cat: Clinical Medicine and Management, 2nd Edition, is an essential
resource for providing complete, state-of-the-art care to cats. Authoritative, clinically
focused information is enhanced by full-color images, tables, boxes, algorithms, key
points, and more — all in an easy-to-understand, quick-reference format. Dr. Little and
her expert contributors address the unique concerns and challenges facing any
practitioner providing care for cats, including the latest advances in feline medical
diagnosis and management and the clinical applications to everyday practice. An eBook
version, included with print purchase, provides access to all the text, figures, and
references, with the ability to search, customize content, make notes and highlights, and have content read aloud. The eBook also offers convenient video lessons and client

Comprehensive in scope and exclusively devoted to feline medical care, Dr. Susan Little's The Cat: Clinical Medicine and Management, 2nd Edition, is an essential resource for providing complete, state-of-the-art care to cats.
Authoritative, clinically focused information is enhanced by full-color images, tables, boxes, algorithms, key points, and more — all in an easy-to-understand, quick-reference format. Dr. Little and her expert contributors address the unique concerns and challenges facing any practitioner providing care for cats, including the latest advances in feline medical diagnosis and management and the clinical applications to everyday practice.
New Features
NEW! eBook version, included with print purchase, provides access to all the text, figures, and references, with the ability to search, customize content, make notes and highlights, and have content read aloud. The eBook also offers convenient client handouts.
NEW! Assimilates the fear-free approach to providing care for cats in veterinary practice.
NEW! Incorporates techniques used to create a "cat-friendly" practice — a growing trend popular with feline and mixed practice veterinarians, and one that can increase the practice’s revenue.
NEW! Includes icons throughout that direct to related client handouts or videos available in the eBook version included with print purchase.
Expert coverage of the unique concerns and challenges facing any practitioner
providing care for cats
• Covers the latest advances in feline medicine from a systemic and adjunctive
care perspective, making it the most comprehensive feline medical reference
available with a strong clinical focus.
• Addresses key topics unique to feline medicine and not currently covered in
other books, including: insights and clinical advances attributable to the mapping of
the feline genome; medical conditions associated with behavioral problems;
managing the feline patient with co-existing and chronic diseases; special medical
problems and care considerations for the geriatric cat; environmental enrichment for
the indoor cat; feline zoonotic agents and implications for human health; and humane
solutions for shelter medicine and overpopulation challenges.
• Helps meet the increasing demand for state-of-the-art medical care by cat
owners, including advanced diagnostic services and treatments designed to extend
and improve quality of life for feline companions.
• Features a full-color design with hundreds of schematic drawings, tables,
boxes, key points, algorithms, and photographs for quick and easy access to
• Provides in-depth information on indoor cats and senior cats, including timely
guidance on meeting owners' expectations for longer, healthier lives for their cats.
• Addresses the challenges of cat overpopulation, particularly humane approaches
to improve quality of life for millions of feral and community cats and minimize their
impact on public health and endangered species of animals.
• Presents information written in the manner of expanded conference
proceedings, delivering the latest insights and most current approaches to
management of feline medical disorders.
• Includes contributions from approximately 80 contributors, including many from
outside the US, to provide a global perspective and valuable expertise from those
most knowledgeable in the field of feline medical care.

1. Understanding the Cat and Feline-Friendly Handling2
2. The Cat-Friendly Practice37
3. Deciphering the Cat: The Medical History and Physical Examination45
4. Guidelines and Precautions for Drug Therapy in Cats64
5. Fluid Therapy75
6. Assessment and Management of Pain113
7. Principles of Anesthesia160
8. Preventive Health Care for Cats210
9. Clinical Pathology238
10.Essential Emergency and Critical Care Techniques277
11. Chronic Disease Management290
12. Kitten Development320
13. Normal Behavior of Cats329
14. Kitten Socialization and Training Classes336
15. Behavioral History Taking343
16. Behavior Problems349
17. Behavioral Therapeutics368
18. The Unique Nutritional Requirements of the Cat: A Strict Carnivore380
19. Nutrition for the Normal Cat387
20. Nutritional Disorders392
21. Nutritional Management of Diseases401
22.Current Controversies in Feline Nutrition432
23. Cardiovascular Diseases446
24. Dental and Oral Diseases481
25. Dermatology523
26. Digestive System, Liver, and Abdominal Cavity570
27. Endocrinology721
28. Hematology and Immunology822
29. Musculoskeletal Diseases878
30. Neurology917
31. Oncology953
32. Ophthalmology999
33. Respiratory and Thoracic Medicine1035
34. Toxicology1096
35. Urinary Tract Disorders1124
36. Concurrent Disease Management1215
37. Fungal Diseases1254
38. Selected Vector-Borne Diseases1273
39. Viral Diseases1281
40. Bacterial Infections1324
41. Molecular Assays Used for the Diagnosis of Feline Infectious Diseases1344
42. Feline Zoonotic Diseases and Prevention and Transmission1351
43. Control of Reproduction1364
44. Male Cats: Normal Reproduction, Reproductive Diseases and Conditions1371
45. Femal Cats: Normal Reproduction, Reproductive Diseases and Conditions1381
46. Pediatrics1417
47. Managing the Senior Cat1442
48. Care and Control of Community Cats1464
49. Population Wellness: Keeping Cats Physically and Behaviorally Healthy1487
50. A Short Natural History of the Cat and Its Relationship with Humans1526
51. The Feline Genome and Clinical Implications1534
52. Genetics of Feline Diseases and Traits1541