Internetové knihkupectví s veterinární tématikou
Čtvrté plně přepracované a rozšířené vydání seznamuje čtenáře s veterinární epidemiologií. Nové vydání je rozšířeno o nové kapitoly observačních studií, validitě v epidemiologických studiích, systematických přehledech a statistickém modelování.
Uvádí aktualizace všech kapitol, které poskytují aktuální zdroj na téma veterinární epidemiologie
Představuje nové kapitoly nezbytné pro další rozvoj oboru
Zahrnuje příklady z domácích zvířat, dobytka a ptačí medicíny, stejně jako nemoci vodních živočichů
Zaměřuje se na principy a koncepty epidemiologie, dozoru a diagnostického testování a validace a výkonu
Zahrnuje přístup k doprovodné webové stránce poskytující otázky s možností výběru
»Veterinární epidemiologie« je neocenitelným odkazem pro praktické veterinární lékaře, vládní veterináře, zemědělské ekonomy a členy dalších oborů, které se zajímají o nemoci zvířat. Je to také nezbytná četba pro studenty epidemiologie na pregraduální i postgraduální úrovni.
Autor: Michael Thrusfield, Robert Christley
Nakladatel | Wiley-Blackwell |
ISBN | 9781118280287 |
Vydání | IV. vydání 2018 |
Vazba | brožovaná |
Počet stran | 888 |
This fully revised and expanded edition of »Veterinary Epidemiology« introduces readers to the field of veterinary epidemiology. The new edition also adds new chapters on the design of observational studies, validity in epidemiological studies, systematic reviews, and statistical modelling, to deliver more advanced material.
Features updates of all chapters to provide a current resource on the subject of veterinary epidemiology
Presents new chapters essential to the continued advancement of the field
Includes examples from companion animal, livestock, and avian medicine, as well as aquatic animal diseases
Focuses on the principles and concepts of epidemiology, surveillance, and diagnostic-test validation and performance
Includes access to a companion website providing multiple choice questions
»Veterinary Epidemiology« is an invaluable reference for veterinary general practitioners, government veterinarians, agricultural economists, and members of other disciplines interested in animal disease. It is also essential reading for epidemiology students at both the undergraduate and postgraduate levels.
MICHAEL THRUSFIELD is Professor of Veterinary Epidemiology at the Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies in the University of Edinburgh in Edinburgh, UK.
ROBERT CHRISTLEY is Professor of Epidemiology and One Health at the Institute of Infection and Global Health and the Institute of Veterinary Science in the University of Liverpool in Liverpool, UK.
From the preface to the first edition
From the preface to the second edition
From the preface to the third edition
Preface to the fourth edition
About the companion website
1 The development of veterinary medicine Michael Thrusfield
2 The scope of epidemiology Michael Thrusfield
3 Causality Michael Thrusfield
4 Describing disease occurrence Michael Thrusfield
5 Determinants of disease Michael Thrusfield
6 The transmission and maintenance of infection Michael Thrusfield
7 The ecology of disease Michael Thrusfield
8 Patterns of disease Michael Thrusfield
9 Comparative epidemiology Michael Thrusfield
10 The nature of data Michael Thrusfield
11 Data collection and management Michael Thrusfield
12 Presenting numerical data Michael Thrusfield and Robert Christley
13 Surveys Michael Thrusfield and Helen Brown
14 Demonstrating association Michael Thrusfield
15 Observational studies Michael Thrusfield
16 Design considerations for observational studies Robert Christley and Nigel French
17 Clinical trials Michael Thrusfield
18 Validity in epidemiological studies Robert Christley and Nigel French
19 Systematic reviews Annette O Connor, Jan Sargeant and Hannah Wood
20 Diagnostic testing Michael Thrusfield
21 Surveillance Michael Thrusfield
22 Statistical modelling Robert Christley and Peter J. Diggle
23 Mathematical modelling Michael Thrusfield
24 Risk analysis Michael Thrusfield and Louise Kelly
25 Economics and veterinary epidemiology Keith Howe and Michael Thrusfield
26 Health schemes Michael Thrusfield
27 The control and eradication of disease Michael Thrusfield
Appendix I: Glossary of terms
Appendix II: Basic mathematical notation and terms
Appendix III: Some computer software
Appendix IV: Veterinary epidemiology on the Internet
Appendix V: Student s t-distribution
Appendix VI: Multipliers used in the construction of confidence intervals based on the Normal distribution, for selected levels of confidence
Appendix VII: Values of exact 95% confidence limits for proportions
Appendix VIII: Values from the Poisson distribution for calculating 90%, 95% and 99% confidence intervals for observed numbers from 0 to 100
Appendix IX: The 2 distribution
Appendix X: Technique for selecting a simple random sample
Appendix XI: Sample sizes
Appendix XII: The probability of detecting a small number of cases in a population
Appendix XIII: The probability of failure to detect cases in a population
Appendix XIV: Sample sizes required for detecting disease with probability, p1, and threshold number of positives
Appendix XV: Probabilities associated with the upper tail of the Normal distribution
Appendix XVI: Lower- and upper-tail probabilities for Wx, the Wilcoxon Mann Whitney rank-sum statistic
Appendix XVII: Critical values of T + for the Wilcoxon signed ranks test
Appendix XVIII: Values of K for calculating 95% confidence intervals for the difference between population medians for two independent samples
Appendix XIX: Values of K for calculating 95% confidence intervals for the difference between population medians for two related samples
Appendix XX: Common logarithms (log10) of factorials of the integers 1 999
Appendix XXI: The correlation coefficient
Appendix XXII: The variance-ratio (F) distribution