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The Immunology of the Cat

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Publikace je prvním uceleným přehledem o imunitním systému koček. Informuje o všech imunologických aspektech nemocí kočky a jejích příbuzných. Spojuje nejnovější základní vědu s důležitými klinickými problémy. Kniha začíná evolucí, domestikací a vývojem kočky, poté poskytuje podrobné informace o imunitě vůči infekčním chorobám, alergickým onemocněním, nejčastějším autoimunitním chorobám a imunodeficiencím koček. Publikace objasňuje problematiku vakcín pro kočky, přecitlivělost, rakovinu, výživu a geriatrii koček. Profesionálové ve veterinárním výzkumu a praxi ocení kompletní informace o všech aspektech imunologie koček v jednom základním zdroji.

Autor: Ian R Tizard

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NakladatelElsevier Saunders
Počet stran464

The Immunology of the Cat makes available the first single-source, comprehensive review of the feline immune system, reporting on all immunologic aspects of diseases of the cat and its relatives and relating recent basic science to important clinical issues. The book opens with the evolution, domestication, and development of the cat then provides detailed information on immunity to infectious diseases, feline allergic diseases, the top feline autoimmune diseases, and feline immunodeficiencies. Content examines feline vaccines, hypersensitivity, cancer, nutrition, and the aged cat. Professionals in veterinary research and practice will appreciate complete information on all aspects of feline immunology in one essential resource.
Key features
Introduces the first comprehensive review of feline immunology
Links recent basic science to important clinical issues
Provides detailed and current information in one resource

About the author

Ian R Tizard
Ian R. Tizard, BVMS, BSc, PhD, DSc (Hons), DACVM, is a Diplomate of the American College of Veterinary Microbiologists and a University Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Immunology, Department of Veterinary Pathobiology, The Texas Veterinary Medical Center at Texas A &M University (TAMU), College Station, Texas, USA. Dr. Tizard earned his Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine and Surgery from the University of Edinburgh, Scotland, in 1965. He then completed a Bachelor of Science in Pathology and a PhD in Immunology. After completing his studies, Dr. Tizard became a Post-Doctoral Fellow at the University of Guelph, where he remained as a professor until 1982 when he moved to TAMU. Dr. Tizard wrote the first standardized textbook on Veterinary Immunology in 1977. This text, now in its 11th edition, is used worldwide, and has played a major role in establishing Immunology among the key disciplines.

Affiliations and expertise
University Distinguished Professor of Immunology Emeritus, Department of Veterinary Pathobiology, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas

Table of contents
Cover image
Title page
Table of Contents
Chapter 1. The evolution and domestication of the cat
The origins of the Feliformes
The domestication of the cat
Cat breeds
Chapter 2. Feline ontogeny, reproduction, and lactation
Feline pregnancy
Ontogeny of the immune system
Feline colostrum
Failure of passive transfer
Duration of maternal immunity
Chapter 3. Innate immunity in cats
Sentinel cells
Pattern recognition receptors
Antimicrobial peptides
The feline complement system
Chapter 4. Feline leukocytes and erythrocytes
Extracellular traps
Blood transfusions
Hemolytic disease of the newborn
Parentage testing
Blood typing
Chapter 5. The feline sickness response
Effects on the brain
Effects on the liver
Protein misfolding diseases
Inflammatory disease syndromes
Chapter 6. Feline cytokines, chemokines, and interferons
Inflammatory cytokines
Regulatory cytokines
T-cell products
Other inflammatory cytokines
Cytokine receptors
Chapter 7. Feline antigen presenting cells: Dendritic cells and macrophages
Dendritic cells
Feline macrophages
Antigen processing
Histiocytosis and histiocytomas
Chapter 8. The feline lymphoid system
Sources of lymphocytes
Primary lymphoid organs
Secondary lymphoid organs
Chapter 9. The feline major histocompatibility complex
Major histocompatibility complex
FLA class I region
FLA class I molecules
FLA class II region
FLA class II molecules
FLA class III region
MHC molecules and feline diseases
Chapter 10. Feline innate lymphoid cells
Innate helper cells
Natural killer cells
NK cell receptors
Effector mechanisms
NKT cells
Chapter 11. Feline humoral immunity
B-cell antigen receptors
Feline heavy chains
Feline light chains
B-cell responses
B-cell activation
Plasma cells
Memory B-cells
Germinal centers
Myelomas and plasmacytomas
Chapter 12. Feline T-cells and cell-mediated immunity
T cells
T-cell antigen receptors
T-cell activation
Helper T-cells
Cytotoxic T-cells
T-cell regulation
Regulatory T-cells
Th17 cells
Memory T-cells
Chapter 13. Immunity on feline body surfaces
The skin
Respiratory tract
Urogenital tract
Gastrointestinal tract
Mucosal lymphoid tissues
Adaptive immunity
Food tolerance
Chapter 14. The feline microbiota and dysbiosis
The evolution of carnivory
The hygiene hypothesis
The normal feline microbiota
The skin
The respiratory tract
The genitourinary system
The gastrointestinal tract
Feline inflammatory bowel diseases
Chapter 15. Feline vaccines
Antibacterial vaccines
Antiviral vaccines
Other important vaccines
Cat allergen vaccines
Maternal antibodies
Special management issues
Adverse events
Chapter 16. Selected feline infectious diseases
Antibacterial immunity
Immunity to fungi
Immunity to viruses
Feline coronaviruses
Immune responses
Chapter 17. Immunity to selected feline parasites
Immunity to protozoa
Immunity to helminths
Immunity to arthropods
Chapter 18. Feline anaphylaxis and allergic diseases
The hygiene hypothesis
Feline IgE
Feline anaphylaxis
Feline asthma
Feline atopic skin syndrome
Feline parasite allergies
Feline food allergies
Feline drug allergies
Additional information
Chapter 19. Feline eosinophilic diseases
Eosinophil contents
Eosinophil activation
Eosinophilic granuloma complex
Other eosinophilic diseases
Chapter 20. Feline hypersensitivity diseases
Localized type III hypersensitivity lesions
Systemic type III hypersensitivity reactions
Feline vasculitis
Type IV hypersensitivities
Further information
Chapter 21. Cancer immunology and immunotherapy
The cancer immunity cycle
Tumor immunotherapy
Passive immunization
Active immunization
Feline lymphoid tumors
Feline leukemia
Feline injection site sarcomas
Chapter 22. Feline inflammatory diseases
Sterile nodular panniculitis
Feline idiopathic cystitis
Feline chronic gingivostomatitis
Feline triaditis
Immune-mediated arthritis
Erosive polyarthritis
Nonerosive arthritis
Neurologic diseases
Further information
Chapter 23. Feline autoimmune diseases
Autoimmune endocrine diseases
Autoimmune neurological disease
Autoimmune skin diseases
Hair follicle diseases
Autoimmune blood diseases
Lymphocytic cholangitis
Autoimmune muscle diseases
Systemic lupus erythematosus
Discoid lupus erythematosus
Relapsing polychondritis
Further information
Chapter 24. Feline immunodeficiency diseases
Primary immunodeficiencies
Secondary immunodeficiencies
Chapter 25. Nutrition and the feline immune system
Measuring immune function
Carnivory and its adaptations
Chapter 26. Immunity in the geriatric cat
Innate immunity
Lymphoid organs
Adaptive immunity
The aged microbiota
