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Veterinary Oral Diagnostic Imaging

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Publikace je kompletní reference o použití diagnostického zobrazování ve veterinární stomatologii a interpretaci diagnostiky orální dutiny psů, koček, exotických mazlíčků, zoologických zvířat a koní v běžné stomatologické a ústní chirurgické veterinární praxi. Poskytuje návod na polohování pacientů, techniky a interpretace diagnostických zobrazení v dutině ústní s více než 600 vysoce kvalitními stomatologickými diagnostickými snímky ukazující normální a abnormální anatomii. Publikace obsahuje také pokročilé modality, jako např. MRI, CT a CT s kuželovým paprskem. Publikace je základním zdrojem informací pro každého veterináře poskytujícího stomatologické služby na svém pracovišti.
Publikace zahrnuje kapitoly o:
historii, fyziologii a indikaci k diagnostickému zobrazování dutiny ústní s informacemi o diagnostického zobrazování a vytváření rentgenových snímků,
digitálním dentálním radiografickém polohování a značení snímků, s využitím paralelní techniky, půlícího úhlu,
radiografických chybách při polohování a labiální montáži,
anatomii zahrnující normální rentgenovou anatomii, chrup a číslování zubů,
dočasných a trvalých zubech psích a kočičích pacientů,
vzorcích prořezávání psů a koček, které byly pozorovány při neobvyklých radiologických patologiích,
standardním zobrazování, radiografická anatomii a interpretaci koňských pacientů, stejně jako exotických domácích a zoo zvířat.

Autor: BL Mulherin

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Complete reference on using diagnostic imaging in veterinary dentistry and interpreting diagnostic images in dogs, cats, exotic pets, zoological animals, and horses. Veterinary Oral Diagnostic Imaging offers veterinary clinicians a complete guide to using diagnostic imaging for common dentistry and oral surgery procedures in a veterinary practice. It provides guidance on positioning, techniques, and interpreting diagnostic images in the oral cavity, with more than 600 high-quality dental diagnostic images showing both normal anatomy and pathology for comparison. Focusing on dental radiography in dogs, cats, exotic pets, zoological animals, and horses, the book also includes advanced modalities such as
MRI, CT, and cone beam CT.
Veterinary Oral Diagnostic Imaging covers:
History, physiology, and indications for diagnostic imaging of the oral cavity, with information on the history of diagnostic imaging and radiographic image creation.
Digital dental radiographic positioning and image labeling, covering the parallel technique, bisecting angle, radiographic positioning errors, and labial mounting.
Interpretation of anatomy, covering normal radiographic anatomy, dentition and tooth numbers, deciduous and permanent teeth of canine and feline patients, eruption patterns and common and uncommon radiographic pathology observed in these animals. Standard imaging, radiographic anatomy, and interpretation of equine patients, as well as exotic pocket
pets and zoological animals. Focusing on the fundamentals of dental radiographic imaging, interpretation, and applications to the oral cavity,
Brenda L. Mulherin, DVM, Diplomate AVDC, is a Clinical Professor with the Lloyd Veterinary Medical Center at Iowa State University College of Veterinary Medicine in Ames, Iowa, USA.

List of ContributorsXV
Chapter 1 History, Physiology, Modality Options, and Safety for Diagnostic Imaging of the Oral Cavity1
History of Diagnostic Imaging1
Discovery of X-rays1
Developing of Safety Measures1
Shortening of Exposure Time1
Glass Plates to Film1
Progression to Digital2
Philosophy of Diagnostic Imaging2
Choosing the Appropriate Modality2
Ability to Interpret Findings3
Radiographic Indications3
Documentation of Disease3
Value of Full Mouth Radiography3
American Animal Hospital Association Guidelines Regarding Dental Radiography3
Intraoral Dental Radiographic Equipment3
Wall Mount units4
Handheld Units4
Mobile Units/Castor Mounted Units4
Standard Film5
Digital Image Acquisition6
Radiographic Imaging7
Basic Unit of an X-ray7
Milliamperes (mA), Kilovoltage peak (kVp), and Exposure Time8
Radiographic Densities9
Digital Image Creation10
Creation of a Digital Image10
Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine Format (DICOM)10
Advanced Imaging Modalities10
Computed Tomography10
Cone Beam Tomography (CBCT)12
Magnetic Resonance Imaging13
Definitions Related to Imaging Modalities13
Sagittal Plane13
Transverse Plane13
Dorsal Plane14
Computed Tomography Window Width and Window Level14
Window Width15
Window Level15
Other Common Viewing Windows16
Bone Window16
Soft Tissue Window16
Radiation Safety16
Radiation Safety Apparel16
As Low As Reasonably Achievable (ALARA)17
Time, Distance, and Shielding17
Radiation Safety Equipment Inspection17
Protective apparel17
Care of Radiation Safety Equipment18
Radiation Safety Inspection Protocol19
Chapter 2 Digital Dental Radiographic Positioning and Image Labeling23
Benefits of Proper Positioning23
Practicing Techniques23
Use of Position Indicating Device (PID)23
Positioning Techniques24
Patient Positioning24
Sternal Recumbency25
Lateral Recumbency25
Dorsal Recumbency25
Sensor/Plate/Film Placement26
Basic Positioning of Sensor27
Eliminating Unused Film Space29
Visualization of the Crown and Space Apical to the Root29
Intra Oral Parallel Technique30
Ideal Radiographic Technique30
Placement of Sensor for Parallel Technique31
Size Matters31
Alternative Positioning32
Parallel Technique for Cats32
Intra Oral Bisecting Angle Technique32
Plane of the Tooth, Film, and the Angel that Bisects32
Shadow Game: Elongation, Foreshortening, and the Bisecting Angle32
Axis of the Sensor, the Tooth and the PID33
Positioning of the Patient Matters35
Anatomical Variations36
Uses of the Bisecting Angle Technique36
Occlusal Technique37
Feline Maxillary Premolar and Molar Teeth37
Extraoral Technique37
“Almost Parallel” or “Near Parallel” Technique39
Maxillary Premolars and Molar in Cats39
Decrease Superimposition of Zygomatic Arch39
Localization of Palatal Roots39
Techniques for Imaging Caudal Teeth in Small Patients43
Technique Errors44
Foreshortening and Elongation44
Cone Cutting46
Missing the Apex47
Overexposed and Underexposed49
Repeat Radiographs51
Chapter 3 Interpretation of Normal Radiographic Anatomy55
Value of Intraoral Radiographic Imaging55
Value of Radiographs in dogs55
Value of Radiographs in Cats55
Quality of images56
Exposure Artifacts56
Positioning Techniques56
Paralel Technique56
Bisecting Angle Techniques56
Positioning Artifacts56
Cone Cutting56
Missing the Apex57
Mounting of Standard Dental Radiographs57
Types of Mounting57
Labial Mounting57
Lingual Mounting57
Labial Mounting of Standard Dental Radiographic Film57
Lingual Mounting of Standard Film57
Digital Radiographic Mounting58
Labial Mounting- Positioning of Teeth59
Determining Maxilla from Mandible59
Determining Right from Left59
Modified Triadan Numbering System62
Deciduous vs Permanent Teeth65
Eruption Patterns65
Mixed Dentition66
Interpretation of Images70
Tooth Root Numbers75
Maxillary Teeth75
Mandibular Teeth77
Evaluation of the Structures82
Root Formation92
Abnormalities associated with Cementum92
Periodontal Ligament92
Missing or Supernumerary Teeth98
Supernumerary Roots99
Reduced Number of Roots and Root Malformations101
Developmental Root Abnormalities101
Bone Loss105
Horizontal Bone Loss105
Vertical Bone Loss105
Furcation Bone Loss105
Interpretation of Radiographic Shadows105
Diagrams of Normal Radiographic Anatomy of the Dog and Cat109
Where to Begin?109
Chapter 4 Interpretation of Common Oral Pathology in the Canine Patient119
Periodontal Disease119
Stages of Periodontal Disease120
Types of Bone Loss123
Horizontal Bone Loss123
Vertical Bone Loss123
Furcation Bone Loss124
Supernumerary Roots and Teeth129
Canine Tooth Resorption131
Types of Tooth Resorption132
External Surface Resorption132
External Replacement Resorption132
External Inflammatory Resorption132
External Cervical Root Surface Resorption132
Treatment of Tooth Resorption134
Odontogenic Cysts135
Dentigerous Cysts135
Periapical Cysts137
Treatment for Odontogenic Cysts138
Tooth Fractures138
Root fractures142
Retained Tooth Roots142
Endodontic Disease143
Radiographic Signs of Endodontic Disease148
Widened Periodontal Ligament Space148
Loss of Lamina Dura148
Periapical Lucency148
External and Internal Root Resorption149
Widened Pulp Canal150
Pulp Canal Calcification150
Apical Periodontitis151
Acute Apical Abscess151
Chronic Apical Absces152
Endodontic Therapy154
Root Canal Therapy154
Vital Pulp Therapy156
Attrition and Abrasion157
Eruption Abnormalities159
Persistent Deciduous Teeth159
Unerupted Teeth162
Abnormal Eruption163
Chapter 5 Interpretation of Common Oral Pathology in the Feline Patient167
Periodontal Disease167
Types of Bone Loss168
Buccal Alveolar Expansile Osteitis (BAEO)168
Tooth Resorption168
Stages of Periodontal Disease177
Stages of Tooth Resorption177
Type of Tooth Resorption180
Criteria for Performing Crown Amputation/Intentional Root Resorption180
Osteomyelitis and Osteitis185
Retained Tooth Roots187
Endodontic Disease187
Chapter 6 Oral Surgery: Neoplasia and Cystic Conditions199
Radiographic indications of neoplasia (benign and malignant)199
Benign oral tumors200
Canine Acanthomatous Ameloblastoma (CAA)200
Peripheral Odontogenic Fibroma (POF)200
Feline Inductive Odontogenic Tumor (FIOT)201
Malignant oral tumors201
Nontonsillar Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC)201
Papillary Squamous Cell Carcinoma (PSCC)203
Oral Malignant Melanoma (MM)204
Fibrosarcoma (FSA)206
Osteosarcoma (OSA)206
Multilobular Osteochondrosarcoma (MLO)208
Radiographic indications of cystic conditions209
Dentigerous Cyst209
Radicular Cyst212
Canine Furcation Cyst213
Surgical Ciliated Cyst213
Lateral Periodontal Cyst213
Odontogenic Keratocyst/Canine Odontogenic Parakeratinized Cyst216
Compound and complex odontomas216
Limitations of dental radiography for neoplasia216
Chapter 7 Interpretation of Uncommon Pathology in the Canine and Feline Patient235
Unicommon conditions with predilection for canine patients235
Craniomandibular Osteopathy (CMO)235
Idiopathic Calvarial Hyperostosis237
Periostitis Ossificans (PO)237
Malformed Roots/Root Hypoplasia238
Dens invaginatus/Dens in Dente240
Uncommon conditions observed in both canine and feline patients245
Masticatory Myositis245
Pulp Stones and Denticles246
Renal Secondary Hyperparathyroidism248
Enamel Pearls252
Uncommon conditions with predilection for feline patients253
Dentition Abnormalities253
Fused Roots254
Supernumerary Roots256
Supernumerary Teeth257
Abnormal Eruption257
Unerupted Teeth258
Patellar Fracture and Dental Anomaly Syndrome (PADS) or Knees and Teeth Syndrome258
Chapter 8 Diagnostic Imaging of Exotic Pet Mammals and Zoo Animals265
Dental Diagnostic Imaging for Non-Traditional (Exotic) Animals265
General considerations for Exotic Companion Mammals266
Knowledge of normal anatomy266
General Positioning and Projection Recommendations267
Standard Radiography267
Standard Radiographic Positions267
Lateral and dorsoventral268
Oblique Views270
Intraoral radiographs272
Intraoral films used extraorally275
Magnification techniques275
Anatomical variations275
Guinea Pigs and Chinchillas276
Rats, Mice, Hamsters, Gerbils and other commonly kept rodent pets283
African Pygmy Hedgehogs287
Sugar Gliders289
Prairie dogs293
Captive Non-domestic or “Wild” Mammals293
Small Zoologic species293
Non-human Primates293
Radiographic Positioning and Techniques in Captive Animals297
Animal Training300
Other Dental Conditions in Zoologic Animals304
Macropod Progressive Periodontal Disease (MPPD)304
Molar Progression308
Advanced Diagnostic Imaging in Exotic Pet Mammals and Zoo Animals308
Standard Computed Tomography308
Cone Beam Computed Tomography312
Micro-Computed Tomography316
Considerations for Computed Tomography321
Chapter 9 Diagnostic Imaging and Interpretation of the Equine Patient331
Introduction to Equine Dental Radiographs331
Radiation Safety331
Radiographic Systems331
Direct Digital Radiographic System331
Computed Tomography331
Standard Radiographic System331
Radiographic Technique331
Guidelines for Radiographic Views331
Concepts to Understand331
Directing the Primary Beam Through the Interproximal Spaces333
Open Mouth Oblique Cheek Teeth Projections334
Radiographic Views334
Lateral View334
Dorsoventral View336
Ventral Dorsal Oblique Projection of maxillary cheek teeth340
Ventral Dorsal Oblique Projection of the mandibular cheek teeth340
Dorsal Ventral Oblique Projection of the mandibular cheek teeth340
Occlusal Intraoral View of the maxillary incisors and canines340
Occlusal Intraoral View of the mandibular incisors and canines343
Evaluation of an Image346
Labial mounting346
Radiographic anatomy347
Radiographic changes in dental disease350
Equine Odontoclastic Tooth Resorption and Hypercementosis (EOTRH)352
Apical infections352
Periodontal disease354
Other Common abnormalities358
Chapter 10 Advanced Imaging of the Veterinary Patient373
Introduction to the use of advanced imaging techniques in the maxillofacial region373
Choosing Advanced Imaging373
Determining Between MRI or CT373
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)373
Technical principles of MRI373
T1 and T2 Weighted Sequences374
Other MRI Sequences375
Indications for use of MRI over CT in the maxillofacial region376
Temporomandibular joint disease376
Salivary gland disease376
Abnormalities in the muscles of mastication and inability to open/close mouth376
Conclusions on the clinical indication for use of MRI377
Computed Tomography (CT)379
Technical principles of Multi-Detector CT (MDCT)380
Technical principles of Cone Beam CT (CBCT)382
Viewing CT images383
Differences in imaging characteristics between CBCT and MDCT387
Spatial resolution387
Soft tissue imaging387
Other impactful differences in practical use between MDCT and CBCT389
Indications for use of either MDCT or CBCT in the maxillofacial region389
Maxillofacial trauma389
Bony pathology390
Fibro-osseous disease390
Osseous neoplasia391
Indications for MDCT only (not CBCT) in the maxillofacial region395
Oral neoplasia with a soft tissue component395
Soft tissue pathology395
Indications for CBCT only (not MDCT) in the maxillofacial region395
Dentoalveolar trauma396
Periodontal disease396
Endodontic disease396
Tooth resorption399
Diagnosis and treatment of missing teeth401
Conclusions on the clinical indication for use of CBCT versus MDCT402